Going on vacation can be quite relaxing and fun once you arrive at your destination, but sometimes getting there can include a great deal of stress.
Merely getting through airport security can be especially stressful, because you never know when something that you will be carrying (or wearing) might increase the likelihood that you will be scrutinized by airport security.
If you have a nipple piercing, you might wonder if it will set off airport security and cause an unnecessary delay.
Unless you have some extremely large rings in your nipples, then it’s very unlikely that your piercings will set off any airport security.
However, there have been a few instances in which certain piercings have set off airport security, but it depends on how many piercings a person has, or again, how large they are.
The only way to make absolutely certain that your piercing won’t set off security at the airport is to remove them before flying.
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What can I do if I have newly pierced nipples and the earrings can’t be removed before going through airport security?

You were probably instructed to keep your piercings in constantly for a certain period of time before removing them to ensure that the piercings won’t close.
So, if you know you’re going to be traveling by plane soon, then you should choose earrings that are as small as possible.
That way, you will significantly minimize your chances of setting off airport security so and won’t make your travel any more stressful than it has to be.
Does it hurt to have your nipples pierced?
Your nipples are an extremely sensitive part of your body, so having them pierced is likely to lead to moderate to significant pain.
The exact amount of pain that you experience will depend on your own personal pain threshold as well as how sensitive your particular nipples are.
If you are determined to have your nipples pierced, there are ways to minimize the amount of pain that you will experience.
You can try taking over-the-counter analgesics up to an hour before having your nipples pierced, which could hopefully prevent intense pain.
After you’ve undergone the piercing process, ice packs, heating pads, and more analgesics can promote quicker healing and better pain management.
What are the proposed benefits of nipple piercings?

Some people cringe at the mere thought of nipple piercings, while other women rave over them.
Many women believe that having their nipples pierced enhances sensitivity, making sex much more enjoyable.
In addition to enhanced sensitivity, women state that their nipple piercings can increase their self-confidence.
Do men get their scrotums pierced?
Yes, some men do opt to get their scrotums pierced, as some believe that it enhances sexual satisfaction, just like women who have their nipples pierced.
Many people claim that certain piercings around the male genitalia can stimulate the vagina as well as the anus during foreplay and intercourse.
This is why many men feel it’s worth the pain to get their scrotums pieced.
How to make going through airport security as easy as possible

If you’re going to be flying soon, there are ways that you can minimize the time that you spend going through airport security.
Again, if you have piercings anywhere on your body, make sure you remove the rings beforehand.
Find out which items are restricted in advance so you won’t cause unnecessary searches and you can get finished and cleared as quickly as possible.
Items typically prohibited at airports
There are a number of items that are typically restricted at airports, and many of them are common sense items like firearms, knives, and other weapons.
However, some other items might be restricted that you would never expect to be prohibited.
This is why it’s important for you to check with your specific airline as well as the airport in general, to find out what’s allowed and what isn’t.
Can women with pierced nipples breastfeed?

Women with nipple piercing can still breastfeed, although some may cause difficulty with the infant latching on, leaking breasts, as well as lower milk supply.
To decrease the likelihood of these problems occurring, you should not wear the rings while nursing, and you might want to wait until you’ve had your piercings for some time before planning a pregnancy.
You could also opt to pierce your nipples once you are done having babies, so the piercings won’t affect your nursing experience.
How long is the piercing process?
The piercing process is actually relatively quick, so you should feel only a quick pinch of pain before it’s over.
You can expect your nipples to be sore for a week or more, and you might have difficulty wearing a bra until they’re healed.
If you have especially large breasts, then obviously going without a bra will be a challenge, so you might want to stay home for the week or so that it takes your nipples to heal enough to wear a bra again.
Do men get their nipples pierced?

Men get their nipples pierced just like women do, and often for the same reasons.
Many men simply like the way having pierced nipples looks, while others like the way their pierced nipples feel. Regardless, having pierced nipples isn’t just for women.
Are men that get their nipples pierced considered gay?
While many gay men do opt to get their nipples pierced, a man doesn’t have to be gay to decide to get his nipples pierced.
Regardless of a man’s sexual orientation, a man’s nipples are still sensitive and can enhance sexual enjoyment.
Some people might incorrectly judge a straight man and view him as gay if he has his nipples pierced, but as long as a man is happy with his piercings, he shouldn’t worry about what others might believe.
How to show off your nipple piercings

If you are anxious to show off your nipple piercings to more people than just your significant other, then you might wonder where you can do so.
One place to show off your piercings is to visit a nudist beach, as you can opt to go topless and show off your new piercings.
You could also opt to add pictures of your breasts (and piercings) to certain websites where those who are considering obtaining piercings might search in advance.
How long does it take nipple piercings to heal completely?
While your nipples might feel dramatically better after a week or two, this isn’t a sufficient amount of time for them to heal completely.
It could take up to six months for your nipples to heal completely, so you must be patient after having yours pierced.
During the healing process, there are things that you can do to promote faster healing, and the most important way to promote faster healing is to keep the area of the piercings clean and dry to reduce the chances of infection.
How to find a reputable piercer

When having your nipples pierced, you can’t exactly go to Claire’s at the mall, as they usually only deal with ear and maybe nose piercings.
To find a reputable piercer for your nipples, be sure to conduct an adequate amount of research ahead of time and ask for recommendations from friends and family.
Don’t hesitate to interview several prospective piercers in advance, because you don’t want to put your health at risk by choosing the wrong piercer.
If you have new nipple piercings, you are likely very proud of them and enjoy showing them off to your partner.
However, if you’re going to be traveling by airplane, you might want to check with the airport in advance to find out if your nipple piercing might set off security.
There is little chance of this happening, but if you want to be absolutely certain, then inquiring ahead of time is a good idea.