Yes, we know – you raised your eyebrows and rolled your eyes, because who could ever defend the sneaky business of being a side chick?
Whether we like it or not, side chicks aren’t going anywhere.
So, we wanted to play the devil’s advocate and dig deeper into the matter.
After all, there must be something we are missing, because who would willingly take on the wrath of society just to be with a man?
And in our quest of finding the hard truth, we have identified many benefits of being a side chick.
So, jump off that high horse for a while, and let’s look at this objectively.
Here are 13 benefits of being a side chick:
Table of Contents
1. Freedom Baby

Okay, ladies, what is the one thing that keeps many people away from relationships? Yes, commitment issues!
It is not that you don’t want to be with that amazing person; it’s just that relationships are confining.
Every person who has ever been in a committed relationship or worse, marriage, can tell you that a lot of personal freedom is lost when you make things official.
So, one of the biggest advantages of being a side chick is that you keep all your freedom!
No one is going to demand your time or space.
There are no orders, commands, just absolute freedom to do what you gotta do while you have all the perks of having a man wrapped around your finger.
2. It’s Thrilling

To be honest, don’t cookie-cutter relationships get boring pretty fast? They’re fun for a while, but then the routine kills all the excitement.
Well, side chicks get to live a roller-coaster of a life.
When you are a side chick, hanging out with the guy will always be a secret mission.
Whether you dare go outside in daylight or stick to the usual guidelines of sneaking around at night, your relationship is never going to get boring.
You can enjoy this thrill the most because you don’t have to answer to anyone.
Your man might have a sword hanging above his head, but you are just a consenting adult who is here for the wild ride.
3. Keeping Those Options Open

Aren’t we all guilty of looking at the man of our dreams while the man we are with is holding our hand?
Well, side chicks don’t have any of that guilt because their options are always open.
There are no promises of a lifetime or vows of dying together. There’s just the present moment with no strings attached.
So, as a side chick, you get to enjoy all the wandering eyes and DMs you want because your man doesn’t have a say in any of it.
This also makes the dynamic of your hookups more relaxed. The guy does not come to you with future expectations, and you get to decide how you want to play your cards.
No guilt, no explanations, just going for whatever (or whoever) your heart desires.
4. No Time for Drama

A relationship isn’t a relationship if it doesn’t come with a side of drama.
From petty debates over why you sighed loudly to whom you follow on Instagram, the cycle of drama is endless – but not so when you are the side chick.
You both want to be consumed by your passion and arguing about something trivial is the least of your concern.
No one is getting hurt over some facial expressions in a no-strings-attached situation.
It’s a lot like being a kid: lots of fun and no responsibilities.
You don’t have time to bicker or listen to his complaints because the dude’s probably gotta run to his wife and explain where he has been all night.
5. Goodbye Lies

While we are all guilty of little white lies here and there (or maybe big red ones), nobody likes being lied to.
Side chick or not, we are all women of pride, and no man is going to lie to us straight to our face.
Being a side chick, you know the man’s dirty laundry – and it happens to be you. You don’t have to worry about him coming home late and lying to you, ever.
You know where he is running to after being lost in you. You know why he couldn’t call back in the morning, and that is such a freeing feeling to have.
You don’t need to keep track of what he does because your business is well taken care of.
6. Peaceful Sleep

How many of us have debated whether kicking the guy out at 2 a.m. is a good idea because we want our comfort back?
No matter how charming and attractive, men come with some sleeping baggage.
Whether it’s the loud snores, the blanket stealing, or the occupation of too much space, trying to get a peaceful sleep can be difficult.
Well, side chicks have it figured out.
Those guys gotta rush home to sleep near their partner while the side chick sleeps like babies.
In most of these scenarios, the guys come over to the girl’s place, which in itself is a bonus.
You get to have your bed, all to yourself – without needing to care about snores or temperature disputes.
7. No Sacrifices

We have all heard the old adage of sacrificing our desires and even needs for love. Love is work, and we all gotta do our part.
Well, the side chicks found a hack, and it’s pretty effective.
A side chick promises no compromises or sacrifices when it comes to dealing with her man.
He wants her – maybe even needs her – and she wants him too, but she isn’t the one tiptoeing around the house or her life for nobody.
Side chick affairs are pretty straightforward – lots of passion and fun, with no commitments or expectations to uphold.
As a side chick, you are never backing down from your wants, and you low-key know you are going to get whatever you want because he chooses you every time.
8. Protecting That Heart

Love is messy in the grown-up world. You can put your soul into a relationship, but it might just end up dead when the ship goes down.
Side chicks don’t have to worry about the pain of heartbreak because there’s nothing shady (ironically) about this business.
Yes, having feelings for the person you are inviting over and sleeping with is natural.
You wouldn’t be giving them the time of day if you weren’t into them, but love is a different realm that you know you cannot step into with this person.
It makes things so much easier when you know the extent of your expectations and desires.
Being a side chick lets you enjoy the moments while also protecting your heart from serious heartbreak.
9. Worry About Nothing

Whether it’s marriage or a very serious relationship, two people tied together are bound to be worried about one thing or another.
Frankly, sharing your whole life with someone isn’t a piece of cake. Yet, side chicks just know how to get the sweetness without the hassle of baking.
Side chicks are just women who want to have fun. They are not looking to be bogged down with responsibilities or higher commitment.
Maybe they are trying to enjoy their youth or just aren’t the serious type.
As a side chick, you won’t be getting panicked texts about food or picking someone up.
There are no serious talks over finances, and you still get to have the cozy times with the dude. We consider this a win-win.
10. Pretend for No One

Whether it’s a color you both need to agree on or the place you want to eat at, relationships involve a lot of pretending because you just want to get along and not be a nuisance.
When it comes to being a side chick, you better know that you wouldn’t need to pretend to be someone you are not.
If the guy keeps running back to you despite having a possible baby-mama, you know he’s here for you.
Don’t try to make yourself more lady-like or try to fit into the mold made for you by society.
You are desirable – the man wouldn’t be sacrificing so much just to get a taste.
11. No Awkward Introductions

No one likes to get to that stage of the relationship where the guy introduces you to his friends and, God forbid, his family.
The fake laughs, awkward handshakes, and the dreadful silence over dinner are truly horrendous.
Guess who is skipping all that bullshit? Yeah, the side chicks. They don’t need to worry about pleasing the mom or keeping the sleazy uncle’s hands in check.
They don’t need to go anywhere near the overburdening friends either to explain who they are.
The side chicks just want the man whenever they want him, and that’s about it.
There’s no stress of keeping face or presenting themselves as worthy to any of the “loved ones.” Those situations are for the guy’s partner.
12. Ego Boost

Nothing says “I want you” like a man sacrificing his reputation and possibly his family just to be with you.
There’s just no flex that can top this one.
We can’t imagine a bigger ego boost than having a guy wrapped around your finger so tightly that he dares to sneak around his perfect life for you.
Another self-esteem-increasing thought must be the literal moment a side chick gets chosen over whoever the Plain Jane at home is.
Whether it’s a reply or a whispered call, the side chick knows who is winning here.
13. Money Matters

Even though side affairs are not the same thing as gold-digging, we cannot deny that money plays an important role.
Most girls aren’t wasting their time with a guy that’s taken and poor. That sounds like a bad deal for sure.
Being a side chick, you kind of hold the man – or rather his wallet – in your hand.
You get the fancy presents and the mouthwatering takeout because this man will give you anything to keep you in his life.
He knows you aren’t in this to wreck his life (yet), so the rewards are endless.
Your salon appointments are always on time, your shopping is never delayed, and you get to roll in whatever luxury he can afford.

So, with so many tempting benefits, are we advocating for people to sneak around their spouses or partners for the thrill of being a side chick?
The answer is no. But, since apparently everyone else is an angel and doesn’t want to go there, we decided to examine the fun perks of this hush-hush situation.
Side chicks are grown adults, and they can choose to spend their time with someone who is being unfaithful if they want to.
No one is forcing a guy to have a side chick, and no one can convince him not to either.
It is best to look at a situation objectively, and when you do, you can’t deny that there are some serious benefits to being a side chick.