What do Beyonce and Jay Z, Michelle and Barack Obama, and George Clooney and Amal have in common? They’re all power couples, in the truest sense. A power couple can be defined as a “couple in which each person is successful in their own right”, but the truth is a power couple is much more than that.
It’s about how the two people work together, how they influence and support one another, and their shared visions and goals as a couple. How do you know if you and your partner have what it takes to be considered a power couple?
Read on for the 13 signs to look out for.
Table of Contents
1. Your partner is your better half.

There’s no one else that you love more in the world, and no one else that understands or knows you better. It’s you and him against the world – and you know that being together is always better than being apart.
You make the conscious effort to spend a lot of time with each other, truly seeking to understand one another and make the relationship better each day. You know how to bring out the best in each other and are always supporting one another to strive for better.
Other couples look at you and want to be just like you. You’ve got that unique quality.
2. You’ve got no time for jealousy.

A power couple has no time or space for jealous fits. They’ve got too much respect, loyalty, love and trust for one another to ever allow anyone to get in between them.
They trust one another and don’t feel the need to control every aspect of each other’s life. A power couple has much better things to do than get paranoid every time someone shows interest in the other – which does tend to happen, because both are highly attractive and charismatic individuals who naturally get a lot of attention from others.
3. You want the same things in life.

The best thing about your relationship is that it seems to be going in the right direction. You’ve got clear plans for where you should be in 10 years, both individually and as a couple – and your goals are all on the same page.
You are focused on doing the right things for your careers and life, and not wasting a minute of your precious time together. You often talk about your vision for the future, which puts you a step ahead most couples you know.
Power couples tend to overcommunicate, and they make a conscious effort to make time for discussing multiple topics and concepts. Overall, you want the same things in life, and you share similar viewpoints – which helps you make decisions quickly and effectively.
4. You know each other’s strengths.

While most couples may be spending their energy trying to change each other, there’s no need for that in your relationship. You know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and you lift each other up, encouraging each other to do better and be better.
You don’t criticize each other or use blame language. You know how to divide tasks and responsibilities around the house based on strengths so that you’re both focused on efficiency and get the best results.
You’re true partners, in every sense of the word.
5. People enjoy your company.

Power couples are popular with people; they’re charismatic and universally liked. They’re comfortable hanging out as a couple or separately, and when out with friends, they aren’t glued together. As a result, people see how different they are from every other couple out there and want to be more like them.
Your combined network of friends is absolutely unstoppable. Even people you don’t personally know have heard of you – and they do compare you to famous power couples!
6. You know how to collaborate well.

A power couple knows how to work well together, in everything they do. They build on each other’s skills, have open and honest communication, and they don’t expect the other person to read their mind.
Each partner knows how to contribute their strength to what needs doing. You never feel like it’s hard work to get anything done because you break down a project into realistic steps and just get on with it.
7. You give each other space when needed.

A power couple knows that giving each other space it’s essential in any relationship. They don’t obsess over one another or cling to each other every minute of every day.
As a result, they get a lot of things done individually and have a lot of success in their respective careers. They allow themselves to miss each other, which makes it even more special when they come together.
8. You’re each other’s biggest fan.

You don’t let anything ruin that. You never bad mouth one another, especially behind each other’s back. Your respect for each other is clear for everyone around you to see. You always put each other first.
You know what they need in order to succeed and are with them every step of the way. You remind each other often that you could be anything you set your mind to.
Power couples know how to deal with self-doubt and insecurities quicker and better that most couples do.
9. Your family approves.

Your family knows that you’ve found a solid partner for life, and they know you have a future together. They don’t interfere in your life decisions or try to cross any boundaries. You two have made it perfectly clear that you know what you want, and how to get it.
It’s the biggest happiness for parents to see their children settle down with the right person who lifts them up and is a true keeper.
10. You’ve been together forever.

The one thing all power couples seem to have in common is that it seems like they’ve been together forever. It’s rare to label a fairly new couple as a power couple. That status takes years to develop.
Power couples don’t have it easier than others. They usually go through a lot of challenges and turmoil together, but come out stronger as a result. They know they’ll always be together, and no one questions that.
A power couple knows how to make each other happy. They know what the other person loves the most about them and what they value in a partner, and choose to give them that.
11. You work hard, and play hard.

The best thing about your relationship is that you’ve nailed the balance between work and play. You don’t sacrifice your relationship no matter how much work you both have. You always make a point to find time for each other.
Date nights are scheduled and planned weeks in advance, and regularly. You don’t leave it to chance! You enjoy unwinding together, travelling, exploring, and trying new things together.
12. You know how to resolve conflict.

A power couple argues just like any normal couple out there. Even healthy relationships have arguments. The main difference is that the power couple knows how to tackle arguments and disagreements in a polite, kind and respectful manner.
When they do clash, they make an effort to resolve the conflict quickly and learn from it. They aren’t in it to win or offend. They get their point across and try to find the middle ground. As a result, their relationship gets stronger – not weaker.
They have effective communication skills, and know all of the 13 Tips for Communicating Effectively With your Partner.
13. You’d do anything for each other.

Despite your successful individual careers and lives, you’d drop it all in the blink of an eye to help each other – and that’s what truly sets you apart from other couples. Instead of competing with or trying to outshine one another, they come together as one. They don’t believe in controlling the other person, or trying to change who they truly are. Instead, they put each other in the spotlight. The happiness and success of the other person is essential.
The Bottom Line
Being a power couple isn’t some glorified label only achieved by celebrities. They’re a couple that truly stands out from the crowd and has a unique balance in everything they do. There’s so much you can learn from simply observing how they are in their relationship.
Some couples can never be a power couple because they simply wouldn’t put in the extra effort or go the extra mile for one another. When two leaders meet and recognize this in each other, a power couple is destined to be formed .
If you want to be a true power couple with your partner, it’s time to revisit your entire relationship. Look at what you do for one another and what you do in life individually that may require attention and effort.
It’s all about finding the right balance between personal aspirations and couple goals, and making sure that one area isn’t sacrificed for the sake of the other.