Pisces is undoubtedly one of the star signs with the biggest feelings and emotional range in the zodiac wheel. Born between February 19 and March 20, this water sign is depicted by two fishes and ruled by the planet Neptune.
The Pisces woman is the last sign in the zodiac, and is known for somehow carrying all the emotional burdens of the signs that precede her. What she’s best known for is her ability to create, imagine and feel deeply.
Read on to learn more about what a Pisces woman is like in love and relationships, and for the best star sign matches that are compatible with her creative nature.
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The Pisces Woman in Life and Relationships

The Pisces woman is a great friend and partner, one who almost feels like an on-call therapist. She observes, listens and understands, but doesn’t leap to offering unsolicited advice.
She’s a true daydreamer, feels multiple emotions at once, and can sometimes seem detached from the present.
The Pisces woman often seeks to escape and immerses herself in life, art, travel, and really anything that fills her compassionate, imaginative soul with happiness.
She’s a gentle, sensitive soul who feels her emotions strongly.
What She Looks For in a Partner

Her best match is one who helps her stay grounded in reality, and helps bring out her best self. Since she’s often floating in the clouds and daydreaming, her ideal match will be a realist, practical, down to earth and stable (read: earth sign).
Someone Who Values Her As She Is
A Pisces is most focused on her creative side, seeking new and innovative ways of expressing herself. She needs a partner who can help her deal with the practicalities of day-to-day life, and also help her bring her visions to life.
She looks for someone who admires her creative side, and never tries to squander it. Rather, he brings tactical, practical solutions, that will only help her shine brighter.
The perfect Pisces partner needs a lot of patience! Pisces can be crumbled by anxiety, sensitivity and insecurities. She isn’t trying to be difficult; it’s just who she is. She needs to be with someone who possesses an endless abundance of patience and hope, to support her in trying times.
Her perfect partner encourages her to chase after her dreams and is there to catch her when she falls into desperation. A Pisces woman is prone to having dark, depressive, low moments and she needs someone who knows how to deal with those in a selfless manner.
A Pisces woman needs someone with the gift of objectivity, who can bring things back into perspective and help her see when she’s exaggerating the negative sides of a situation, over analyzing, or obsessing over possible outcomes.
She needs someone to tell her when enough is enough, and when it’s okay to let go without knowing the result of a situation.
Last, but not least, the best match for her is someone who’s kind and caring, but also straightforward. She needs someone who can help her express her feelings, and help her deal with her emotions in a direct yet healthy manner.
Best Star Sign Compatibility Matches

1. Pisces Woman and Taurus man
This match is made in domestic heaven. They’re a couple that is perfectly suited to live happily ever after, sharing creativity, enthusiasm, and intellect – which keeps them attracted to one another.
- The Pisces woman’s creative energy matches perfectly well with the Taurus man’s need for beauty and appreciation of the arts.
- This earthiest sign will be able to provide the Pisces woman with the grounding she’s in desperate need of. The Taurus man is committed to building family bliss, and wants a cozy home and familiar routine that works well for years to come.
- He isn’t one to seek a lot of adventure, excitement or novelty, so it’s unlikely he’ll stray from the relationship. He’s perfectly happy as long as the Pisces woman lets him enjoy his simple life.
- One area the Pisces woman can help the Taurus man is by helping him break from his repetitive routine once in a while and encouraging him to get out of his comfort zone and try new things.
- They have a unique non-verbal understanding of each other. They form a strong emotional bond, and don’t need to say much to know that they care for one another.
- If they can maintain a balance between strict routine and variety, they’ll enjoy a long and fulfilling relationship together.
This couple is proof that true love does exist. Despite their different preference in activities and some discrepancies in their values and beliefs, they share something big in common: their love for love, and a true love for each other.
2. Pisces Woman and Cancer Man

When the Pisces woman meets the Cancer man, a match of two nurturers develops. They share an abundance of compassion and empathy, which helps them align with one another early on in the relationship.
- They both understand the importance of a strong physical connection, which ensures a lot of fireworks right at the start of their romance.
- It’s often said that Cancer and Pisces think and feel the same way, and can therefore feel as if they’ve found their soulmate.
- Cancer helps the Pisces carry the heavy burden of the emotions she feels.
- Where they shine most as a couple is in building long-lasting connections with others. They’re notoriously good at hosting people, entertaining others, making others feel at home in their company, easily aligning with each other’s families, and ensuring everyone gets along.
- They’re both kind and generous, and their match is one destined for long-term happiness.
- They may need to put in extra effort in their values, as this is where they can differ quite a bit. While the Cancer man loves stability and a cozy home to spend most of his time in, the Pisces woman wants to experience novelty, and can be a true emotional rollercoaster.
As two water signs, these two are perfectly aligned when it comes to emotions, intimacy and romance – a match that usually falls in love at first sight. The fine balance between excitement and stability the core of their successful partnership.
3. Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man

This couple is highly spiritual, and both connect on a deeper level right after meeting one another. They see each other’s sensitive sides right away, and both know what’s important for them in order to express their true emotions openly.
- They value honesty in each other, and can build a perfectly harmonious union based on theirs hared values and unconditional love.
- Their open and honest communication helps them get to know each other fast, and their romance is based on mutual respect.
- These two water signs have an intense romantic relationship and may need a lot of fine-tuning to satisfy and understand each other better. The Scorpio man is quite animalistic in his approach to love and sex, which can scare off the gentle Pisces woman at first.
- They need to put a lot of effort in building trust, with the suspicious Scorpio easily becoming clingy and needy of the Pisces. If one cheats on the other, there’s no way their relationship can be fixed; they’re too proud to accept a tainted image of love.
- She will try to do everything for the Scorpio man she loves, so much so that she can easily fall victim to his obsessive nature and forget that there’s more to life than the relationship.
Where they also need fine tuning is making sure Scorpio’s rougher nature doesn’t overwhelm the sensitive Pisces. At the end of the day, if any star sign is able to understand the complex Pisces, it’s the Scorpio.
4. Pisces Woman and Capricorn Man

If anyone can make a Capricorn man truly relax, it’s the dreamy Pisces woman. These two powerful individuals share a complex and deeply emotional and intimate connection.
- Both are shy at the start of their relationship, but once they find a way to connect on an intellectual level, the beauty of their romance is guaranteed.
- While he may be strict and rational, and she emotional and flexible, this actually creates a powerful initial attraction and makes them desire each other even more.
- They bring out each other’s best qualities by sharing an emotionally rational understanding of who they are.
- In a long-term relationship, they’re the perfect mix of trust, stability, emotional depth and excitement.
- They can become absolutely unbreakable as a couple, sharing everything and enjoying every moment.
- What makes these two signs work best is their love of honesty and openness. They open up to each other once they know the other won’t hurt them, and form a really strong bond in which they constantly prove their trust in each other.
- The Pisces woman’s flexible, gentle, and kind nature is a true inspiration to the Capricorn.
- They both spend a great deal communicating with one another, and listen with true attention to detail.
- The biggest issue in their communication is Capricorn’s rigid beliefs and inability to be flexible or open-minded like the Pisces. This can endanger their entire relationship, as the thing Pisces hates the most is being suffocated by their partner; their spontaneity and inspiration is at the heart of who they are.
The beauty of this match is their ability to grow together, learn from one another and watch their bond blossom through the years. Still, if they are too stuck on their own beliefs and unwilling to change their ways, they will deal with a lot of frustration and disappointment with one another.
The Bottom Line
The Pisces woman might be a big dreamer, but she still values stable emotions in a partner; it keeps her grounded and helps her rest her mind. What the above matches love about the Pisces woman is that she offers a whirlwind of emotions, fantasies, dreams, excitement and unpredictability.
She’s a real inspiration. She thinks and feels deeply, and entertains one creative idea after another. Like a fish, she’s flexible and adaptable – which makes her a great partner in a long-term relationship.
If you’d like to find out more about a different Zodiac or other star sign compatibilities, check out our complete guide to Horoscopes – and learn how they impact relationships.