The results of a fairly recent survey showed approximately 22% of divorces were caused by monetary issues. It came in third after incompatibility and infidelity.
Are there some lessons to be learned here? Perhaps yes! Let’s delve into this subject a bit.
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Some marriages begin because of money
This is quite unfortunate but true. Throughout time, there have been a number of people that married solely based on money rather than love.
It is not exclusive to one gender either, both men and women are guilty of this.
Are marriages based on money likely to keep happening?

Again, yes. It is the way of the world for some people. Everyone has different value systems.
Many of these marriages flourish and last for decades. These people can grow to be quite happy with each other.
Sometimes it’s no one’s fault
Sometimes when a marriage does end in divorce over money, it is no particular fault of either person. Economics can play a part in this.
Things go along fine for years, then you or your spouse loses their job. Maybe you are never able to recover and decide it’s best for everyone to go your separate ways.
Your partner cannot manage money

Other times, financial hardships occur when one or both of you do not handle money properly.
Maybe there is an addiction to shopping or gambling or something else that interferes. If the person never seeks help, disaster can happen. After arguing over their money problems for some time, many couples seek divorce.
Unexpected expenses can wreak chaos on a marriage
This scenario can derail any marriage. An unexpected major expense pops up that neither of you is prepared for. Coming up with the money is nearly impossible.
If the situation is not resolved positively, it can be the beginning of the end of your relationship.
Does it matter what kind of family a person comes from?

It can if they are from two different worlds. If one family is rich and the other is poor, it might be difficult to overcome money hardships.
Sometimes low-income individuals have more traditional views of marriage than people who are rich.
It has more to do with the importance placed on money by each of the two people rather than their social status.
Why do money issues happen?
Again, everyone has different values. Some covet money and little else, others want true love in their lives.
Those who choose money over love usually divorce at some point or another. Of course, there are cases where people who marry for money are happy that way.
It depends on whether the couple is willing to allow money to cause disputes or is willing to work things out.
Does the age of the couple matter as far as money goes?

Sometimes yes. A lot of younger people do not give the marriage a chance to last.
These tend to be people born to Generation X or some younger Millennials.
These folks have grown up in a world where money and possessions are important. If they suddenly find they have to do without those things, divorce can be imminent.
What about older couples?
It depends on what is important to the individuals. Quite often, people who have been together for many decades have learned to overcome monetary difficulties.
They never let it ruin their marriage. Many times, these couples try to set an example for younger members of their families.
How can you avoid divorcing due to money issues?

- Marry someone who feels the same as you do about money.
- Have a heart-to-heart discussion with your spouse about your finances
- Don’t let money govern your lives
- Reign in excessive spending
- Work together to resolve money problems
- Don’t indulge in children’s spending proclivities
- Teach your children the value of money
- Know the financial status of your partner prior to marrying them
- Agree to stay together whether or not you can work out your financial problems
Should foolish spending alone be a cause of divorce?
This depends on a few factors. It’s important to consider whether the foolish spending is a pattern or just an occasional spending spree. Another factor to consider is whether these sprees/patterns cause bills to go unpaid.
It’s also important to consider whether the partner who is doing the spending recognizes the problem and is willing to change.
Hopefully, your marriage is worth more than the cost of a few expensive items purchased now and then.
How can the kids cause a divorce over money issues?

This can happen if parents often overindulge their children.
Especially if they always get what they want from one parent, while the other struggles to reign in their spending habits.
Such behavior can cause trouble with paying the bills. In order to remedy this situation, the kids need to learn self-control from both parents.
Teaching children important lessons about money
If this is not done, it can cause a divorce. It is up to both parents to ensure the children are raised with good monetary values.
They should learn how to save it rather than spend every cent on stuff they do not need.
The best way to do this is to lead by example. The kids will learn their lessons from you.
Does money always cause divorce in a marriage?

No. In fact, there are many ways in which money can be an asset to a marriage. It all depends upon the perspectives of the couple.
Let’s take a look at the ways that money can help a marriage.
It can allow you to have a good family life
When the bills are paid, there is food on the table every night, and you get to have fun, it is easier to be more relaxed and enjoy your marriage. It also makes it easier for spouses to do fun things together and with their families which can strengthen their relationship.
Money can also be an indirect cause of divorce

What does this mean? Problems over monetary issues can be stressful. They can either occur from a lack of money or too much money.
Both extremes can cause stress. That stress can lead to conflicts that cannot always be resolved. Ultimately, the couple winds up divorcing.
How can too much money cause a divorce?
Sometimes money can make people greedy. It can be likened to an addiction where, the more you have, the more you want.
It can turn a couple against each other with bitter and harsh consequences.
In the case of these individuals, money and possessions have become more important than their relationship and divorce is inevitable.
But you love all the fancy gifts!

Are you enamored with your partner because he or she spends a lot of money on fancy gifts for you?
Beware that this could lead to money problems down the line. Especially when you have a family, the fancy gifts may stop coming.
If the thought of this upsets you, you should not marry this person.
What is the best way not to get divorced over money?
Knowing where each of you stands on the subject before getting married is the best way to avoid divorce due to money issues. It is advisable to have a serious discussion about money while you are still dating.
If you don’t share the same beliefs, don’t even think about getting married.