Everyone has a bad day now and again. They are on edge and tend to snap at anyone they come in contact with.
When it begins to happen on a regular basis, there may be an underlying problem that needs to be addressed before the problem gets out of hand.
Being angry or upset occasionally is one thing, but constantly being mean or rude indicates that something bigger is at play here.
Addressing the problem may be difficult but getting it over with will allow you to move forward without hesitation.
When your boyfriend is being mean to you, you have two choices. You can allow it to go on or you can tell them to stop.
If they don’t stop, it will be up to you to correct the situation, even if that means leaving the relationship.
Sometimes, the only way to change a situation is to remove yourself from it.
If your boyfriend feels bad about what he has done, he will make amends and try to correct his prior bad behavior.
It is up to you as to whether or not you allow them back into your life.
Table of Contents
What can I do if my boyfriend is mean to me?

You can’t force them to stop being mean to you. You can address the situation and tell them that you will no longer tolerate their behavior.
If they see where the problem lies and take steps to correct the problem, that is great. If they don’t, and they continue to be mean to you, then the next step is yours.
If you are truly upset about the treatment, you need to stand firm and not allow it.
If it continues, you may be forced to leave the relationship to prove that you are serious about how you feel.
If your boyfriend is set in his ways, he may not see anything wrong with the way he is acting. Leaving the relationship may be the only way to get his attention.
Be prepared, however. If you leave, he may not come after you to try and get you to come back.
You do not have to be mistreated to be loved. Avoid the relationship until you are sure you will be treated better.
Why are you putting up with a boyfriend who treats you badly?
Many times, a boyfriend will continue to treat you a certain way because you allow it. If you don’t like what is happening, it is up to you to put a stop to it.
You need to let your boyfriend know what will and will not be allowed when it comes to how you are treated.
Once you have established the ground rules, stand firm and don’t waver.
The first time you show weakness, they will begin to think that they can do what they want and they will be able to get away with it.
The more you allow yourself to be mistreated, the more likely you are to become depressed. Take control of the situation before it gets out of hand.
Do not let anyone treat you with disrespect, even if it is your boyfriend. Stand firm and stick to your boundaries.
If your boyfriend will not respect you, then maybe it is time that you said your good-byes and moved on.
Will talking diffuse the situation?

In some cases, talking things over may be what is needed to set things straight. Your boyfriend may have a lot on their mind, or they may think that they are not being appreciated.
If you truly love one another, you will be able to work things out.
When a situation arises that you are uncomfortable with, it is up to you to address things in a timely fashion.
Waiting until they get out of hand will only make things worse.
As soon as you begin to feel uncomfortable, sit your boyfriend down and discuss your feelings.
If your boyfriend won’t talk things over, then you may need to just leave the relationship to show that you have had enough and that you will not tolerate any more disrespect.
Refuse to let your boyfriend get away with bad behavior. The longer you allow it, the longer it will continue.
It can be hard to walk away from something, but ultimately you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
Is there something your boyfriend isn’t telling you?
Many times, a boyfriend may start to be mean or overly aggressive because they have something to hide. Approach the situation head-on and ask them what is going on.
Ask them to talk to you. If they refuse, encourage them to talk to someone about whatever problem they may be having. Don’t let the situation continue to go on.
If they continue to be rude or belligerent, ask them to leave. If they refuse, then it is up to you to move on and leave the situation behind you.
If your boyfriend does have something to hide, it will eventually come to light.
They may be embarrassed to discuss their problem or simply unwilling to face the problem head-on.
That doesn’t mean that you have to bear the brunt of their anger and disrespect. Take control of your own situation and set your own path.
If your boyfriend truly loves you, he will be willing to try and work things out.
Is there a chance that your boyfriend could be cheating?

Cheating is a good possibility if your boyfriend is acting mean for no reason. Acting mean out of guilt is a common cause for aggressive behavior.
You don’t have to be too confrontational to learn the truth. Ask questions. Try to talk to them about what is going on.
If they refuse to talk and still continue to be mean or aggressive, simply remove yourself from the equation until they are ready to face whatever happens to be going on.
It’s best not to accuse anyone of anything. Instead of being accusatory, simply ask a question and tell them to be honest.
While they may not want to admit the situation, it is up to you to stand firm and demand answers.
You are in the relationship together and both of you need to be treated with respect. If he can’t do that for you then maybe it is time to end the relationship and find something better.
Is your boyfriend mean to other people?
Watch how your boyfriend is with other people. Is he mean to everyone or just to you?
This may be an indicator that he no longer wants to be in a relationship, especially if you are the only one to bear the brunt of his bad behavior.
If you notice that you are the only one being mistreated, you need to address the situation and find a way to resolve it.
He may not realize he is acting out in such a manner.
If he is treating everyone badly, maybe there is something wrong that he doesn’t know how to deal with on his own.
Talk to him and offer to help him find a solution. Who knows? It may be a new beginning for both of you.
Have you asked your boyfriend to move out?

If you don’t like the way you are being treated, it may be time to ask your boyfriend to move out so that you can take a break from one another for a while.
He may not realize he has been behaving in such a bad way. A short break may do both of you some good.