The Chinese zodiac classifies time and personal attributes based on the current lunar cycle.
In the Chinese zodiac, twelve animals are used to represent distinct personalities and birth times for individuals.
Understanding the individual animals that correlate with zodiac signs can help you better understand what your own birthday and birth time mean.
The sign Gemini is often known as the sign of duality, or the sign of twins, as depicted by many astrologers and throughout the history of astrology.
However, did you know that in the Chinese zodiac, the animal that falls within the Gemini timeline is a horse?
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What is the Horse in the Chinese Zodiac?

In the Chinese zodiac, the horse is known as a fiercely independent creature with a spirit that cannot be moved or broken.
Those who are born under the Horse are typically interested in learning, are quick-witted, agile, charismatic, and extraordinarily clever.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, individuals who were born under the sign of the Horse are also more likely to be stubborn and unwilling to take criticism as they grow into adulthood.
Those who are born under the Horse will require a decent sense of humility and will need to share self-criticism in order for others not to view them as hostile, arrogant, or over-confident.
Years of the Horse
If you want to know if you are the Horse in the Chinese zodiac, you will need to know the year you were born.
People born in the “Year of the Horse” were born in the following years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, and 2014.
The Horse Personality Traits

Using the Chinese zodiac is an exciting way to discover more about personality traits and how they may align with the stars and the lunar cycle.
Some of the most notable personality traits of those who were born in the year of the Horse include:
- Clever
- Quick-witted
- Active and animated
- Zany
- Out-of-the-box thinker
- Creative
- Charismatic
While these characteristics are commonly viewed by society as positive, they can also be viewed negatively if a Horse individual is too arrogant, stubborn, or self-centered for their own good.
For a Horse individual to appear humble and modest, they must always be willing to share self-criticism and to admit when they are in the wrong.
It is also important for those who are born under the Horse sign to remain aware and cognizant of those around them, especially during conversations and heated debates.
Because those born under the Horse sign are less likely to realize when they have upset or offended someone else, it is important for them to remain as involved and self-aware as possible while communicating with others.
The Gemini Horse Personality

Geminis are notorious for being extremely sociable, confident, charismatic, and charming, which is why a Gemini born in a year of the Horse is often unstoppable.
Geminis are natural leaders, speakers, and communicators.
They may appear flighty or even only surface-level deep to those who are unable or unwilling to get to know them, as Gemini has many faces and many personalities to share with the world.
Gemini Horses are sociable and enjoy sharing their enthusiasm with others and the world around them.
They are confident and lovable people and enjoy seeking out affection from both platonic and romantic relationships.
The Gemini Horse will enjoy exploring their world and trying new things, as they are rarely fearful of a new experience, even if it winds up going badly.
For a Gemini Horse, there is nothing more soul-sucking than a menial job with repetitive tasks, which is why the Gemini Horse turns to creative and social endeavors more often than not.
In some instances, a Gemini Horse may prefer to work in solitude and alone, where they can home in on their own calmness and ability to provide wisdom.
The Gemini Horse will not stand for a boring and dull life. They are filled with plenty of joy, laughter, and an insatiable drive for exploring the infinite abyss of life.
They are eager to learn, love to read, and can’t wait to tell everyone they know about their findings, even if others are less than thrilled to listen.
Gemini Horses require purpose in their lives, or at the very least, a creative outlet.
Without a creative outlet or a way to expel excess creative energy, the Gemini Horse will begin to feel unsatisfied and may even become self-destructive.
Because the Gemini Horse’s personality is so strong and dominant, it can be difficult to communicate with them, even if you are connected with them as a family member or as a romantic partner.
While the Gemini Horse’s heart is often in the right place, they will typically find it annoying and extremely difficult to listen to the input of others.
When a Gemini Horse refuses to listen to others, some may view this as arrogant or downright rude.
It is essential for a Gemini Horse to have a semblance of self-awareness and the ability to reflect on their own words and actions.
The Gemini Horse in Love

Geminis in general enjoy love, even if they were not born in the year of the Horse.
Any Gemini is likely to enjoy dabbling in various relationships and exploring the seemingly infinite possibilities before choosing to settle down.
A Gemini Horse who is in love will be extremely focused on obtaining love, even if they are unsure if love is their ultimate goal and purpose in life.
The Gemini Horse revels in companionship and dreams of blissful romances that will swoop her off of her feet.
It is important to note that while a Gemini Horse will be inclined to seek out love for their entire lives, they may still have trouble settling down or committing to someone long-term.
When a Gemini Horse is ready to look for love or when they are ready to settle down, they will typically do so by using humor to garner attention.
Geminis love laughing and making light of life, even during serious situations.
A Gemini Horse will do everything in their power to attract a mate with pranks, practical jokes, and their own unique sense of humor.
Finding the right mate as a Gemini Horse can be complex, especially for the Gemini, who is fiercely, and at times, stubbornly independent.
Because Geminis naturally gravitate to numerous lifestyles and career paths throughout their lives, their search for a mate can sometimes feel stressful, overwhelming, and even next to impossible.
The Gemini Horse in a Committed Relationship

Once the Gemini Horse has found a potential long-term mate or partner, they are extremely loyal and giving.
The Gemini Horse, while appearing arrogant and overconfident at times, can also be extremely selfless, given the right partner and opportunity.
In order for the Gemini Horse to feel happy, content, and fulfilled in their relationship, they will need a partner that they respect and one who is flexible and open-minded, as Gemini’s wants and needs will frequently shift and change.
The Gemini Horse is extremely adaptable and will work to better mesh well with their chosen partner’s lifestyle.
It is important to remember that the Gemini sign will find themselves bored and restless much faster than other signs in the zodiac, traditional or Chinese.
Anyone who is in a committed relationship with a Gemini Horse will need to keep them interested in maintaining the relationship, especially over years and decades.
It is also important to note that anyone in a relationship with a Gemini Horse will need to expect to share in the responsibilities of the home.
Geminis are not subservient and will seek out partners who are able to give as much effort as they are also giving into the relationship.
The Male Gemini Horse

The male Gemini Horse is extremely agile, intelligent, and charismatic.
He is often viewed as magnetic, as his charm and charisma can help him pursue both romantic and even career-oriented goals with ease.
Because the male Gemini Horse is charismatic and confident, he may appear controlling or, in some cases, even arrogant.
It is imperative for a male Gemini Horse to take a step back to evaluate a situation where he may be coming across too strong for others’ liking.
The male Gemini Horse enjoys communicating with others and typically has no difficulty making friends with others.
He may find himself being short-tempered when he does not feel in control of his money or surrounding circumstances.
He is open-minded and willing to bring new ideas to the table, whether at work or at home.
Unfortunately, the male Gemini Horse will find himself struggling to hold on to money and to save money altogether.
While he may have no trouble finding a high-paying position, he will struggle with money management.
The male Gemini Horse will need a partner who is willing to get to know his personality quirks while allowing him to vent his frustrations frequently.
The Female Gemini Horse

The female Gemini Horse works hard for what she has, as many female Gemini Horses will find themselves down on their luck often throughout their lives.
For the female Gemini Horse to succeed, she must tune into her natural positive personality traits, such as her kindheartedness, selflessness, and generosity.
Tuning in to negative energies will often result in further problems, chaos, and drama in the life of a female Gemini Horse.
The female Gemini Horse may find herself surrounded by financial blessings throughout her life, but she will have trouble keeping them.
Money flows through the female Gemini Horse like rain through the soil.
Because the sign of Gemini signifies duality, a Gemini also has the ability to tune in to darker vibrations and energies, resulting in anger, irritability, impatience, and downright arrogance.
The female Gemini Horse loves to learn and is intellectual. Thus, she excels in intellectual fields such as science.
Although she is extremely logical and calculating at times, she also has a soft side that will deter her from the path of becoming overbearing or a tyrant.
In order to overcome the challenges that the female Gemini Horse will face, she will need to remain calm, positive, and humble.
Focusing on the positive traits of the Gemini sign can significantly impact the female Gemini Horse and her life’s trajectory.
Understanding the basics of the Chinese zodiac can help you to familiarize yourself with the animal signs and symbols used in everyday Chinese astrology.
When you are familiar with the Chinese zodiac animals as well as with the lunar cycle, you can begin to dig deeper into your own life and personality for potential clues about your life path and your future.