Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign, and its members are born between October 23rd and November 22nd. You can easily say that Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac.
With his incredible passion and power, a Scorpio man can easily be mistaken for a fire sign, but he’s actually a water sign. His strength derives from the emotional and intellectual realm.
Like the other water signs, Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is extremely intuitive and uses his intuition when making decisions.
Famous Scorpio men include Ryan Gosling, Leonardo DiCaprio, Adam Driver, and Ryan Reynolds.
Astrology can tell you a lot about someone, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Scorpio so confident and mysterious. Here’s the Scorpio man in a nutshell.
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1. Drive and ambition guide him

One thing you should know about this guy is that he’s incredibly driven and ambitious. When he has a goal, he just won’t give up. He puts in a lot of effort to pursue his dreams. He’s easily one of the hardest workers in the whole zodiac.
You can often spot a Scorpio in the workplace – he’s intelligent, ambitious, and knows that he’s got what it takes to succeed. They also lift others up and are incredibly supportive. A Scorpio man knows he deserves the very best and goes after it with passion and determination.
2. Honesty is the best policy

Another common trait of all Scorpio men is their undeniable honesty. Sometimes they can be so straightforward it comes across as brutal. Paired up with a flair for the dramatic and a strong preference for remaining secretive about the past, this man can be a total walking contradiction.
At the end of the day, Scorpios just want to be authentic, and they can’t stand cheats or liars. Ask a Scorpio man to tell you the truth and trust that he will, even if it hurts.
3. He’s as stubborn as can be

If you want to date a Scorpio, you’ve got to take the good with the bad – there’s no other way. One of the main criticisms they receive is about their stubbornness. A Scorpio often acts as he knows best, which can make it impossible to reason with him.
4. Leadership is in his blood

He loves being in charge and can be demanding and unforgiving if those around him are not getting his point. Scorpio isn’t great with being given orders, so if you want him to do something, you need to find the right balance between asking and making him feel like it was his idea in the first place.
5. He might forgive, but he won’t forget

Getting on the wrong side of a Scorpio will make you regret everything you did! He can be bitter, resentful, and hold a grudge for a while. Ruled by the planet Mars, which symbolizes aggression and passion, Scorpio rarely forgets when someone has done him wrong.
He won’t let anyone take advantage of him either – he has too much self-respect to allow that.
6. Adaptable like a chameleon

The Scorpio man is incredibly resourceful and is able to adapt to literally any situation and social environment. He’s quick on his feet and can tackle any obstacle in his way. He’s confident in his skills and intelligence, which is hugely attractive to others.
Scorpios don’t really mind getting into trouble – they know they can survive anything.
7. An intelligent conversationalist

With his extreme intelligence, he can hold a conversation on any topic and with just about anyone. He’s a voracious reader and a lifelong learner, which makes him a great conversationalist.
8. A friend for life

Scorpios make great friends, and their friends often seek their company and advice. A Scorpio will do anything for someone who’s important to them and can easily spot when a friend needs help.
9. Hard to commit to someone

This man gets scared easily and will run away if you come on too strongly. If you want to keep him interested, give him space, and arm yourself with patience. The more he chases you, the more smitten he will be when he finally lands you.
10. Loves the chase

He wants to feel like a winner, and since you are the prize, you can’t just give yourself to him without a fight. Tease him, leave him guessing, keep him on his toes – he can take it and will love you for it.
11. Committed partner

Incredibly loyal, a Scorpio man will be your best friend and devoted partner. Just don’t accept him to want marriage and children straight away. This is a marathon after all, not a sprint.
12. Mysterious for life

When you first meet a Scorpio man, you might find him a bit too mysterious and secretive. He doesn’t reveal much at first, so you’ve got to stick around if you want to get to know him.
Initially closed-off, he is trying to understand what you are about. He hates being betrayed or hurt, so he wants to make sure you are serious about him. He’s almost always on the lookout for danger; if it’s too good to be true, he will likely question it.
Whatever you do, don’t take advantage of any secrets he shares with you – you could totally ruin your relationship with him.
No matter how much he loves you, if you betray his trust, he has no problem removing you from his life and never speaking to you again.
Once he gets to know you and understands that you aren’t a threat, he will be more comfortable around you and devote all his time to winning your heart. You will not only be gaining a boyfriend but a friend for life.
13. Loves control

Unfortunately, when it comes to relationships, Scorpios can be rather controlling. As a natural-born leader, he loves to set the rules and the pace of the relationship. This can work with some women, but not all.
If you like going with the flow, he could be your perfect match. If you want things done a certain way, you should probably stay clear of him.
14. Wants the best for both of you

Since the Scorpio man cares deeply about the woman he is dating, he wants what is best for the relationship. If he treats you as if he’s smarter than you, it’s because deep down, he believes he’s smarter than everyone. Don’t take it personally.
You’ll need to teach him balance and how to treat you as an equal. That means taking your opinions and desires into consideration, especially when making big decisions that impact both of you.
15. Protective to the extreme

Scorpios are incredibly protective of their partners. It all comes from a good place but can make you feel like he’s trying to control you or even manipulate you.
He’s always trying to protect himself from disappointment. He can get jealous of anyone you talk to because he wants you all to yourself.
16. Commitment over casual hook-ups

A Scorpio isn’t at all interested in casual sex. He’s seeking a real, deep, and serious commitment. He loves sex, however, so once you are together, he can be quite insatiable.
He is extremely physical and likes to be in control – inside and outside the bedroom. The best way to seduce a Scorpio is to appear vulnerable. It’s the biggest turn-on for him! Open up to him, show him you need him, and he’s all yours.
17. Scared of breakup

Scorpio men can be particularly hard to pin down. As much as they want commitment, they are scared to open up to someone new.
A Scorpio man ultimately wants to protect his heart and will only get attached to someone he deems worthy of his time. He is seeking a serious potential partner, not just anyone.
18. Endlessly curious

Once you start dating a Scorpio, you can rest assured he will be the most faithful partner. He wouldn’t dream of cheating on you or lying to you. He’ll also want to know everything about you, so prepare to answer his million questions about:
- Your life and background
- Your family and friends
- Your hopes and dreams
- Your fears and frustrations
- Your plans for the future
- Your favorite everything
It’s lovely to have someone be so interested in you, and in the case of Scorpio, prepare to fall in love with him quickly!
19. Trust is key

It takes this man a long time to develop his trust, but once he does, he’s all in. Remaining patient with him is key. You just can’t rush him into committing if he isn’t ready.
Watch out for situations where he may feel jealous, which happens quite often for him. He doesn’t want to see you chatting with other men and laughing at their jokes. He needs to know that you’ve only got eyes for him.
20. Loves a challenge

One thing this man loves more than anything is a challenge. That’s why he’s attracted to a woman who can be his equal and take care of herself. He loves independence in others and finds it extremely attractive.
21. Seeks someone similar, yet different

Despite being possessive and controlling himself, he won’t stand those characteristics in a partner. He wants to feel independent and won’t accept being told what to do.
He likes feeling wanted but not smothered, especially in the early days of a relationship. He seeks a partner with big hopes and dreams, someone who’s a go-getter just like him.
He can only ever love a partner who puts in a lot of energy in her career. If you want to keep a Scorpio happy, you need to have your own life. You can’t act clingy and needy around him and expect him to spend every waking moment with you.
Understanding the Scorpio man

At the end of the day, you could date this man for years and he might still remain a bit of a mystery to you. That’s the appeal of a Scorpio. If you are happy with that, you will build a strong and long-lasting companionship with him.
He will be your closest confidant and your biggest fan. He will help you achieve anything and be right by your side to cheer you on as you do so.
It’s also worth finding out what his previous relationships were like. It can tell you a lot about what he’s like when dating, whether he’s been recently heartbroken, or is unable to stay with a woman for longer than a few months.
As he’s so honest, he will probably tell you everything you want to know about his life.
Best matches in the zodiac

Last but not least, let’s take a closer look at which lucky star signs are Scorpio’s best match, starting with a fellow water sign, Cancer. This one has natural compatibility with Scorpio, as they are both huge on intimacy and trust.
Likewise, Scorpio men bond well with Pisces women. They are both deep thinkers who rely on their intuition to guide them in life. As a result, these two can almost read each other’s minds. They get along incredibly well.
Virgos make another great match for Scorpio; their dedication and devotion help them build a super tight bond.
Scorpio might also fall for his zodiac opposite, Taurus, who can teach him how to be more practical.
Occasionally, Scorpio might find himself attracted to a Gemini (another strongly misunderstood star sign). Despite having almost nothing in common, these two are just fascinated by each other.
Have you met a Scorpio man you’d like to get to know? Hopefully, this information helped you to understand your guy better, and, with a little luck, you might just get him to commit.