The biggest pro of being in a relationship is that you have someone to love who will love you in return. But there are some cons too.
We believe there are more pros than cons, but we will share our list of both with you and allow you to decide for yourself. Please read all the way through until the end.
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Pro – someone will always be there
When you arrive home from a difficult day at work, someone will be waiting for you with a smile and a hug. What a difference that can make in a person’s life.
Con – someone will always be there

Yes, you read that correctly. That can be a negative thing if you would rather have peace and quiet at the end of that difficult day.
Some people prefer a life of solitude. They can relax with a cold beer or a glass of wine. When someone is always there, doing that can be a challenge.
Pro – Having a person to share your feelings with
Perhaps at the end of that hard day, you would like to have somebody to talk to about what went wrong. If you are in a relationship, that person will be there.
If you do not live with that person, you can call or email them instead. They will still listen to you.
Con – If your relationship is with a chatterbox

If your partner tends to talk non-stop all the time and all you want is some private time to think, that is definitely not good.
On the other hand, you probably found this out in the beginning. If it bothered you, you could have just left that person alone.
Pro – Learning things about yourself you didn’t know
At times, it takes a relationship for you to learn things about yourself you may not have realized.
He or she can be a positive influence on the way you think about yourself.
They might choose to tell you about these things in conversation rather than by observation. Either way, it is good.
Con – They have a say in what you do

If you have the kind of relationship where you allow your partner to always tell you what to do, that is a con.
Even if they do so with good intentions, you may feel like you are no longer free to do as you wish.
If you continue feeling this way, perhaps an end to this relationship is in store.
Con – Lack of financial stability
This can be a big con in your relationship. This loss of money can come because your partner spends you into oblivion.
If the problem becomes severe enough, it can impact all major aspects of your life. If you value your partner anyhow, you might want to discuss their spending habits with them.
Con – You don’t get to see your friends very often

This can be true the deeper your relationship goes. You begin to miss hanging out with your friends and enjoying their company.
Sure, you could bring your partner with you. But sometimes you simply want some time alone with your buddies.
Pro- Double or triple dating can be fun
Here is the opposite view of what we just said. You and your partner can partake in double and triple dates with your friends.
Imagine all the fun you will have. Being in a relationship need not separate you from them; instead, you can all do things together.
Pro- They can do the household chores you don’t like to do

This is true if you pick a partner who likes to cook or doesn’t mind helping with the cleaning or doing the laundry.
This alone is not a reason to form a relationship with another person. However, it is a nice extra that can come along with him or her.
Con – The flip side of this coin
When you decide to live with somebody and then find out they don’t like to do any of those things, it is left to you to work, raise the kids, and do all those household chores.
If you resent this kind of situation, it is best to find out about them before becoming live-in partners.
Pro – Having someone to cook for and make things for

This is yet another side to this pro/con argument. If you love to cook or sew or knit, but do not like to do it for just yourself.
When you are in a relationship, you have a person to do these things for. It makes them so much more enjoyable.
Pro – having somebody to share your interests with you
Do you hesitate to participate in activities or fun things because you don’t like doing them by yourself?
When you are in a relationship, you have somebody to do those things with.
You might even learn to enjoy some of their interests that you previously thought you would not.
Con – they want to tag along everywhere with you

Everyone needs their space and time alone to do whatever makes them feel good.
If you have an especially needy partner who insists on going everywhere with you, this could become a problem.
It is best not to choose that type of partner to begin with.
Pro – Sharing parental duties
This is a big plus for single or widowed parents. When they are in a relationship, they can share in the parenting duties of the kids.
This may include a taxi service for them and their friends to their sports games or birthday parties. Kids will benefit from this too.
Con – if you choose a partner who doesn’t really like kids

There are such people around. The key to avoiding this con is to find that out prior to dating them.
If you have kids, you don’t want someone living with you that does not feel the same way. Pick your mate wisely!
Pro – Casual relationships
There are benefits to having someone to be just friends with no matter what gender the two of you are. You have someone to hang out and chat with.
Perhaps you can do fun activities with them, even involving your kids.
The difference with a casual relationship is that you don’t lose your freedoms and your personal living space.
You two keep each other company when the need arises and maintain your individuality too. Nothing is wrong with this at all.
Pro – Long-distance relationship

You are probably familiar with this scenario. You meet on social media or by a chance happening in person.
Yet the two of you live in different locations, sometimes very far apart. It is possible to have such a relationship and be happy.
In this case, you have all the same pros as with someone who is right there. Yet you can also get the pleasure of traveling someplace else when you want to be together.
It can even be educational for the kids you may have. This is absolutely possible and can be a long-lasting relationship.
Pro – Having a companion in your life
This is probably the best reason of all to seek out a relationship. You will have a companion in your life.
A person who will turn out to be your best friend and confidant. Most people do not like to stay alone.
When you have that special someone to come home to, it is the best feeling in the whole world.