If you’ve just been asked out on a date by someone new, you may be feeling all types of emotions at once: excitement, flattery, and anxiety, just to name a few.
In addition to experiencing a variety of simultaneous emotions, you’re likely to have a number of questions.
You may wonder how to respond to someone who is interested in you.
The proper way to respond to someone interested in you is politely and honestly.
If you find the person attractive and interesting, then be sure to let the person know that you’re interested in him or her, as well.
However, if you’re not attracted to the person and you don’t ever think you will be, then you need to be honest and tactfully turn down the person.
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Why is it so flattering to be pursued by someone, even if you don’t reciprocate their feelings?
It’s difficult not to be flattered when someone shows a romantic interest in you, even if you know that the person isn’t your type, and you’d never date him or her.
Everyone wants to be accepted and thought to be attractive by another person, as this can be very reassuring for anyone, especially for those with low self-esteem.
However, if an unattractive person shows a romantic interest in you, you should treat that person how you’d want to be treated if the situation were switched because rejection can be tough.
Tips for dealing with first date jitters
There aren’t many people who don’t experience nervousness when planning for a first date.
Fortunately, it’s easy to combat the first date jitters before they ruin your entire night.
You need to realize that you’re going on a date with a guy who is likely as nervous as you are, so just be yourself, and you can even try practicing some deep breathing prior to leaving, and you should be fine.
Hopefully, if you’re extremely nervous at the beginning of the date, you will begin to relax as the date goes on.
Why do some people reject others so cruelly?
Not everyone has tact or feels empathy for other people, so they might even feel annoyed that an unattractive person has professed their love for them.
It’s sad for the person professing their love because rejection is hard enough, but if a person is rude or cruel during their rejection, it makes it even harder.
More people need to put themselves in the other person’s place when it comes to rejecting a person, and perhaps they wouldn’t be as blunt and unfeeling.
Dealing with a person who won’t take “no” for an answer
If a person has informed you that they’re attracted to you and you gently inform the person that you weren’t interested but they refuse to give up, you might have no idea how to handle things.
The first thing that you need to do is tell the person to stop contacting you or coming to your house or place of employment.
If the person fails to comply, then you might have to obtain a restraining order.
Why do some people refuse to take “no” for an answer?
Unfortunately, there are more people than you may realize that can’t take “no” for an answer.
These people have no boundaries and sometimes even suffer from some form of mental illness.
Sometimes, such individuals have been rejected repeatedly in the past and during their childhood by their own parents, which could be why they’re currently having difficulty accepting rejection.
Tips for dealing with a work-crush
If you work with a person who admittedly has a crush on you, but you’ve made it clear that you don’t feel comfortable dating co-workers, things may be pretty awkward.
If you two feel uncomfortable around each other, you should make it clear to him that you still like him as a person and that you want things to be comfortable at work.
If he continues to behave as if he feels uncomfortable around you, which then causes you to feel the same, you may have to wait until time passes and things will hopefully eventually get back to normal.
How to deal with being rejected by your crush
If things were vice versa and you were the one with the crush who was rejected, you may be wallowing in self-pity and feeling like a complete loser.
Unfortunately, not everyone’s crush is going to share their feelings, and although rejection can hurt, you can’t allow it to get the best of you.
Rejection sucks, but it’s a normal part of life, and you need to move on after such an experience and realize that there are other fish in the sea.
Why do some people pretend to have feelings for other people when they really don’t?
Unfortunately, not everyone has good intentions and not everyone is honest, and some people will date other people that they’re not really attracted to for a number of reasons.
This usually happens if a person is looking to gain monetarily in some way, in order to have a place to stay, or for some similar reason.
Some of these “con artists” that use others can be pretty convincing, so it’s easy to believe that they care about you until one day when you’re unable to provide for them any longer and then they suddenly leave without so much as an explanation.
Is it inappropriate if a woman’s pastor asks her out on a date?
As long as the woman and the pastor are single and they’re close in age, then there is nothing wrong with a church pastor asking a woman out on a date.
If the woman feels that she would look at the pastor differently if she were to change their relationship, then it’s okay to politely decline.
Hopefully, the pastor won’t begin acting differently towards the woman after being turned down, but it is certainly possible.
What if a woman falls in love with her single pastor?
If a woman falls in love with her single pastor and would like to date him, whether she should approach him depends on how close their relationship is in the beginning.
If the woman has already been building a friendship with the pastor and she suspects that he feels the same about her, perhaps she could approach him and tell him how she feels.
However, if she’s never had any one-on-one interaction with him, then she could be taking a huge chance by asking him out on a date.
Dating on the rebound
If you’ve recently gotten out of a relationship with a guy and you’re already in a new relationship, you might wonder if you’ve made a good decision.
This will completely depend on what type of relationship you were in previously because the more serious and the longer you were in the relationship, the more time you need to get over that relationship before dating again.
A high number of rebound relationships aren’t successful, because the person who recently got out of the relationship simply isn’t emotionally ready to date again quite so soon.
Why are new relationships so exciting?
New relationships are very exciting for a number of reasons.
First of all, they’re exciting because they are fresh and new and there is a prospect of achieving great happiness.
New relationships are also exciting because of the love hormone oxytocin being produced in greater amounts, which can make people feel almost giddy until that newness begins to wear off.
Many people only date people until the “newness” wears off, then they move on to the next “victim,” as they attempt to seek that same new relationship “high” repeatedly.
The “honeymoon” period in a relationship
The honeymoon period of a relationship is what couples experience at the beginning of a relationship, and it lasts between two months and two and a half years.
Despite feeling increased feelings of happiness and love, the honeymoon period can be very stressful on the body, as there are often greater amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone, released, which can cause a person to always be on edge.
So, while the honeymoon phase can be a time when a couple feels more intimately connected, it’s good when it’s over so the “real” relationship can begin, and cortisol levels can return to normal.
As you can see, it’s a good idea to respond to someone who is interested in you in a calm, honest, but tactful manner.
If you are also interested in that particular person, then hopefully you two will begin dating and getting to know each other.
However, if you don’t feel the same as the other person, then there’s no need to be cruel and insulting, and all you have to do is tell the person that you appreciate them, letting you know how they feel but that you’re simply not interested in being more than friends at the current time.