Cancer is a water sign born between June 21 and July 22. He’s often described as protective, emotional, shy, romantic, and intuitive.
Famous Cancer men include Elon Musk, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hanks, and Tom Cruise.
Let’s take a look at all the little things that make a Cancer man worth falling in love with.
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Cancer men in a nutshell

To begin with, you might miss him in a crowd. With his shy nature, he probably won’t even look your way. He knows that he’s not as present as other men.
As he tends to overthink things, don’t expect him to simply approach you and start a conversation.
He might first ask others about you, try to figure out what your deal is, if you are single, etc.
Your first impression of him might not be the most positive. When he barely knows someone, he usually keeps to himself and prefers to stay within his shell.
He might seem distant or even sarcastic.
Does he hate me? – you might think to yourself.
Nine times out of ten, he simply wants to impress you, but he lacks the social flair of other star signs to be able to do that naturally.
He might come across as a bit clumsy or even geeky as a result. Beneath his shell, though, he is a total softie, all you have to do is get to know him.
The one thing you need to know about this man is that he’s full of contradictions. Therefore, dating a Cancer can be an adventure and a challenge.
This man will win you over eventually, using everything in his power. He’s got a kind soul, a nurturing nature, and he’s loving and sensitive.
He makes for a great boyfriend and a good lover.
He will tune in to your world and sweep you off your feet. But be careful, below his sensitive nature he also tends to also be quite vulnerable.
Similar to Pisces, the Cancer man can easily get hurt and will withdraw into his shell.
Watch out for warning signs that you might have hurt his feelings or misunderstood him. It can happen quite often.
He might even blame you for his bad moods or claim that you don’t understand how he is feeling.
When it comes to dating, he is all about chivalry and old-school romance.
He knows what a woman wants and he’s willing to go the extra mile just to make you smile. Romance is second nature to him.
If you’ve got your eyes on a Cancer man, it helps to know these 9 personality traits and characteristics.
1. Deeply sensitive

Once you start dating a Cancer, you need to make sure that you are on the same page. You don’t want to toy with him, as he is easily wounded.
Therefore, make sure you are open and honest about your feelings and your expectations of him.
If he’s more romantic than you, let him be. If he’s coming on too strong, warn him subtly.
Most of the time, you may need to tread quite lightly around him and make sure you don’t send him mixed signals.
This man should come with a warning because his soft side can also be his downfall. He gets incredibly moody and can quickly take offense.
Whatever you do, don’t belittle him, or make fun of him behind his back. He will be deeply hurt.
He needs a partner who will help him be more confident so that he doesn’t take everything so personally.
If you can manage to strike the right balance with him, he will reward you with endless loyalty and romance. And that’s not a bad thing, is it?
2. Sociable but ultimately tribal

When you first start dating a Cancer, you’ll quickly notice that despite being able to be social, he still tends to be quite tribal.
That means that he prefers to surround himself with the same people and enjoys his comfort zone, rather than mixing with a new crowd.
He will have few, but very strong, friendships that he has nurtured for years. Therefore, one way to his heart is to befriend his friends.
Once he introduces you to his tribe, make sure you make an effort. This is the best way to blend in and make him see you as a natural part of his life.
3. Nostalgic and old-school

There is something about the Crab that makes him highly nostalgic about all sorts of things from the past – people, places, movies, music.
He immerses himself in old eras and would gladly spend an evening at an old-school jazz place rather than listening to a modern band.
He is an avid reader and learner and loves to explore history and myths. The olden ages fascinate him.
One thing to watch out for is your Cancer boyfriend constantly going on about how things used to be. If he longs for the past too much, show him what he’s missing in the present.
4. Dedicated partner

Once this man falls in love, you will have a fantastic and very devoted lover. He will do anything for you, including in bed.
He will want to please you and learn what you like straight away. Be open and direct with him and you’re sure to get exactly what you want.
If you are a star sign that longs for affection and lots of attention, you’ve found your perfect match.
He will make you dinner, massage your feet after a long day, play jazz and ask you to dance in the living room. He’s so romantic you won’t know what you’ve done to deserve him!
A word of warning – he might be more attached to his ideals of romance than the real you.
He’s obsessed with the idea of the perfect relationship with the perfect woman, so once in a while, you might have to remind him that you are not perfect, but that’s okay.
5. Mommy’s boy

Any man that’s in touch with his more emotional side is bound to be a bit of a mommy’s boy. Cancer is no exception to that rule.
Make sure you have healthy boundaries so that he knows he’s dating you, and not his mom.
That being said, he’s the perfect man to bring home to your family. He will say and do all the right things and make you feel really proud.
With his impeccable manners and attention to detail, your mom will certainly love him!
6. Possessive and jealous

As with any man, you must take the good with the bad. Cancer is no different. Known as a nurturer and a protector, he also tends to get madly jealous and controlling.
Want to make a long-distance relationship with a Cancer work? Think twice – it might test all your patience!
One of the things he worries about is having his love torn from him. It’s an irrational fear but he just can’t help it. Want to reassure him of your love and devotion?
Remind him why you are with him and of all the little things he does that you appreciate about him.
He’ll love the reassurance, and it might just tame his green-eyed monster. At the same time, remember that any healthy, successful relationship is built on trust.
If he’s doubting you all the time, then he might just not be the right match for you.
7. A homebody

A lot like Taureans, the Cancer man is a total homebody. Netflix and chill? He’s your man for it! Putting up a shelf? He’ll gladly do it. Spending the day cooking? He’s up for it!
He loves to get cozy with his date, lounging around and enjoying a tasty meal at home.
At the start of the relationship, it’s important to strike the right balance between being at home together and seeing friends or even just being outside.
His favorite attire is sweatpants or a fluffy robe, so you’ll usually find him walking around his home dressed like that. He’s also a big fan of a cozy fireplace and comfy armchairs.
Make sure you remind him that there are tons of things you can do outside that can still feel comfortable and safe.
8. An excellent cook

If you are a foodie, you’ve met your dream man. He’ll cook up a storm, and you’ll never want to eat out again! He’s attentive and his taste buds help him nail every recipe.
He loves cooking comfort foods and experimenting with exotic spices.
He probably owns a trusty pan that he inherited from his mom or grandma that reminds him of the wonderful past.
9. A great dad

Of course, the nurturing and kind Cancer man will make for a fantastic father. He’s loving, warm, supportive, and will have no issue taking care of multiple children, even as a stay-at-home dad.
He’ll love to look after his children and watch them grow and won’t have an issue with a strong woman being the provider.
As a bit of a mommy’s boy, he knows how important parent-child relationships are.
So, now that you know a Cancer man’s key traits and characteristics, what about compatibility? What kind of traits does he look for in his dream partner?
Best matches for a Cancer man

One of the best matches for this man is the Scorpio woman. They are highly compatible on an emotional level and share common values when it comes to trust and commitment.
Another great match is the Pisces woman – a fellow water sign full of emotions and deep thoughts.
A Taurus woman will also make a great companion for the Cancer man – they will share a love of comfort, coziness, and security.
They will put their home and family first and build a long-lasting partnership.
Virgos also make for a decent match – as an earth sign, Virgo will show up and give the Cancer all the reassurance and devotion he needs in a partner.
Worst matches for Cancer man

If a Cancer man wants to date an Aquarius or a Gemini woman (both air signs), he will need to compromise a lot.
Mainly because a Gemini is very unpredictable, chatty, and sociable; while the Aquarius is Cancer’s emotional opposite – head above the heart when it comes to romance.
Another match to avoid is with the rather impulsive Sagittarius – she will be too wild for the home-loving Cancer.
Leo is another questionable match – she’s too extroverted and will want to enjoy life outside, not stay in and watch TV.
A night out with a Leo woman will completely exhaust the Cancer.
Of course, a little compromise and communication can go a long way. A seemingly challenging match can still work with the right amount of effort and time.
At the end of the day, this water sign seeks a relationship that will feel just like home – safe, secure, cozy, always there.
He won’t be wasting time playing games or flirting. If he likes you, he will say it. If he wants to be exclusive, he will ask you, no matter how many dates it’s been.
He is all about old-school charm, tradition, long and deep conversations on the sofa, and passionate sex. He can truly be the best man you’ve ever dated!