Have you got your eyes on someone you just can’t stop thinking about? Is he incredibly attractive, charismatic, chatty, and ambitious? Does he demand attention in every room he enters and has an opinion on everything?
If he’s also popular, outgoing, and fun-loving, singles you out amongst other women and gives you a lot of attention, then you’re likely dealing with a Leo!
The king of the jungle, with a birthday between July 23 and August 22, this man is definitely a catch! A fire sign represented by the Sun, his energy, warmth, and openness are undeniable. He’s a man who’s caring, welcoming, and romantic.
He makes the perfect partner – if you are ready to accept that he believes everything revolves around him.
Famous Leo men include Jason Momoa, Andrew Garfield, Ben Affleck, and Daniel Radcliffe.
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The Leo man in a nutshell

People are naturally drawn to a Leo man because of his powerful, undeniable presence. He’s magnetic and likes to express his thoughts and feelings openly with others. His honesty makes people trust him and open up to him. In that sense, he’s very similar to a Gemini – he wears his heart on his sleeve.
Not everyone warms up to the Leo energy (it might actually be too much at times) or his ego, but one thing is certain – he’s memorable, wherever he goes.
Tending to be self-absorbed and a little stubborn, it helps to know a bit about a Leo before you can spot whether or not he has feelings for you.
Here are some of his qualities and characteristics you need to know.
- He lives for drama: it seems to follow him wherever he goes, and he enjoys the attention a lot.
- He’s got so many stories: often he embellishes them for extra dramatic effect.
- He’s popular: you need to be prepared to join his tribe and become one of them.
- He can be a scared kitten: approach him with care, as he might actually run away.
- He follows his heart: you can’t trick him into dating you, he needs to know you are the right one for him.
- He will spoil you: once with him, prepare to be spoiled rotten – he will take you to all the best places and show you a really good time.
- He’s vain: you might just have to accept that he will take longer to get ready and look at himself in every shiny surface he walks past – don’t bring it up, it’s just who he is.
- He’s a hopeless romantic: if you are not as romantic (to be honest, no other star sign is), show him that you appreciate his efforts, otherwise he will feel stupid and rejected.
- He expects loyalty: above all else, he needs to know that you are his woman and no one else’s. He won’t like to share you, ever.
Now that you know what kind of man you’ve got your eyes on, let’s take a look at the 8 signs that a Leo man has feelings for you.
1. He’s your number one fan

You might not even be dating. He might be just a friend or a mere acquaintance, but the sure-fire sign that this man adores you is written all over his face and body language. He’s your number one fan, and he isn’t hiding it!
He goes where you go. He wants to talk to you all the time and pays very little attention to other women. He laughs at all your jokes and stands close to you. His gaze is fixed on you, and he wants to know your thoughts on every topic.
You know a Leo man is smitten with you when he showers you with his attention and leaves no doubt in the room (and amongst your friends) that he’s only got eyes for you. He roots for you and celebrates your successes.
On top of that, he’s always the first one to compliment your look and notice any changes you’ve made to your clothes, hair, or makeup.
He shows a lot of enthusiasm for your interests. Whenever you share a TV show you love with him, you find that he binge-watches it that same night.
He calls you smart in front of everyone and cheers your personal achievements. How can you not fall in love with this man? It’d be a crime not to!
2. It’s all over his body language

The most obvious sign that a Leo man has feelings for you is in his body language and facial expressions. They show his heightened interest, and he simply can’t hide it. In fact, he doesn’t want to hide it – he’s confident in his attractiveness and wants you to know that he finds you intriguing.
His posture is open and inviting and he casually touches you or stands really close to you. Here are other signs to look for:
- He directs his body at you and seems to mirror and mimic your gestures. It’s natural for someone who likes you to be tuned into what you do, and this shows through their body language. When a Leo man likes you, he will tell you with his face, torso, and legs.
- He smiles as soon as he sees you and it’s definitely not a forced smile. You can see him a little flushed when he speaks to you. He glances over at you often. He laughs when you laugh. It’s adorable how much he is attracted to you.
- He touches up his hair, straightens his shirt, or pulls up his belt. All the self-grooming gestures have one thing in common – he wants to look his best for you.
- He goes out of his way to touch you, and always in a respectful way. He just wants to be close to you and might fix your hair, touch your hand when he laughs, or give you a little cuddle.
3. He gets possessive or jealous

It might not be your cup of tea to be someone’s object of jealousy, but with the Leo man, you usually can’t prevent it. One of the biggest signs that he’s got feelings for you is that he gets all fiery when you are in the company of another man.
The mere thought of you talking to or hanging out with someone else fills him with jealousy. He’ll pay close attention to you when you’re surrounded by other guys and seeks to immediately reconnect with you after. He wants to know whether he’s got competition for your heart.
If you like teasing him, this is the perfect opportunity to show him what he could have if he asked you out. If you are already dating, harmless flirting might be playing with fire, but you won’t know until you’ve tried it.
Either way, you can see it all over his face and body language and find out just how much he cares about you.
4. He treats you differently

One of the first signs that a Leo man likes you as more than a friend is that he will instantly go out of his way to make you feel special. He might be a gentleman to all women in his circle, but he’ll go the extra mile for you.
He likes to move fast, so don’t be surprised if he asks you a lot of personal questions to understand where you see yourself in a few years, what your dreams are, whether you want a family, etc.
When a Leo man likes you a lot, he’ll start to invite you to hang out with his group of friends, text you a lot, and seek your opinion or random topics.
He’ll gladly offer his help with whatever you might need – fixing up a shelf, picking your friend up from the airport, grocery shopping, etc.
He might also start buying you gifts and surprising you with little gestures. He also remembers a lot of details about you, which shows that he pays close attention when you speak.
With his flair for the dramatic, this man wants to surprise you. He’s a bit of a showman and treats life like his stage. He wants to impress you and see you smile, and nothing can stop him.
5. He is really supportive

The Leo man likes to protect those he cares about. So, naturally, when he develops feelings for a woman, he starts to give advice. He wants to be involved in your life and help solve your problems.
He also wants to know that his advice and support are appreciated. If all Leos had a love language, it would definitely be “words of affirmation” followed by “physical touch”. He’s all about coming up with solutions, finding fixes, and improving your life.
But watch out, if he’s getting closer to your personal matters than you’d like, you’ll need to give him some feedback. He needs to know your boundaries and what your expectations are of him, if any.
The best thing about him being supportive of you is how much encouragement he gives. He wants to know what your goals and dreams are and to find ways to help you fulfil them. He wants to see you happy and will do his best to support you in accomplishing anything you set your mind to.
6. He wants you to be yourself

There’s nothing nicer than a guy who’s falling for you, and as a result, he wants you to be your truest, most authentic self. He’s obsessed with getting to know you and wants it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Nothing is too much for him and he’s ready to guard your darkest secrets as if they were his. His light-hearted approach to life makes you feel comfortable in his company. You’ll gladly open up to him because you feel safe.
His jokes and harmless sarcasm are also really disarming. You can’t help but laugh with him!
7. He messages you constantly

When the Leo man is smitten, he shows it. That means you can expect a flurry of text messages, Snapchats, voice recordings, and gifs. He is quick to reply and always has something more to say.
In that sense, very few men can compete with the Leo for your attention. He’d out-text all of them with his sense of pace and focus. When he knows what he wants, he pursues it with unbeatable determination.
Expect him to like all your social media pictures, text you random memes throughout the day, and keep you awake at night with his flirty texts.
8. He talks about being exclusive

A Leo man values commitment and loyalty. Once he falls in love, he’ll start talking about being exclusive to make sure you are only seeing him. He might delete his dating apps in front of you, for dramatic effect and he’ll expect you to do the same.
Since the modality of his star sign is fixed, he shares common traits with other fixed signs, like Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. Those star signs are big on stability, commitment, practicality, and reliability.
They don’t want too many surprises and can’t stand playing guessing games with the one they are in love with. As a result, a Leo man expects you to promise yourself to him and only him. That kind of connection and commitment is the only thing he will accept.
While he might be fun-loving and spontaneous in everyday life, he still seeks stability in his love life. If you break his heart, this will be very hard on him. A heartbroken Leo is a sad sight to behold. Rest assured, however, if you commit to a relationship with a Leo, you will be rewarded with support, stability, and fun.