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Creative and Amusing Ways to Tell Your Husband You Are Pregnant
There are many traditional ways for you to tell your partner you’re expecting, but if you’re looking for something fun and creative, then we’ve got your back!
1. Allow one of your children to spill the beans

Make your firstborn a T-shirt with the phrase “I’m going to be a big sister (or brother).” Use iron-on letters or spray paint, or simply purchase a shirt with the phrases already printed – they’re available at a variety of shops.
Have your child wear the shirt to welcome your husband home and have fun watching him as he notices and figures out the good news!
2. Bake a bun in the oven

Use this tongue-in-cheek trick to share your happy news: put a bun in the oven the next time you’re entertaining guests or relatives (try hamburger or cinnamon buns).
Invite your friends into the kitchen and tell them there is something in the oven when they arrive. When they all gather around, compare yourself to the oven saying that you both have a bun inside you!
3. Make a scratch-off pregnancy announcement

This one might not be an over-the-top way to announce your pregnancy, but if you like doing things a little low-key, then this idea is perfect for you.
Slip him a card that has all the markings of a lucky draw scratch-off card with the header saying, “Scratch and Win!” Ask him to scratch the card to see if you’ve won anything and have the message say something cute and funny like, “You have won a baby!”
The surprise and joy your husband will feel at this moment will be priceless.
4. Have a secret photo shoot

Ask your husband to have a photoshoot with you but don’t reveal the theme just yet. Have a day of wholesome fun and a great photoshoot. Then in the middle of the photoshoot, while his back is turned to you, you can have a poster saying “We’re pregnant!” or hold the ultrasound that shows the baby.
When the photos come back, casually show him the photo and see his reaction in real-time.
5. Buy him a pregnancy-themed book

Another fun way to tell your husband that you are pregnant is to gift him a pregnancy-themed self-help book. You could wrap it up, tie it with a bow, and casually tell him to open it. When he sees the book’s topic, he’ll be confused, but when he sees the expression on your face he’ll understand exactly what is happening.
This works best if you are first-time parents and have been waiting for the good news for quite some time. Make sure to record the event and see his expressions as he finds out that he is becoming a dad for the first time.
6. Gift him a tiny onesie

We know that a lot of these ideas revolve around gift-giving, but this is because gift-giving combines the elements of surprise and fun all in one.
For this idea, wrap up a tiny onesie (color could be based on the gender if you know it) and a slogan such as “Congrats! You’re a Dad.” When he opens the gift, you can watch in delight as his expression turns from confusion to pure joy.
7. Invite him to a baby shower (without telling him it’s for you)

We know it’s not common to have a baby shower early into the pregnancy, but this is a great idea if executed well. If you haven’t started showing a baby bump or your husband has been away for the past couple of months, you can combine his welcome back party with a baby shower.
You could insist on meeting him somewhere as a rendezvous for someone else’s party. When he arrives, surprise him with the arrangements and let him know that he will be a dad.
8. Bake some cupcakes and spell it out with icing

If you’re good at baking or your husband has a sweet tooth, what better way to tell your husband that you’re pregnant than to spell it out with icing?
Here’s the idea: bake his favorite flavor of cupcakes and use icing that will stand out. Then, spell out something simple, such as “You’re going to be a Dad!” or “Congrats, Daddy!”
Remember that the message shouldn’t be very long because you need to spell the letters out on individual cupcakes.
9. Have the waiter bring the ultrasound with the bill

When you and your partner go out to dinner, ask your server to place a copy of the ultrasound behind the bill when they bring you the check. As your husband proceeds to pay the bill, he will see the ultrasound kept inside and be thrilled.
10. Order a heart-shaped pizza

If you have a favorite pizza joint that does customized pizza shapes, now is the time to get one! Ask your pizza guy to bake your favorite pizza in the shape of a heart and write your husband a message on the inside of the box.
The secret to this idea is to be casual about it. Watch, and maybe record, his reaction as he sits down, opens the pizza box, and sees the message.
11. Stick a note on the bottom of his coffee mug.

If your husband is an avid tea or coffee drinker, this is the perfect way to reveal your pregnancy to him. Make him a large cup of coffee and let him finish the entire thing. Keep the message at the bottom of the mug. It will reveal itself to him when he finishes the beverage.
Keep in mind that most people don’t read the bottom of the mugs, so make sure you tell them to keep a lookout for a special message inside the cup.
12. Say cheese!

Plan to have family photos taken, whether it’s just you and your partner or your entire family.
After you have taken a bunch of pictures, have the entire family get ready and pose. As they stand, let the photographer announce your pregnancy and have everyone give their firsthand authentic expressions to you. This will allow the photographer to capture everyone’s reactions as they analyze what they’ve just heard.
It will undoubtedly make for a memorable family portrait!
13. Fill a room with balloons

Fill a room with pink and blue helium balloons before your spouse returns home from work.
To help them understand what is happening, you could write “Girl?” on the pink balloons and “Boy?” on the blue ones. Have them come into the room and capture their expressions as they figure out what’s happening.
14. Spell it out with Scrabble

Another great way of telling your husband you are pregnant is by challenging him to a game of Scrabble. Arrange your alphabet tiles in advance so that you get the letters for the word “pregnant.” Grab any opening or opportunity you find and spell it out on the Scrabble board. Then watch as he goes from feeling impressed, to confused, to surprised, to absolutely blown away!
Why use words when you can use tiles instead?
15. Ask him to buy some diapers

Tell your honey-bunny you are deciding on the grocery list, but slip in casually how you have to buy some diapers as well. Don’t acknowledge the fact that you’ve said something strange then as you shop together, casually put in a huge packet of newborn baby diapers into your shopping cart.
Let him stay a little puzzled and gradually understand why you’ve done that and watch his smile widen with understanding.
16. Have the news delivered to him while he’s at the office

If you’re someone who really wants to surprise your husband, the best way to do it is when he is least expecting it. For example, when he is swamped with work at the office.
Here’s what you can do: on a casual Monday when he’s been dreading work, send over a delivery guy with a packet labeled “Important Documents.”
He will open it up in a hurry and see your ultrasound, pregnancy test, and a beautiful card from you telling him that you are pregnant. Then, all you have to do is wait for him to come home and spoil you with affection.
17. Go shopping (for baby clothes)

This idea is pretty hilarious and is bound to make your husband extremely confused. When you’re shopping together, casually walk into the baby clothes section and quietly start browsing. Pick up things you think are cute and tell your husband to carry them to the cash counter.
He might protest, but you can just be nonchalant and point to your belly. If he needs more information, just tell him that you’re going to be needing the things in just a couple of months. When reality dawns on him, he will join you on this fun and exciting shopping trip.
18. Replace his toothbrush with your pregnancy test

This one is dedicated to the drowsy husband. If you want to surprise him as soon as he wakes up, the best way to make it fun is to mess with his daily activities. One thing you can do is to replace his toothbrush with the positive pregnancy test you took.
Wake him up and tell him you’ve cooked breakfast to brush his teeth and come back. Stand in the bathroom doorway and look at him as he fumbles with his “toothbrush.” Watch as he gets confused by the strange new thing in his hand and yelps out in excitement.
Sharing the good news with your husband

For most women, finding out they are pregnant is one of the most surreal moments of their life – an incredible, out-of-body sensation. Becoming a mother is one of the few experiences in a woman’s life that she never forgets.
However, you’re not in this alone. Now that you have gotten over the excitement yourself, you should start thinking about how you are going to reveal the big news to your partner or husband.
It’s exciting to share your big baby news with the world, but it’s even more thrilling to tell your husband or partner. While telling your partner right away is perfectly appropriate, there are several fun ways to reveal the pregnancy for those of you who can keep the secret a little longer.
After all, he played an important part in the creation of this small human. Telling your partner you’re pregnant is one of the first things you’ll want to do.
No matter what your pregnancy journey has been like (if you’ve been trying for a long time, got extremely lucky on your first attempt, or are unintentionally pregnant), your husband should be the first to know.
Most women announce their pregnancy to their husbands right away, but if you want to wait a few days so that you can organize a nice surprise for him, go right ahead. Although we know you’re just dying to let him know, it’s entirely up to you how and when you inform your husband that you’re expecting.
Whatever path you choose, make it something unique to you and your partner. Make it something meaningful and enjoyable for you as a pair. Many couples wait months and sometimes years to get pregnant, and they deserve every reason to cherish it.
Most importantly, don’t forget to bring a camera to catch his reaction. And don’t forget to have fun!