For some reason, penis size is a big deal when it comes to love, dating, and relationships.
No one is quite sure why it’s such a big deal, because the size of a woman’s breasts isn’t as important as a man’s penis size, but in most cases, the larger the penis, the better.
Some women believe that taller men have larger penises, so do short guys have smaller packages?
A man’s height doesn’t determine the size of his penis, as there are taller guys who have smaller penises and shorter guys with larger ones.
Genetics determines the size of a man’s penis. It doesn’t matter what his height is; he can have an average-sized penis, which is four-six inches when fully erect, a smaller-than-average penis, or a ten-inch one.
Women who refuse to date shorter guys because they believe they have smaller penises could really be missing out on potentially great guys who have normal-sized or even large packages.
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Is it true that if a man has big feet, he also has a big package?

This is a myth that has somehow circulated for many years despite the fact that no one really knows how it was started.
It doesn’t matter what height a man is, or even the size of his feet or hands, as there is no correlation between the size of his penis and his height, shoe size, or the size of his hands.
Some women would never suspect that certain men have larger packages just by looking at them, and usually, they never find out unless they end up in a relationship with these men and then are pleasantly surprised.
Why do short guys lie about their height?
Short guys are often shamed because of their height, as many women prefer to date men who are at least three inches taller than they are.
The shorter a guy is, the fewer dates he’s likely to get, and some people even view shorter men as being less successful and less attractive than taller men.
No man wants to be viewed in a negative and unfair manner due to his height, which is why some men might exaggerate their height by a couple of inches.
Why do many women feel it’s a turn-off to date short guys?

Unfortunately, short men have been given a bad rap, and for some women, dating a taller guy makes them feel more feminine and attractive.
Many women would rather date a tall guy who is a complete jerk rather than a short guy who could be their prince charming if they just gave them the chance.
Every woman has her own reason for shunning short men, but most women simply find shorter men less appealing and attractive.
Is dating a guy who is shorter than you weird?
No, dating a guy who is shorter than you isn’t weird, because a man’s height doesn’t define him.
Dating a guy who is several inches shorter than you might appear a bit awkward, especially in the beginning, but only if you allow it to be awkward.
If the short guy that you’re dating is comfortable dating a taller woman, then you shouldn’t feel awkward being with him simply because of his height.
What are the advantages of dating a short guy?

There really are no advantages to dating a short guy, as a short guy is a man just like any other man.
However, in extremely short men, some will be so grateful that a woman has given them a chance that they might try harder to please a woman, inside and outside the bedroom.
More women need to realize that a short man is simply a man who has less than average height, but it doesn’t mean that he’s less than average in any other area.
Why do some men have super small penises?
While many men with average-sized penises often wish their penises were larger, there are men who have micropenises. This may even prevent them from dating because they’re so self-conscious in some cases.
“Micropenis” is the term for a penis that is abnormally small at birth. however, hormonal treatments can promote normal growth during childhood.
However, once that child becomes a man and treatments were either ineffective or not provided, there is no way to encourage the penis to grow larger and he will simply have to learn to adapt to having a micropenis.
Can a man grow a larger penis?

The internet is full of numerous ads claiming to have a “miracle” product that can grow a man’s penis from pathetically small to extremely large.
However, these products are all bogus, and they’re preying on men who are self-conscious about their penis size and desperate to grow their penises.
If a man’s penis appears small, he needs to be sure he’s measuring it while it’s fully erect, as a partial erection will not enable an accurate reading.
What about penis enlargement surgery?
There is a way to surgically increase the size of a man’s penis, but many men have to ask themselves if it’s worth the risk.
Not only does penis enlargement surgery only result in a slight increase in the length of a flaccid penis, but nerves could be damaged during the surgery and could diminish sensation during sex.
Furthermore, most men don’t notice a difference in the length of their erect penises, and most men who have had the surgery wish they hadn’t.
Do all Black men really have large penises?

No, all Black men do not have large penises, as there isn’t a huge difference in penis size among men of various races.
While research does show that Black men tend to have slightly lengthier penises on average, White men and men of other races can have penises just as large or even larger than Black men.
Again, genetics is what determines penis size, not race or any other factor.
Do all women prefer men with very large penises?
No, all women do not prefer men with very large penises, and some women don’t consider the size of a man’s penis when deciding whether to be with him or not.
Some women can be satisfied with a man with any size penis – even one that is very small – as long as the man knows how to use it.
As long as a man is good in bed, it shouldn’t matter what size his penis is, but not all women feel this way.
Can an exceptionally large penis be painful during sex?

Sex can be painful for a woman with a man who has a very large penis, especially in positions that allow deeper penetration, like doggie style.
If you’re dating a man with an extremely large penis, be sure to let him know that he’s hurting you.
Although some women enjoy a certain amount of pain during sex, too much pain can mean that you need to get checked out by a doctor.
Do shorter men tend to have lower self-esteem?
Unfortunately, many shorter men do suffer from low self-esteem, and the shorter a man is, the greater the chance of him suffering from low self-esteem.
Both men and women can be very critical of short men, which can make them feel as if they’re inferior to taller men.
Men who are shorter than 5″5 may be treated even more unfairly due to their height, as people believe they’re unable to perform normal tasks due to their height, which isn’t true in the least.
How can a woman get over her bias against shorter men?

It can be difficult to change once you’re used to thinking a certain way, but short men deserve to be treated like any other man.
A woman can get to know a short man for who he is inside, look past his height, and simply talk to him and discover who he really is behind his short stature.
She just might fall in love and will have finally found her soul mate, but if she never gives the short guy a chance, she may never know what she’s missing.
Can a woman really be truly happy with a short man?
Plenty of women are blissfully happy with their short men and they don’t see their height as having ever been an issue.
If a woman could stop judging a man by his height and judge him instead by his personality and the way he treats her, the world would be a lot easier for short men.
Again, a man’s height does not define him, and many short men have so much love to give if they are just given the opportunity to do so.
As you can see, many people underestimate short men, which is very unfair to them and can cause them to suffer from low self-esteem.
Just because a man may be 5″2 instead of 6″2 doesn’t mean that his penis will be any smaller than average.
In fact, a short guy could be packing a large penis, which you will never discover if you fail to give him a chance.