There are some aspects of the dating world that aren’t very clear-cut.
When you’ve first started dating a new guy, you may wonder whether it’s appropriate to send a good morning text.
Are good morning texts too forward? And do guys even like receiving them?
Of course, the answer to these questions depends on individual circumstances, such as how long you’ve been seeing your guy and what he likes and doesn’t like.
But there are some general guidelines when it comes to sending good morning texts.
Most guys do like good morning texts, but they can seem a little creepy if you’ve just met the guy.
And good morning texts can become monotonous if you send them every day.
However, they do show your guy that you are thinking of him and that he’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up.
An occasional good morning text will make your guy feel special, and what guy doesn’t want to feel like he’s the priority in your life?
But there are situations where you shouldn’t send a good morning text.
Even if you’ve been with your guy for years, you may want to mix it up a little and send morning messages that are specific to your relationship.
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Why guys like good morning texts

Surely, you’ve heard of the infamous male ego.
When you send good morning texts, you are clearly showing your guy that he’s a priority in your life and one of the first people you think of when you wake up in the morning.
Good morning texts are like modern-day “thinking of you” cards. In today’s busy world, you may not have hours to chat with a guy as you’re on the way out the door.
And he’s likely also crunched for time. If you aren’t cohabitating, good morning texts are another way of giving a guy a peck on the cheek before he goes to work or class.
As if that isn’t reason enough for sending good morning texts, consider these additional perks.
Setting a positive tone for the day ahead
Let’s face it: everyone wakes up in a bad mood occasionally.
If your guy wakes up late and has a major final exam or huge staff meeting that he’s dreading, he may not have time for a morning chat.
But that simple good morning text will put a smile on his face and remind him that he has someone special in his corner who’s rooting for him.
Removing the uncertainty about the night before

Every girl knows what it’s like to analyze every detail of a date over and over again.
After a fun night out, you will likely wonder whether your date likes you and also had a good time.
Well, guys have the same questions.
When you send a guy a simple good morning text, it clearly shows that you are into him and enjoyed spending time with him.
Bonus: you can both focus on the day ahead without being consumed by the uncertainties of your dating life.
Keeping you in the forefront of his mind
OK, so this benefits you more than the guy, but you definitely want him to have you on his mind…just in case he runs into a pretty girl at the coffee shop.
Good morning texts will have him thinking of you as he goes about his day.
Of course, you shouldn’t lay it on too hard, especially if you recently met the guy or started talking to him on a dating app or website.
You won’t give him a good impression of yourself if you seem to move too fast or act clingy.
Showing him that you are interested

You probably know how it feels to wait for your phone to ring all day long, as you keep your fingers crossed that a guy will want to ask you out on a second date.
And you may be equally nervous about taking the initiative and calling him.
Guys go through this, too. If he had a great time on the last date, he may still procrastinate on calling you back because he’s unsure about whether or not you liked him.
Good morning texts show that you are attracted to a guy and interested in pursuing a relationship.
Send personalized good morning texts

The only complaint about good morning texts is that they are too vanilla.
If you think about it, you may even occasionally send your mom a text that merely says, “Good morning ” just to show that you are thinking of her.
It can even feel a little creepy to receive a good morning text from someone you just met.
After initially meeting a guy you like, you’ll definitely want to connect with him, but good morning texts aren’t the best way of doing so.
If you are going to send a good morning text, it’s better to personalize the message and not send one every single day.
You certainly don’t want to seem like a stalker chick. Here are some creative ways of saying good morning.
If you just met a guy….
Nowadays, many relationships ignite in chat rooms and on dating apps.
If you’ve recently begun messaging a new guy that you haven’t yet met in person, proceed carefully with good morning texts and tailor them to his work or social life.
Instead of focusing the texts on your budding relationship, use them to be supportive and offer encouragement.
For instance, you could say, “I know you are going to nail that presentation today.” He’ll begin to view you as someone that he can turn to for support in his life.
If you went out on one date…

While you could simply say good morning, that wouldn’t really cover much. But you don’t want to be overly pushy either.
The most appropriate text would be something like, “Thank you for showing me such a great time last night.”
If he also had a great time, you’ll set the stage for another date without the presumption that the two of you will go out again.
But you can be more forward if it’s your 3rd or 4th date and express anticipation of future dates in your morning texts.
After you’ve had sex…
This is when you can start getting steamy in your good morning texts. And he’ll likely become equally excited by them.
This doesn’t mean that you need to be overly explicit, but just the hint of sex will make you irresistible to him.
Your good morning text can be as simple as saying, “Can’t wait for tonight. Wearing your fave thong.” He’ll definitely be wanting more of you.
After you’ve been dating a while…

Once you’ve become comfortable in your relationship, you’ll be more in tune with your guy and know what he likes to hear.
Those early words of encouragement will still be welcomed, and the steamy messages will keep the passion burning in your relationship.
And you can still tell him that you enjoyed a night out together, too.
Many relationships eventually break apart because the couple settles into a routine and stops spending time together.
Those little messages will make your guy feel appreciated.
But at this point, you can also express your feelings for your guy in those good morning texts.
Once children enter the picture, texting may be a rare opportunity for you to tell your guy how much you love him.
So, an occasional text telling your guy that you’re lucky to have him will definitely make him feel special.
While most guys do like good morning texts, sending them daily will make you look too clingy.
Creativity and moderation are the secrets to sending good morning texts that will leave a guy wanting more.