A narcissist is a person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and they’re not known for being very pleasant to be around.
Narcissists often make themselves feel good at the expense of their peers and family members, which causes them to frequently lose friends and romantic relationships.
Even though they generally use others to make themselves feel good, can a narcissist take responsibility?
A narcissist cannot take responsibility for his or her actions and behavior.
Most narcissists believe that they’re so superior to others that there’s no possible way that they could make a mistake.
This is one of the reasons why narcissists have such a difficult time sustaining meaningful relationships – they inadvertently alienate everyone they come in contact with.
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How Do Narcissists Become the Way They Are?
Narcissism isn’t a condition that a person is born with, but it instead develops due to the environment in which they’re raised.
If a child is born into a chaotic household where they’re constantly neglected, abused, and made to feel less important than they truly are, then it can result in the person growing up to become a narcissist.
People can also develop narcissism by having parents who push them too hard and who have unrealistically high expectations of them.
Furthermore, a person can become a narcissist due to their parents pampering them in an extreme manner.
This type of behavior simply isn’t healthy and it results in the person developing a permanent personality disorder in some cases.
There is also some genetic contribution, as some people with certain genes are more susceptible to becoming a narcissist if they have a certain gene.
Can Certain Genes Cause Narcissism?

Just because someone has the genes that make them more susceptible to developing narcissism doesn’t mean that they will.
A person must both have the gene and be subjected to an undesirable childhood in order to develop this disorder.
However, some psychologists believe that even some individuals without the gene can develop this illness due to issues with their physical appearance.
Dealing With a Narcissist Co-Worker
If you have a co-worker who you believe has narcissistic tendencies, then you may be struggling to get along with him or her.
Narcissistic people often make life miserable for those around them, as they are very overbearing, boastful, angry, etc.
One way to deal with your co-worker is to focus on the fact that the person likely has a disorder and that you’re probably not the only one who has a problem with this particular person.
Sometimes, allowing a co-worker to get under your skin is simply not worth it.
If you enjoy your job and you have no plans of getting a new one, then you need to find some way to get along with this annoying co-worker.
Perhaps you can find something that you have in common and make an attempt to connect with him or her in some way.
Keep in mind that narcissists lack the ability to build healthy, meaningful relationships, so attempting to become the person’s friend is a waste of time.
However, there shouldn’t be any problem finding some common ground, and maybe you won’t continue to dread going to work each day.
Are Narcissists Ever Happily Married?

Narcissists have no empathy, so they’re unable to build long-term, meaningful relationships. This makes it very unlikely that a narcissist will be happily married.
On the other hand, as long as all of a narcissist’s needs are met, he or she could probably believe that they are happily married, even though their spouse is likely miserable and ready to file for divorce.
What Are the Children of Narcissists Like?
Most narcissists were normal children and did not have the disorder during childhood.
However, if they are raised in a dysfunctional household, then they can begin to display minor amounts of personality defects as they emerge into adolescence.
A person usually doesn’t become a full-blown narcissist until after puberty, although there are situations in which there are exceptions.
Do Narcissists Make Good Supervisors?

Narcissists are often very successful at their jobs, but when it comes to supervising others, they’re deficient.
Narcissists who aren’t supervisors suffer from a sense of superiority and allowing a narcissist to become a supervisor only enhances that feeling, causing narcissist supervisors to be nightmares from hell.
A narcissistic supervisor will likely never be available when you need them, they won’t treat employees fairly, and they will always seem angry and irritated.
The narcissist will place all the blame on his or her employees, never accepting responsibility, even when he or she is clearly at fault.
No one wants to work with or for a person who exhibits these characteristics, so it’s best not to work for a supervisor who you believe may be a narcissist.
How to Survive Having a Boss Who is a Narcissist
If you’re unlucky enough to already have a boss who you’re pretty sure is a narcissist, then you might be ready to put in your letter of resignation.
However, if you love your job but you just hate your boss, then don’t make a rash decision.
There are some things that you can do to make life at work easier, so you won’t have to leave.
If you’ve already attempted to do what you could to get along with your boss, to no avail, then you might want to obtain signatures from all the employees and even non-employees who are also tired of dealing with the supervisor.
Once the petition has as many signatures as possible, you can submit the petition to human resources.
Human resources will investigate the complaint, and if it’s found to be valid, then human resources might consider transferring the supervisor or even letting the person go.
However, you should not expect this result, as it is not something that is commonly done, so you never know how human resources will react.
Do Narcissists Realize Why Many People Dislike Them?

Most narcissists have no idea why so many others dislike them and prefer not to be around them.
In fact, they think that something is wrong with other people, even though they can’t quite figure it out in most cases.
Narcissists are used to people ending relationships or doing whatever possible to avoid them.
Is There Medication Available to Treat Narcissism?
While there is no medication available to specifically treat narcissism since many narcissists also suffer from depression and anxiety, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can sometimes help them to feel better.
These medications will not have a direct effect on their narcissism unless the medication is part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Unfortunately, most narcissists will not recognize that there is anything wrong, so they are unlikely to seek treatment.
Treatment for Narcissism

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to treat narcissism, as all narcissists are different and require different types of treatments.
Even if a narcissist does agree to seek treatment for their disorder, treatment is extensive, which causes many of the few narcissists that do agree to treatment to drop out early.
The treatment protocol for each narcissist is different and based on the particular individual.
However, treatment typically involves psychotropic medications, cognitive behavioral therapy to “unlearn” certain behaviors, and more.
Such a program requires motivation to get well, and dedication to stick with it, as well as a commitment to the program.
Change takes time, and most narcissists will simply not agree to maintain such a strict regimen. A narcissist has to truly want to change in order to stick with a program.
How to Determine if You’re Dating a Narcissist
If you’re in a relationship and you’re sure there is something going on with your significant other, yet you can’t quite put your finger on it, then you might believe that he or she is a narcissist.
However, there are more effective ways of determining whether someone has this condition, and here are some symptoms that a person might display. For instance, they are extremely charming in the beginning; have no long-term friends; lack empathy; and are never there for you emotionally when you need it, among other things.
If you do find that your significant other has some or all of the possible symptoms of being narcissistic, then you might start to wonder what you should do.
You could always end the relationship before things get too serious.
If you’re already very in love with him or her, then you would probably still be better off ending the relationship, because obviously you’re not happy and things will probably get worse.
Is Narcissism a True DSM Disorder?

A narcissistic personality disorder is a condition characterized by a person displaying a number of certain symptoms, such as an inflated sense of self, the inability to develop relationships or accept responsibility, the inability to show empathy, and much more, is a true mental health disorder that appears in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM.
Mental health professionals diagnose people with this disorder every day.
As you can see, it can be extremely difficult to have a close relationship with a person who has a narcissistic personality disorder.
Those that suffer from this condition are unable to accept responsibility, lack empathy, and are angry, irritated people a majority of the time.
On the small chance that a narcissist does accept responsibility for his or her behavior, then it is probably just a ploy to manipulate someone into doing something that they want.