Entering the dating scene in today’s modern society can be tricky, especially if you are new to dating or if you are unfamiliar with the territory when it comes to online dating, texting, and communication.
If you are dating a guy or getting to know someone new, you may be wondering if guys enjoy goodnight texts.
Typically, if a guy is interested in a girl in the same way that she is into him, he will enjoy it and look forward to receiving goodnight texts.
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What is a goodnight text?

A goodnight text can be a simple text message letting a potential partner know that you are heading to bed and thinking about them, or it can include more personal and intimate details, depending on the type of relationship you are in or pursuing.
When is it best to send a goodnight text?
Sending a goodnight text should be done before heading to bed or when you are finalizing a conversation you are having with a guy in the evening.
Depending on your schedule as well as the schedule of the guy you are talking to, you should send a goodnight text before he is already in bed (or just as he is getting ready for bed for the evening).
Sending a goodnight text too late can disrupt someone’s sleep while also leaving you feeling as if you are being ignored if they are already asleep.
How do I know if it is too soon to send a goodnight text?

If you have just met a guy and you are talking to him via text for the first time, it may be too soon to send a goodnight text.
However, if you are just getting to know a guy and he initiates a goodnight text, it is appropriate to text goodnight back.
Gauging when the time is right to send a goodnight text can be tricky when you are first getting to know someone, but it is possible by considering the dynamic of your relationship as well as the overall nature of your relationship with one another.
How do I know if a guy likes goodnight texts?
If a guy likes goodnight texts, you will likely know it by the way he responds to them each time he receives one.
A guy who enjoys receiving a goodnight text from a girl he is talking to will likely respond by also saying goodnight.
He may also include additional emoji icons, GIFs, memes, or stickers to his text to help him animate or showcase how he is feeling while sending you a goodnight text in return.
Most of the time, when a guy enjoys receiving goodnight texts, he will have no difficulty showing his appreciation and affection in return.
Do you have to send a goodnight text to someone you are dating or getting to know?

No, it is not always necessary to send a goodnight text to someone, especially if you are just getting to know them or if you have only just started dating.
Sending a goodnight text is optional when you are getting to know a guy and may cause him to feel crowded or smothered if you have only just met him.
It is best to wait at least a few weeks to get to know one another before you begin sending goodnight texts unless the guy you are talking to has already said goodnight and is excited for you to do the same in return.
Ways to send a goodnight text
There is no wrong or right way to send a goodnight text as long as you are already familiar and comfortable with the style of texting you use to communicate with your current partner.
Sending a goodnight text is not complicated, but it can feel confusing if you are new to the dating scene or if you are unsure of how to begin.
When you are thinking of sending a goodnight text, keep the following tips in mind:
- Consider how the guy you are planning to text typically communicates with you. Does he use numerous emojis to show his affection, or is he serious, studious, and straight-to-the-point while texting?
- What kind of messages does the guy you are talking with typically send to you? Is he flirtatious in nature, or does he prefer to speak over the phone or in-person with you?
- Does the guy you are texting choose to send you a goodnight text first, or does he wait for you to initiate the first contact? Gauging how the guy you are talking with prefers to communicate can go a long way when crafting a goodnight text that is well-received.
Because no individual is the same, communicates in the same manner, or has the same personality, it is important to consider how you currently communicate with a guy on an individual level before you begin sending goodnight texts.
How often should I send a goodnight text to a guy I am talking to

The frequency at which you should send a goodnight text to a guy will vary based on how long you have been talking with a guy, as well as the level of interest you both have in one another.
If you are just getting to know a guy and have only been dating a week or even a month, sending a goodnight text a couple to a few times a week is typically appropriate.
However, the more serious you become and the more committed you are to one another, the more comfortable you will feel sending a goodnight text to one another each night before going to sleep.
The best way to tell how often you should send a goodnight text to a guy is to evaluate and assess your own relationship as well as how you both feel about one another and if the feelings are mutual.
Is it normal to send a goodnight text every single night?
Yes, sending a goodnight text each night can be entirely normal for any relationship, especially committed and serious relationships.
While it may not be typical to send a goodnight text message every single night when you are first dating someone new, it is not uncommon to text regularly each evening once you are comfortable with one another.
What does it mean when the guy I am texting does not respond to my goodnight texts?

If you are texting a guy goodnight and he is not responding to your text messages, it may mean that he has fallen asleep or that he is preoccupied at the time you sent the text message.
It is important to consider the work and everyday schedule of the guy you are texting to ensure you do not text him too late.
When a guy does not respond to any of your goodnight texts and you have only recently started dating, it may also be a sign that he is not as into you or attracted to you as you are to him.
If you are sending numerous texts and not receiving an answer in response, it may be best to distance yourself from the guy you are texting for a while to determine whether or not the relationship has any potential.
How do I respond if a guy I am texting does not respond to my goodnight texts?
To determine if the relationship you are in with a new guy is worth pursuing, it may be best to distance yourself from him if he is not responding to your goodnight texts or if you are unsure of how he feels about you.
Providing the guy you are texting with some time to himself can allow him the space and time to evaluate whether or not you are the right match for him.
When you give a guy you are texting some space after he has repeatedly ignored your texts or your goodnight texts, you will also gain some valuable insight into how he communicates and whether or not he is a suitable and compatible partner for you and your needs.
Is it normal for a guy to be interested in me but not be into goodnight texts?

Yes, this is entirely possible, as some men prefer not to text and prefer to communicate in person or even over the phone.
If you are texting with a guy who simply prefers to say goodnight while he is with you, it can be completely normal for him to ignore or fail to respond to your goodnight texts in a timely manner.
How can I find out if a guy I am texting wants to keep receiving my goodnight texts?
This will depend on the dynamic of your relationship as well as how long you two have been dating or texting one another.
If you are comfortable with the guy you are texting and you have spent time in person, you can simply ask him if he enjoys goodnight texts outright.
Being direct can help you to get to know someone much faster than waiting months or even years to discover who they truly are deep down.
Ways to help my goodnight texts stand out

If you are new to sending goodnight texts or if you are trying to elicit a specific response or emotion from the guy you are texting, there are a few tips to keep in mind.
When you are in the process of crafting a goodnight text for your special person, consider the following tips:
- Include pet names when sending a goodnight text if you already have pet names for one another and if you are at a stage in the relationship where you feel truly comfortable with one another
- Include a special emoji or pet nickname to help the guy you are texting feel special, especially if you are in the earlier stages of dating and getting to know one another.
- Use positive quotes or messaging to help your date get to bed feeling positive about the morning to follow
- Add simple icons, hearts, and other emoji icons that represent kissing or sharing affection while saying goodnight
- Use silly jokes or inside jokes that are only relevant to you and your partner to help make your goodnight text as unique and personal as possible
- Take and include a recent picture as you are getting ready for bed, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship or getting to know each other and spending time away
Using a goodnight text is a great way to show affection and to show you care while getting to know someone and when dating someone new.
Goodnight texts can also help you to get to know more about the person who you are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with.