Sending text messages to friends, family, and significant others is one of the most common methods of communication used today.
If you receive three emoji kisses in a row from someone you are dating, your crush, or even a close friend, you may be wondering what this means, especially if you have never received a kiss emoji from the sender in the past.
If you receive three kisses in a text message, someone is trying to let you know how much they care about you or how much they have feelings for you in a romantic and/or sexual manner.
Knowing what three emoji kisses in one text means will depend on the friend or individual who has sent them to you, as well as the dynamics of the relationship you have with one another.
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What does it mean when someone sends a kiss emoji to you via text?
When someone sends a kiss emoji via text, they may want to get the attention of the recipient, they may be joking in a friendly manner, or they may be interested in pursuing a relationship with the recipient in a romantic way.
When someone sends the kiss emoji to another, it is important to consider the context of the message as well as the relationship between both the sender and the recipient.
If someone sends multiple kiss emojis at once, what does this mean?

If someone sends more than one emoji kiss at once, they may be extremely excited to share news with a friend or they may really have romantic or sexual feelings for the recipient.
Sending any emoji in multiples can indicate a sense of excitement and/or urgency.
If you are unsure of what the multiple kiss emoji messages mean for you, consider the relationship you have with the sender as well as the context of the original message that was sent to you.
Reasons why someone may be sending a kiss emoji in a text message
Understanding why someone may be sending a kiss emoji in a text message can remove the guesswork from the situation while allowing you more insight into an individual’s purpose or motivation for doing so when sending you a message.
A few reasons why someone may be sending a kiss emoji when texting someone else might include:
- They are being cheeky or friendly, especially if you are close friends or have a strong long-term bond.
- They are being silly and funny and want to express how much they care about you, even if they choose to do so in a joking manner via text.
- They are expressing how much they care about you, even if they care about you in a non-romantic and non-sexual manner.
- They are trying to hint to you that they like you or that they have more feelings than just friendly and platonic feelings for you.
Although it is not always easy to tell what someone means when they are using a kiss emoji while sending text messages, you can consider the context surrounding the message itself as well as the relationship you have with your friend or the sender.
Assessing the dynamics of the relationship you have with the sender can provide you with the insight you need to determine if they are feeling romantically towards you or if they are being playful and/or simply platonically friendly.
Signs that someone may like you more than a friend when sending a kiss emoji

Receiving text messages with kiss emojis can feel confusing or even complementary, depending on how you are feeling and who is sending you the messages.
If you want to know if someone is into you after they have sent you a text message with multiple kiss emojis, there may be signs to watch for in their behaviors and actions.
Some signs that someone may like you more than a friend when sending numerous kiss emojis in one message may include:
- They have hinted in the past that they like you as more than just a friend.
- They send text messages that are romantic in nature to accompany the kiss emoji(s) they include with all of the messages they send to you.
- You have a gut feeling that the sender is interested in you romantically and not just as friends.
- Your friend repeatedly sends kiss emojis that have become more frequent in the text messages you receive.
- You have a romantic or sexual history with the sender who is sending you messages that include the kiss emoji.
- The sender of the kiss emoji is direct and upfront with their intentions while sending you texts that include the kiss emoji.
Although there is not one tell-tale sign that can let you know when someone is feeling for you romantically, you can use a variety of deduction methods to determine whether or not the individual messaging you with the kiss emoji is your friend or is interested in something more.
You can also speak to them directly and upfront to inquire about what they mean when they send you a text message using the kiss emoji to avoid feeling left in the dark.
Does a kiss emoji always mean the sender is romantically invested in the receiver?
No, sending the kiss emoji does not automatically indicate that someone is interested in you in a romantic or even in a sexual way.
Using the kiss emoji is not just for couples or for those who are romantically linked, as the kiss emoji is also known to be used between friends, relatives, and even co-workers who are acting friendly and silly with one another.
How can I tell whether someone is being romantic, cutesy, friendly, or silly when they use the kiss emoji in their texts?

The best way to tell whether the text that includes kiss emojis is cutesy, friendly, silly, or romantically charged is to consider the context clues in the message as well as the dynamics between you and the sender.
If you have a romantic past with someone who is sending you kiss emojis out of the blue, he or she may be interested in rekindling the flame.
However, if you have a silly and playful relationship with one of your best friends, they may be using kiss emojis to let you know they care or as a simple greeting and/or goodbye.
How to respond when someone sends a kiss emoji
Responding to someone who sends you a kiss emoji will depend on the dynamics of your relationship, the meaning of the emoji that they sent, as well as your own genuine feelings and response.
If you feel romantically towards the sender of someone who has recently texted you with a kiss emoji, you can respond to them in the following manner:
- Respond to the original sender using the same type of kiss emoji that they used when originally messaging you.
- Ask what they mean and hint around that you may feel the same.
- Attempt to make plans outside of texting one another to gauge how you feel about the sender once you spend a bit more time together.
If you do not feel the same way when someone sends you a text message with a kiss emoji, you may respond by:
- Ignoring the text or ignoring the kiss emoji you received, especially when communicating with the sender or spending time with the sender in person.
- Asking the sender what they mean and letting them know you do not feel the same way in return. Although this is not always easy, it is sometimes necessary.
- Responding in a silly or joking manner with the hopes of diffusing the romantic nature of messages you are receiving from the sender.
- Blocking the sender if you are not close with them or if they are not respecting the boundaries you have set in place.
Dealing with kiss emoji messages is not always simple or straightforward, especially when you do not feel the same towards the sender of the original messages.
Knowing how to navigate any type of text message can help you to protect and preserve your own relationships as well as the dynamics you have with existing friends and acquaintances.
Can I send multiple kiss emojis to those I have a platonic relationship with in my everyday life?

Of course, it is possible to send multiple kiss emojis to individuals you have a platonic, not romantic, relationship with in your everyday life.
If you have a friendship that is close in nature but not romantically, your friend(s) will automatically know that receiving multiple kiss emojis in a text message is a greeting or a symbol of endearment or being silly.
Consider the relationship you have with someone before sending a kiss emoji via text, even if you are doing so as a joke.
Your closest friends will not even likely bat an eye when receiving a text message from you that includes a kiss emoji.
Is it okay not to feel the same when someone sends the kiss emoji?
Yes, it is okay not to feel the same way that a sender does when receiving a kiss emoji in a text message.
You are not expected to feel the way someone else does just because they may feel romantic about you.
If you do not feel anything back when receiving a kiss emoji from someone who has romantic intentions or desires, this is perfectly normal, even if it may be difficult when informing them of your true feelings.
Can I respond to them using the same kissing emoji in return?

Of course, you can respond to someone who has sent you a kissing emoji with a kiss emoji in return, although the meaning behind your message and their own is likely to vary.
When you are sending a kissing emoji in return, consider the sender’s original possible intention with the message as well as the current relationship (if any) that you have with one another.
If you are close friends and are joking around, sending a kissing emoji back in return will not change the tone or shift the entire vibe of the message.
If you receive a kiss emoji from someone who is interested in you romantically, however, it is important to consider how you will respond.
If you respond to someone who is interested in you romantically and has sent you a kissing emoji, you may send signals that you are accepting their romantic gestures and advances, even if they are only doing so via text message.
By sending a kiss emoji back to someone who likes you or is interested in you romantically, you are essentially validating their messages and emotions.
Always be sure that you want the same thing when you choose to respond with kissing emojis in return.