The answer to this question depends on who you ask.
Statistics say fewer than 50% of marriages are happy. But these statistics are old, and they do not specify who was asked.
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Are these statistics correct? We think not.
If you look around, you will see plenty of people that are happily married. Many fell in love with each other as teenagers and are still deeply committed to each other.
Have they always been happy together?

Every marriage goes through rough spells at some point. However, the two people never gave up on each other.
They managed to work things out and remain happily married.
There are more happy marriages than those that get reported
Some people will cater to the whims of clinically unhappy people.
In doing this, they fail to report all the marriages that are thriving. Instead, they dwell on those that break up. This can be deceiving.
What does it mean to be happily married?

It means the two people love and respect each other. They enjoy being together and making one another feel their best.
It does not mean there are never any disputes between them. It just means they do not allow the disputes to cost them their marriage.
Do the ages of the people involved play a part in marriage?
No, not really. There are examples of happy marriages between people of any age.
It depends on their personalities and whether they are compatible, not the age of the two people.
Are there same-sex couples that are happily married?

Yes, absolutely! Love knows no boundaries. If two people are in love, their genders do not matter.
Only the personalities of the people in love matter. There are many same-sex couples enjoying a healthy and lasting relationship.
Are all couples in arranged marriages unhappy?
No! Despite the tricky circumstances, the two people have learned to love each other and to be happy together.
They go on to be role models for their children and perhaps their siblings too. There are plenty of long-lasting arranged marriages.
Are you ever too young to fall in love?

Nope! Love can happen at any age. Sometimes relationships that are purported to be only puppy love are in fact true, loving relationships.
These people go on to be married for many years.
Are you ever too old to fall in love?
Again, no! There are a lot of people that meet after one or both have lost a spouse or have been divorced for many years.
Rather than spending the remainder of their lives alone, they have met another person they truly love. A second or a third marriage can be a very happy one.
What are some signs that a couple is happy together?

There are many ways to tell that a couple is happy. A mere few of them are listed here:
- They speak highly of each other and never snipe at one another
- They smile and laugh a lot
- They truly enjoy being together
- Their children and grandchildren are happy to be around them
- There are rarely arguments
- When spats do occur, they are resolved quickly and in a positive manner
- Their appearance is always neat because they care about how they look while with each other
- They clearly respect each other
- They have fun doing things together, even if it is only staying at home and watching television
- They are unhappy when they are apart
What is being around a happily married couple like?
Most people say it is a joy to be around them. The couple always displays a positive attitude and sunny dispositions.
Their faces practically glow with their love for one another. Folks in their company do not fear getting caught in the middle of an argument, whether in their home or in public.
Can a love-at-first-sight marriage be a happy one?

Yes, many times when two people hit it off instantly and have great chemistry together, the marriages are ecstatically happy.
These are the couples who have been together for decades and each one cannot imagine life without the other.
What are some signs that the couple is NOT really happy?
There are many signs that a couple is unhappy. Some of them are presented here:
- One or both people are always flirting with other people
- They snipe at each other often
- Nobody is smiling or laughing
- People around them are always on edge
- Each of them cannot wait for the other to go away
- Fights between them can happen at any moment
- One or both people are unfaithful in the marriage
- They look miserable in each other’s company
- There is a noticeable lack of respect between them
What if these things occur during an engagement?

If you were initially happy, then things like the above-listed problems started to happen, DO NOT get married.
Sometimes people think issues like these will get better if they just marry each other. This is not true, and they are practically begging for an unhappy marriage.
This kind of union will almost always wind up in divorce.
What are some wrong reasons to get married?
If any one or more of these things apply to you, do yourself a favor and do not get married. You will only be miserable even if you never divorce.
- You are getting older and think it is high time you married someone
- The sexual relations between you are exciting
- The woman got pregnant. This does not mean the father should abandon them. It is possible for him or her to be around without getting married.
- You do not want to be alone
- One or the other wants to get married but the other does not
- Your partner wants to see other people. Marrying them will NOT make this better.
- One or more outsiders are trying to force a couple to marry
Should you avoid getting married?

It depends upon your personality. There are people that are simply not cut out to be married.
They have a negative view of it and perhaps of other people in general. However, there are many more people that make excellent life partners for the right person.
Nobody should force themselves on someone else, but that perfect mate is out there for them.
Look up to the couples that have been married for eons and aspire to be like them. The odds are in your favor that you will find someone to be happy with.
Parting words of advice
Despite the nay-sayers, there are scores of people of any sexual orientation, age, or background who are very happily married to each other.
If this is what you want for yourself, go for it. Don’t let other people influence your decisions.
Do not rely on statistics to decide if you should marry another person. Do what your heart thinks is right.
Do not expect to have the life of a fairytale princess; that is not realistic. Be prepared to work hard to make your marriage flourish.
If you truly love each other, you will reap the rewards of your efforts. Enjoy your marriage!