People can experience strange things with their genitals: ingrown hair, boils, irritation, rashes, and more.
If you’ve ever had something unusual happen to your genitals, then you’re well aware of how disconcerting it can be.
You might even wonder if it’s normal for your pubic hair to fall out.
There are several causes of pubic hair loss, and most of them aren’t a serious cause for concern. If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, you may lose hair all over your body, including in your pubic region.
Here is an overview of other causes of pubic hair loss as well as other facts that you might find interesting.
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Your grooming habits and pubic hair loss

Your pubic hair thinning or failing to grow back could be related to your grooming habits.
If you have a tendency to remove hair in the area, whether by shaving, waxing, or by some other means, the follicles could eventually become damaged, which can impact how hair grows in the future.
The hair may never regrow like it was originally. If you know you’ve been regularly removing hair in that area, you shouldn’t be alarmed if the hair fails to regrow.
Aging and pubic hair loss
Many people will notice that their pubic hair begins to not only turn gray as they grow older, but it also begins to thin as well.
While this could be upsetting, it’s due to a reduction in androgens, which peak during adolescence and signals pubic hair to grow.
As a person ages, androgens are produced in diminished amounts, which also reduces the amount of pubic hair that is present.
Is there any way to regrow pubic hair once it’s thinned?

Yes, there are ways to regrow pubic hair that has become thin or absent. First of all, you could opt to visit an endocrinologist, a doctor who specializes in hormones and the endocrine system.
The specialist can test your hormones and determine if some type of treatable hormone imbalance exists.
You could also opt to try some natural remedies for regrowing your pubic hair, like switching to a whole foods diet, regularly massaging the area, and taking targeted vitamins, minerals, and supplements.
What’s the purpose of pubic hair?
There are many purposes for pubic hair, and the main purpose is for protection.
Not only does pubic hair protect your vaginal area from the friction that occurs during sex, but it also minimizes the transmission of possible bacteria and pathogens.
Pubic hair also ensures that the genital area remains at the optimal temperature it needs to remain at to stay healthy.
Is it okay to keep my pubic area bare?

Women frequently shave their pubic areas for aesthetic reasons, but removing pubic hair can sometimes cause a few problems, most of them minor.
From itching and irritation to the possibility of sustaining small cuts or nicks, there are several minor risks associated with shaving the pubic area.
However, there are ways that you can minimize experiencing these risks. Keeping the area moisturized before and after shaving and using a shaving gel intended to reduce ingrown hairs are both ways to prevent potential problems.
Is it harder to keep my vaginal area clean with pubic hair?
Some women (and men) wrongly believe that the presence of pubic hair means that the genitals are non-hygienic and more difficult to clean.
This is a total misconception, as having pubic hair does not mean a woman is dirty and will experience trouble keeping her vaginal area clean.
Some women and their partners prefer her to be bare “down there,” and that’s fine, but it’s not necessary for health and hygiene reasons.
What are the best oils for regrowing pubic hair?

There are many oils that can soothe the skin before and after shaving and aid in regrowing hair.
Some of these oils are tea tree oil, which has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and can minimize ingrown hair and inflammation; jojoba oil, which provides immense hydration; and grapeseed oil, which is high in vitamins A and E, both of which can soothe the skin.
There are even pre-made oil combinations that are specifically created for the pubic area, and if you’re interested in learning more about them, you can do an internet search or even check local stores wherever personal care products for women are sold.
Does going bare “down there” make oral sex easier?
This is a matter of opinion, and while there are many men (and women) who prefer performing oral sex on a woman who keeps her genitals nice and smooth, it doesn’t necessarily make it easier.
Some men are old-school, and it turns them on to perform oral sex on a woman with a full bush, so it’s just a matter of opinion.
If you’re dating a new guy, before you take things to the next level, make sure you ask him if he prefers a full bush, a trimmed bush, or completely bare.
Should I shave my pubic hair just because my boyfriend prefers it?

If you don’t mind shaving your pubic hair and your boyfriend prefers it, then it’s nice to keep it shaved just for him.
However, if you dislike having a shaved private area, then you should negotiate with him.
Never do something that you don’t like just because you think it will please your man. You should never sacrifice your own happiness for someone else.
Can hygiene products cause pubic hair to fall out?
It is very unlikely for hygiene products to cause your pubic hair to fall out, but it isn’t completely impossible.
Some women have allergies and sensitivities to certain products that can cause rashes and irritation, as well as possibly even pubic hair loss if you’re using them in that area.
If you suspect that a product you’ve been using is causing pubic hair loss, you should pay close attention and stop using the product immediately. If you realize that the product is, in fact, causing balding in your genital area, then it’s best to avoid it altogether.
Do STIs cause pubic hair to fall out?

STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, usually do not cause the pubic hair to fall out.
If you have engaged in unprotected sex and have been experiencing other symptoms, then you should see a doctor.
However, if you’re merely experiencing hair loss in your pubic area, you are likely having the problem due to some other reason.
Can menopause cause pubic hair loss?
Menopause is a transitional time in a woman’s life when their hormones change significantly.
Estrogen levels, which were previously stable, will plummet at this time and can lead to a host of different symptoms, including thinning of the hair in the pubic area.
If the loss of your pubic hair is especially bothersome, you might want to speak with your doctor about possible hormone replacement therapy or other treatment options.
Will shaving my pubic area help the lost hair regrow?

You first need to determine the underlying cause of the loss of your pubic hair, but in most cases, shaving will likely not promote hair regrowth.
You might want to try exfoliating the area – which minimizes ingrown hairs – as ingrown hairs can prevent regrowth.
You might also want to treat your pubic area in the same manner that you do the hair on your head when you’re trying to grow it. This could be massaging the area with oils to promote blood flow.
Can alopecia cause balding in the pubic area?
Alopecia, a condition in which numerous bald spots begin to surface on the head, is a common condition that occurs for many different reasons.
Depending on the type of alopecia that a person has, balding can occur in any area of the body, including the pubic area.
Hopefully, whatever treatment your doctor gives you for your alopecia can treat the hair loss all over your body, but if not, you may have to embrace having bare genitals.
As you can see, it is not normal for pubic hair to fall out, but most of the time the cause is quite harmless and even reversible in most cases.
If the loss of pubic hair is distressing you and you’ve experienced difficulty determining why it’s happening, it might be time to see a doctor.
A doctor can perform an examination and tests to get to the root cause of the hair loss, so you can get back to your normal life and stop worrying.