If you know for a fact she is single, then addressing her as Miss is perfectly fine. If you do not know, Ms. is far more appropriate.
Remember not all married ladies wear a ring or take their spouse’s last name.
If this is someone you know, then chances are good you will know if she is single or married. If she is a stranger, addressing her as Ms. is your safest bet.
Table of Contents
How do you address a married woman?

If you are certain she is married, then you address her as Mrs. There are exceptions, however, such as if she has chosen not to take her spouse’s name.
Other situations may be if she prefers the whole world not to know her marital status or if she is newly separated or divorced.
And if you have absolutely no idea about any of these things, then just address her as Ms.
How do you formally address a man?
A man can always be called Mr., an abbreviation of Mister. It doesn’t matter if he is single or married.
If this is a friend or a colleague, i.e., someone you know well, you need not address him by Mr.
If he is a superior at work, a business client, or a total stranger then it is proper to address him as Mr., followed by his last name if you know it.
What about a young boy?

There is a proper way to address a young boy, maybe someone in his teens or preteens.
You would need to know this if making out invitations to a wedding, a religious ceremony, or perhaps a birthday party.
It is Master, followed by his first name, then the last name. It is never appropriate to address an adult male as Master.
Which is more professional, Miss, Mrs., or Ms.?
If you know the marital status of the person, that will determine the answer to this question. If you know she is married or widowed, then Mrs. is more professional.
If you are certain she is single, then either Miss or Ms. is okay.
One thing to keep in mind is that it is completely unprofessional to guess at it. You have a great chance of being wrong and embarrassing both of you.
With that being said, the most professional option is to use Ms. That is correct in any situation.
If you address someone as Ms., is that considered rude?

No, in fact, it is the opposite. As we just discussed, it is rude if you just take a stab at whether she is married or not. She might even take that as an insult.
The times have something to do with it too. Many years ago, the salutation Miss was appropriate for addressing a single woman. Today it really is not.
Most women of today prefer to be addressed as Ms. It is the proper way to do it.
What if it is a very young woman?
We are talking about someone in their teens or younger here. What is the proper way to address her? It is rare these days that younger women are married.
It is generally fine to address a young woman as Miss if you do not know her. If it is a friend or acquaintance, most of the time you do not need to be formal.
How do you address an unmarried older woman?

It totally depends on her situation. If she is widowed, then Mrs. is still correct. If she is divorced or has never been married, then Ms. is the best way to do it.
If you do not know her situation at all, in the case of a business associate or a total stranger, then using Ms. is still the best title.
In the case of a business letter or an invitation, “Dear Madam” or “ma’am” will also be appropriate.
If she is a more modern woman and wishes a title that does not allude to her gender at all, then Mx. is the one to use.
How do you address a lady in a business letter?
The majority of the time, writing a business letter calls for a great deal of formality. This is a sign of respect.
Once again though, it depends on how well you know her, if at all. If you are certain she is married, then Mrs. is best.
Otherwise, you are secure if you use Ms. followed by her last name.
What about in a business email?

In modern times, email has taken the place of a traditional letter. Of course, it stands for electronic mail.
If you are sending an email by itself or including an attachment of a letter, then address her formally. You are safe if you stick with Ms.
Then you need not make assumptions about her marital status.
What is “Mx.”?
This is a prefix that was made official in 2016 when it was added to the dictionary, although many people used it as far back as the 1970s.
Mx. is the title for a person who wants to remain gender-neutral.
Another reason to use Mx. is if you are addressing a letter or an invitation to somebody and you do not know their gender.
That way you can show respect to that person without incorrectly guessing at their gender.
Other ways of properly addressing someone when you don’t know their gender

This happens often, and it is important to know what to do, especially in a business letter. You cannot always tell by their name what gender they are.
Nowadays, you also do not know how they prefer to be addressed if you do not know their gender or marital status. So, what do you do?
If it is not a formal message, you can use “Dear [first name] [last name].”
If it is formal, such as a business email or letter, you can use the tried-and-true “Dear Sir or Madam.”
If you are facing this person in public, Sir or Madam also works in place of Mr. or Ms.
What are these abbreviations collectively called?
Addressing someone by Ms., Mrs., Mr., etc. is known in the English language as using a title or a prefix. Please note, they cannot be used interchangeably.
As we have been discussing, you may not guess at a woman’s marital status.
Therefore, knowing when to use which title is important.
Proper usage of titles, aka prefixes

This list should help offset any confusion surrounding what title to use when.
- Mr. – used to address a man regardless of marital status, social status, or age
- Miss – for women who are unmarried, or for those whose marital status is not disclosed
- Ms. – for women whose marital status is unknown or who do not wish to reveal that status
- Mrs. – used to address a woman who is married or widowed as a title of respect
- Mx. – people for whom you do not know their gender or who wish to identify as gender-neutral
Why is it important to know how to properly address somebody?
It is really a matter of respect and of etiquette.
If you are someone who stays at home, rarely socializes, and works with a minimal number of other people, knowing these titles may not seem to matter much.
However, it is always a good idea to know how to address someone properly. You may find yourself in a setting where it is important to be polite and make a good first impression and knowing these titles will help you to do so.