Crying is a common response to sadness, anger, or even happiness for many women, and sometimes crying can be therapeutic.
However, if a woman cries too often, it could possibly signify a serious problem. Just how many times a year does the average woman cry?
The average woman cries about 30 – 64 times on an annual basis, while men cry significantly less, at about 5-17 times a year.
However, not all women will cry 30 or more times a year, as it will depend on the specific woman as well as what’s going on in her life.
Some women are more emotional than others, and while some women cry only when they’re sad, others cry when they’re angry, happy, and experiencing other intense emotions, as well.
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Why do women cry more than men?
There are many reasons why women cry more often than men do, and a difference in hormone levels is one explanation.
Women have significantly higher levels of prolactin, which is a hormone that regulates a person’s stress response.
Furthermore, men have higher levels of testosterone than women do, and testosterone makes a person less emotional, although there are some perfectly healthy men who cry more often than other men.
Is it still considered “feminine” for men to cry?
Many people have an incorrect perception of men and believe that they shouldn’t cry because men are tough, and crying is for “wimps.”
However, men are people, too, and they need to express their pent-up sadness, anger, and other emotions just like women do.
It can be very healthy for a man to cry, as long as he doesn’t cry on a daily basis.
Do some men cry as often as women?
Some men do cry as often as women cry and many aren’t ashamed of it. Men that cry as often as women do may do so for many different reasons.
Either the man is more in touch with his feminine side and doesn’t have a problem expressing his feelings in the form of tears, or he is simply more emotional than the average man, which doesn’t mean he’s weak or abnormal.
Knowing when to seek professional help
Again, crying can be an effective way of releasing pent-up emotions but crying on a frequent basis isn’t so healthy.
If you find yourself crying on a daily basis and you’re feeling sad and unmotivated to participate in activities that you previously enjoyed, then you might want to see your doctor for an evaluation.
You could be suffering from clinical depression, which is a frequent cause of suicide, so don’t take things lightly.
Do newborn babies produce tears when they cry?
Newborn babies begin producing tears from about 2-4 weeks old, and before then, they cry without the production of tears at all.
It takes some time for the lacrimal glands, which is where tears are produced, to mature, and in some babies, it might even take up to 3 months before you will notice real tears flowing when your infant cries.
Can adults cry without tears forming?
It is possible for an adult to cry without there being tears present, but this is not common unless a person suffers from a condition like Sjogren’s disease.
Sjogren’s disease is an autoimmune disorder in which a person experiences extreme dryness in parts of the body that would normally be moist.
This includes the eyes, mouth, vagina, and many other parts of the body, which is why people can cry without any tears flowing, just like a newborn baby.
Do some women use tears to their advantage in some situations?
Just like some women use their sexuality to their advantage in some situations, such as getting out of being issued a traffic ticket by flashing their breasts, there are some women who use tears in the same manner.
Fortunately, only a small number of women would even consider crying in order to get out of facing the consequences of a decision they made.
Many women would rather accept responsibility for their behavior as opposed to forcing themselves to cry.
How are some people so successful at suppressing their tears?
Actors are very experienced at forcing themselves to cry when they need to for certain scenes, but others, even people who aren’t actors, have the ability to suppress their tears until a more appropriate time.
Not everyone has the ability to suppress their tears, and when something happens that causes them to cry, all they can do is run to the restroom if they’re in public.
Some people are better at turning off their emotions at the drop of a dime, which takes a great deal of practice for some.
Why are tears salty?
Our bodies contain electrolytes, which include specific levels of certain minerals, including sodium.
Electrolytes are also called “salt ions,” and when you cry, electrolytes enter the eyes and nasal passages, resulting in salty-tasting tears.
Minute amounts of tears are produced on a regular basis in order to keep the eyes and other mucus membranes properly lubricated, but when you cry, hormones are released into the body, dramatically increasing the volume of these tears.
Can a man negatively impact his health by holding in his tears?
Men are often so busy trying to appear “manly” and macho that they fail to think about the consequences of holding in their tears, especially when their emotions reach a climax.
Everyone, regardless of gender, needs to release pent-up emotions, and holding them in can have a negative impact on health.
It can cause stress levels to accumulate, resulting in the manifestations of certain physical illnesses if not kept under control.
Crying and headaches
For some people, crying can result in terrible headaches, which is often due to the stress hormone cortisol that is released when you feel sad and cry.
So, even though you could be releasing certain emotions by crying, which can often be considered therapeutic, crying can lead to terrible headaches and even other symptoms like burning eyes, depending on how much you cry.
Burning eyes are more likely to occur if you suffer from allergies, as crying can aggravate already irritated eyes, which can cause burning.
Is it rude to ask a stranger why they’re crying?
This will totally depend on the situation as well as the person who is crying, as you never know how a stranger might respond to being asked why they’re crying.
Some crying strangers might feel better that someone is concerned enough to ask about their wellbeing, and they might even open up to you.
On the other hand, the person could become angry and demand that you mind your own business.
How do you console a friend or family member who’s crying?
Being around a friend or family member who is upset and crying can be pretty awkward, making you feel as if you don’t know what to do to help them to feel better.
Sometimes, just being there to listen if the person needs to vent can be all the person needs, while other people might need a hug, or to be told that everything is going to be all right.
Just do what comes naturally and don’t allow their crying to make you feel uncomfortable, because everyone cries at times.
Is it normal to wake up crying?
People have emotional dreams all the time, whether they remember them or not, so waking up crying isn’t necessarily abnormal.
However, if a person wakes up frequently crying, then it might signify an underlying problem, such as an issue with post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you find that you’re waking up crying often, you might want to see your doctor to rule out any stress or depression-related issues.
Are there people who cry for no apparent reason?
There are certain neurological disorders that can cause a person to cry uncontrollably even though they’re not sad, angry, or happy.
One of these neurological conditions, pseudobulbar affect, can cause individuals to cry or laugh uncontrollably with no provocation.
This condition, also known as PBA, can be effectively treated but not cured.
The average woman cries around 30 to 64 times a year, although not all women’s episodes of crying are within this range.
If you feel that you cry fewer than 30 times a year and you feel fine, then you’re likely perfectly normal and simply don’t need to cry as often as the average woman.
However, if you find that you cry more often than 64 times a year, you might want to keep an eye on exactly how often you cry, just in case you need to see a doctor at some point.