It can be difficult to find the right man to spend your life with, whether you desire to get married or simply be in a committed relationship.
Although there are plenty of available men out there, not all of them are “good guys,” and some of them may not be relationship material.
There are many men who are emotionally damaged and don’t know how to behave in a truly committed relationship.
In fact, some guys don’t know what the definition of commitment is. This is why you must take the time to get to know a guy before becoming seriously involved with him.
If a man is a womanizer, you definitely want to stay away from him. What is a womanizer, you might ask? Here’s an overview:
A womanizer is a man who has casual sex with multiple women on a regular basis.
Sometimes womanizers have the intention of being in a monogamous relationship, but many of them are addicted to sex and claim they can’t control themselves.
Womanizers will lavish women with attention and gifts just to get a woman in bed, and many will have a new “girlfriend” each week, if not more frequently.
You may have heard the terms “Casanova,” “lady’s man,” “Don Juan,” and “lady killer,” and while these terms can be funny to hear, they’re all synonyms for the word “womanizer.”
Most people wouldn’t think it was so funny to hear these terms if they knew what they truly meant.
In order to protect yourself and your heart, you should steer clear of prospective womanizers.
However, this may be difficult, because womanizers don’t simply walk around with signs on their heads announcing that they have sex with numerous women on a regular basis.
In fact, many womanizers prefer having a wife or steady girlfriend, even though they find themselves having meaningless sex with multiple women behind their partner’s back.
Here are seven red flags that the guy you’re into might be a womanizer.
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1. He’s flirtatious with other women
There is a difference between being friendly and being flirtatious, and most people can tell the difference.
If you notice that your boyfriend has “wandering eyes” and always seems to be looking at other women, especially their backsides and breasts, not only is this incredibly disrespectful, but it’s also a major sign that he’s a womanizer.
Furthermore, if you notice that he’s always overly friendly and flirtatious with waitresses and other women, then that is another warning sign.
2. He has cheated in the past
While you can’t automatically assume that because your boyfriend cheated in the past that he may be a cheat now, men who have cheated before are more prone to cheating again.
If he has cheated during your relationship with him, then there is a big chance of him cheating again.
However, if he cheated many years ago while he was in high school and college, then you might want to give him the benefit of the doubt unless there are other red flags.
3. He’s secretive and is always hiding things
Another clue that your boyfriend might be a womanizer is if he’s secretive and always hiding things.
Does he go outside to take certain calls but won’t tell you who he’s talking to?
Does he send text messages to others while he’s with you but he hides the screen so you can see who he’s texting or what he’s saying?
These aren’t normal actions in a relationship – unless your man is in the CIA. Of course, he could be hiding something else besides the fact that he’s a womanizer, so don’t jump to conclusions because of this one action.
You need to determine if he meets the other possible criteria for being a possible womanizer before you start making accusations.
4. He’s always out and you don’t know where he is
If you are in a serious relationship and live together or are together frequently, then you are likely aware of his whereabouts most of the time.
However, if he’s always slipping out or coming home late from work but doesn’t tell you where he was and becomes angry when you question him, that is a definite sign that he may be cheating with other women.
5. You’ve caught him in many lies
Everyone tells a fib here or there, but if you’re frequently catching your guy in flat-out lies, either about his past, his whereabouts, or other important aspects of his life, then he may be hiding something.
Womanizers are experts at lying, or at least they think they are, so don’t allow him to turn situations around on you and make you out to be a nag, jealous, or a “crazy” girlfriend.
You have the right to date someone who is honest with you. How can there be trust if he’s always lying to you? How will you know when he’s actually telling the truth?
That certainly isn’t the foundation for a happy and lasting relationship.
6. He makes promises he can’t keep
Has your boyfriend been making promises to you that he hasn’t kept?
For instance, has he stood you up for dates and come up with some lame excuse, only to promise to make it up to you but didn’t?
If this happens on a regular basis, then it’s pretty obvious that you aren’t his priority.
It might be painful, but you should consider finding someone new, because if you’re not a priority in your guy’s life, then that’s probably not a relationship that you want to be involved in.
Guys who really love their girlfriends make sure their girlfriend’s happiness is their top priority, and that’s how it should be. You shouldn’t settle for anything else.
7. He hasn’t introduced you to his friends and family
Most men in a new relationship with someone special are anxious to introduce her to their friends and family.
However, if your guy has been hesitant to introduce you to his friends and family and you’ve been dating a while, that’s definitely a red flag.
Don’t be afraid to confront him about this, but you should do so only if you have noticed other red flags that point to him being a womanizer.
If he doesn’t want you to meet his family and friends, he could have another girlfriend or even a wife and children somewhere else.
What can you do if you discover that your boyfriend is a womanizer?
What do you do if you find irrefutable proof that your boyfriend has been sleeping around? This can be very difficult to deal with.
You need to determine if you love him enough to try to help him change. If you do, then he must realize that he needs help and he must be willing to change.
If he accepts that he needs to change, then he needs to go to therapy if he really expects to be successful.
You must also realize that he’s not going to change overnight and that he may very well have sex with several additional women before he’s “cured” – if it’s even possible.
Sometimes, very young men like to “play the field” and then when they’re more mature, like in their 30s and ready to settle down and start a family, they’re able to be faithful.
However, this isn’t the definition of a womanizer. Some womanizers do want to settle down and get married.
However, they will continue to have multiple mistresses on the side throughout the marriage.
You must be able to recognize when enough is enough, and if your boyfriend has assured you that he is going to get help, but he continues to be a womanizer, you can’t continue to put yourself through hurt and anger.
There are other guys out there, guys that are sweet, attractive, and faithful, so don’t allow yourself to continue to be cheated on if your guy has a compulsion. You deserve better.