Getting a haircut seems almost like a monthly task that should never go left undone. How could anyone walk around with an untamed mane and frizz?
What kind of woman goes without a haircut? Okay, while getting a haircut might not be that serious, many women consider getting haircuts to be part of their weekly or monthly routine, and part of the reason they feel so confident and ready to take on the world.
Indeed, haircuts are one of the most essential aspects of beauty for women, and they are as important as they are common.
A regular, average haircut in the United States will cost you around $53.
However, this is a factor that depends on where you live, how long you’ve lived there, how well you know your stylist, the length of your hair, the type of color you’re getting, and so much more.
Having a haircut might be a bit expensive, but it is well worth the cost for most women around the world.
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Why Do Haircuts Matter?
Is getting a haircut simply a matter of preference? Why would women and men want to spend hard-earned money on a haircut anyway?
For starters, haircuts allow you to get rid of any hair that has not been previously shed.
This hair begins to accumulate, especially for women that do not tend to brush their hair.
As the hair accumulates, women might notice an increase in knotting, meaning they cannot detangle their hair.
The hair can also appear to have more split ends, be dead and damaged from the inside out, and make it physically impossible to get ready in the morning and brush your hair.
To avoid matting, knotting, split ends, and an accumulation of head hair, it’s best to get haircuts so that you can get your hair prepped all year round.
Best of all, haircuts can be conducted on people with extremely short hair, long hair, and even those with disabilities.
Haircut Prices by State
One of the biggest factors in determining the price of a haircut is the state you live in.
That’s right! Just because you live in a warm environment like California doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get a haircut and be ready when the summertime comes around.
In fact, in California itself, the average cost of a haircut is a staggering $115 in Los Angeles, not including the stylist’s tip. In New York, women getting haircuts pay around $163.
Fortunately, there are other areas of the country where getting a haircut isn’t so expensive.
For instance, in this survey of haircut prices, the average price of women’s haircuts was lowest in Omaha, Nebraska at just $34, followed by Boise, Idaho at just $38 to get one of the best haircuts of your life.
Some Factors That Affect Price
Like all tangible goods and services, haircuts are one of the things people need to buy, and one that they will continue to purchase if given the opportunity.
This means it is, unfortunately, susceptible to inflation, which is expected to rise 9% this year. What does this mean?
This means that, on average, the goods and services paid for during the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and even 20 years ago are now around 9% more expensive than they were the year before.
This includes haircuts, which at one point might only have been worth pennies but are now incredibly lucrative.
It isn’t just about the inflation though. Many hairstylists are incredibly talented, and they have the ability to give you a total makeover by doing nothing more than giving you a haircut.
This means that these talented hairstylists are free and able to charge you whatever they deem necessary for your hair cut.
During the actual haircut itself, there are other factors that can also affect the price, including:
- How much hair you have and if there need to be more hours put into cutting it
- Whether or not the stylist needs to shampoo your hair before they cut it
- Whether or not the stylist needs to condition your hair afterward
- If the stylist gives you a blowout and curls your hair
- If your stylish incorporates dying your hair or giving you highlights
All of these services can potentially add to your hefty haircut price tag, meaning that you’ll end up paying more by accepting all of these services (although some of them might seem like they’re simply standard or free).
Lastly, many stylists that cut hair do not get paid hourly. Instead, hair stylists will rent out booths in their respective cities.
They will then market themselves and attract customers to the salon they are operating out of.
Once a client shows up, their money will be used to pay for the overhead costs of the stylist, as well as any other related expenses the stylish has.
For instance, your stylist might need to pay for all of the beauty supplies, shampoos, and even simple things like capes and towels during your haircut.
These material costs can quickly add up, leading to spikes in haircut prices for both men and women.
How to Improve the Price and Save Money
Getting a haircut is vital to help you feel confident, prevent your hair from becoming damaged, and overall help you feel clean and healthy.
However, haircuts, as shown above, do get to be a little expensive, if not outright unaffordable, depending on the state you live in.
Luckily, there are ways that you can save on the price of your haircut, including:
- Cut your hair yourself! There are lots of videos and tutorials online that can help you do just this. However, it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor about using anything people promote on the internet. Once you have the materials you need for your haircut, such as a mirror, fine comb, gel, or anything else, you can cut your hair yourself knowing you have the proper tools at your disposal.
- Opt to wash your hair and dry it at home yourself. Yes, blowouts are fun and exciting, but they can also be expensive and, let’s face it, not permanent. If you currently use blowouts after your haircut, consider taking a break from blowouts, hot curlers, and so on.
- Consider visiting a bigger retailer. While it is nice to be able to get a haircut from someone personal, this isn’t always affordable, and some people will need to resort to using big-name brands to cut their hair. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. By visiting a bigger retailer, you can take advantage of deals you wouldn’t normally be able to take advantage of.
- Use high-quality, yet affordable beauty products to take care of your hair and lessen the need for haircuts to fix split ends, matting, and knotting.
Final Thoughts
Haircuts are not only therapeutic, but they are necessary in order for you to maintain good health and hygiene.
Although some states do have higher haircut costs than others for women, by sticking with a simple haircut or even doing it yourself, you’ll be able to save big on the final bill.