A man’s star sign can instantly tell you so much there is to know about his personality traits, what he’s like in romantic relationships, who he’s most compatible with, and what he’s like as a lover.
If you’re crushing on a Libra man and maybe even find him irresistible, you probably want to learn as much as you possibly can about him. It probably won’t be surprising to learn that Libras rank as #3 on our list of zodiac signs that make the best boyfriends ranked from best to worst.
So, to help you do some research before your next date, we’ve compiled a complete guide on dating a Libra man.
Read on for the top 12 things you should know.
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Who Is a Libra Man?

Libra is the seventh zodiac sign, represented by scales and ruled by the planet Venus – the planet of love, romance and relationships. He’s born between September 23rd and October 22nd.
Just like the scales that signify their star sign, the Libra is always seeking a sense of balance and harmony. He’s an air sign, filled to the brim with dreams and romantic thoughts. He can remain a mystery for a while, so finding out more about him is a good idea.
If you are thinking about dating a Libra man, here are the 12 things to keep in mind when it comes to his personality traits and what he is like in a relationship.
1. He’s a skilled communicator.

The Libra man is an expert communicator. While he does talk a lot, he’s also got perfect timing and always knows the perfect thing to say in any situation.
He comes across as tactful, diplomatic, and charismatic, and he can usually make you laugh even when he doesn’t plan to. He’s so good at communication that you’ll have no doubt your friends and family will love him.
Because he’s so articulate, he seeks to date someone who’s just as articulate, intelligent, and quick-witted. He appreciates when the woman he’s with is a good listener. When he wants to make a point about something he’s passionate about, no one can shut him up.
2. He’s completely alluring.

The Libra man is one of the most alluring signs, which makes many women fantasize about him – and even Insta-stalk him. He’s a complex being, with mystery and charm that are magnetic to those around them.
The Libra man can be so charming that it’s hard to tell what they’re thinking. They can be very elusive, when they wish to be.
3. He’s notoriously indecisive.

The scales of the Libra man make him famously indecisive, perhaps the most indecisive of all the zodiac signs, along with Gemini. Because he can’t quite make up his mind, he’s known to often be unreliable – which can be quite frustrating in a romantic relationship.
The Libra man is easily influenced, and can usually go either way. you’ll never know whether he will keep a promise, show up, or even give you a straight answer.
If you’re dating a Libra man, be ready to face the challenging situation of having to organize everything with them and getting them to commit to plans. You may find yourself having to make all the decisions on their behalf, since they usually don’t mind either option that is presented to them.
4. He’s open minded.

The indecisive nature of the Libra man makes him extremely open-minded, adventurous and spontaneous. He’s usually willing to find the best solution to any problem. When he’s got a strong opinion about something, trust that he will voice it. I
He’s always looking for the silver lining in every cloud, no matter how stormy it may appear. He somehow always appears relaxed when the going gets tough.
5. He’s universally well-liked.

The Libra man exudes a likeability that makes people attracted to him. You’d struggle to find an unpopular Libra man. He doesn’t believe in arguing with friends or causing drama.
The Libra man rarely has enemies, and is definitely a people-person. His confident is attractive to people, and he feels at ease in most social settings. He doesn’t mind being thrown into an unfamiliar environment surrounded by strangers – he quickly makes himself at home.
The Libra man rarely says “no” to an opportunity to socialize. He’s got a knack for making people relax in his company. He enjoys bringing people together and surrounding himself with many people, on multiple occasions.
6. He likes a decisive woman.

The Libra man often seeks his opposite in the dating scene, and appreciates a woman who is willing to work to get his attention. He appreciates her confidence and taking initiative. He’s a star sign that can’t deal with rejection, so make sure you give him clear signs that you are or aren’t interested.
He’ll chase you and try to impress you, but needs to know that it’s safe for him to do so. Don’t play coy with him!
7. He can be a big flirt.

The Libra man can be a shameless flirt. – it’s just in his nature. He’s confident, quick-witted, and charming, and he knows it. He likes the attention from women and likes to be flattered, so he’ll respond with flirtation, even unintentionally, whenever he gets the chance.
As hard as it may be, don’t take it personally! It’s really his true nature. You’ll be better off learning how to deal with it and ignoring it rather than trying to change it.
8. He’s a committed partner.

Regardless of the flirting, once he commits to you, the Libra man will be extremely loyal. It’s very rare for him to stray once he’s found his dream girl. So much so, it may be impossible to break up with him.
Even if a relationship isn’t quite working for both parties anymore, the Libra man will do everything in his power to convince you to stay with him. He just can’t stand the idea of being dumped and rejected.
Once he commits, he truly commits and that’s it. It goes without saying that the Libra man despises dishonesty. He demands loyalty from the woman in his life, and wants people to respect his boundaries.
9. He can be really sensitive.

You may see the strong masculine side of your Libra man most of the time, but he can also be extremely sensitive and kind-hearted, and can show a lot of empathy when the situation requires it.
Beware of hurting his feelings. He tends to be quite good at holding a grudge and not saying what’s actually wrong. He might mull it over for days or even weeks before addressing it openly and honestly.
10. He can be really lazy.

He can be extremely lazy, both mentally and physically. His relaxed attitude about life and responsibilities often makes him sit around hours – and even days on end. Long conversations about him can bore him. He has no patience for deciphering subtle hints or reading between the lines.
The Libra man doesn’t feel like going the extra mile with anything; he just doesn’t care for it, which can be extremely frustrating to any woman dating him.
11. He has poor spending habits.

One of the typical characteristics of a Libra man is self-indulgence, in any aspect of life. He appreciates luxury, quality, and expensive things, which can get him in trouble for his spending habits.
He likes to treat himself to newer gadgets even if he doesn’t really need them. When it comes to spending, he weighs in all the pros and cons of a product, before making a purchase. But once he’s decided he rarely changes his mind, and just doesn’t know where to draw the line.
The fact that he does appreciate the finer things in life, means that you won’t find it hard to get him a good gift or surprise him, especially at the start of the relationship. A date planned to perfection, fine dining, and adventurous experience will leave him swooning.
12. He doesn’t appreciate criticism.

Want to keep a Libra man happy forever? Flatter him, and avoid criticizing him – because he simply sees it as rejection. His intelligence and his perspective on things tend to be slightly different from that of others, and he sees himself as more evolved.
If you disagree with him, put your point across in a diplomatic and logical rather than as downright criticism. If you think you can make him hear you by nagging him, think again. He’ll simply tune it out and get on with his life as normal.
The Bottom Line
The Libra man yearns for your love and attention. The more you give him, the calmer he’ll be – and the more effort he’ll put in bed!
If you love your Libra man and can find a way to put up with his annoying indecisiveness, perfectionism, and laziness, then you’ve got yourself a partner for life. You know that he’ll put you first and never stray.
He might not go the extra mile in terms of proving his undying love for you and might not shower you with as much attention as you do him, but he’ll be by your side, through thick and thin.
If you’d like to find out more about a different Zodiac or other star sign compatibilities, check out our complete guide to Horoscopes – and learn how they impact relationships.