Does it look like guys mostly fall for girls that they find attractive and sexy? Do you sometimes feel like there’s only so much about you that men will find adorable?
You actually couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, natural first attraction shouldn’t be denied (for both men and women) but as time passes – what actually remains (and strengthens a relationship) is all about personality traits and all those little things women do that guys find particularly cute and attractive.
Yes, a lot of it is just natural attraction and human nature, but a lot of it comes down to simply being you, and guys just can’t turn their heads away from that.
Do you sometimes wonder what guys think about you? What they truly like about you that makes you that much more special? Then read on, as we’ve collated a list of 25 examples of things you do (or can do) that guys find cute.
Table of Contents
1. Embracing your feminine side

A lot of guys out there are attracted to strong, assertive women, but don’t forget being strong whilst still remaining feminine are not polar opposites. In fact, leveraging your feminine energy and embracing your soft side can be hugely attractive to guys.
Raised to be strong, protective, and masculine (and constantly reminded by society that that’s the way to be), guys will always have a soft spot for femininity, it’s just part of their nature, just the way you are probably attracted to strong protective guys (in any sense of the word, not just physical features).
A useful reminder is never to presume being more feminine has anything to do with a lot of makeup or revealing clothes – less is almost always more!
2. Complimenting him in front of others

This is a big one so if you don’t make it through the whole list, pay particular attention to this one! You’d simply struggle to find a guy out there to disagree with this one thing women can do around them. Being his fan (even when he’s not around, but especially when he is) is a huge turn-on. Why? Just complimenting him in front of your friends, as well as his, sharing what a great guy he is, is extremely cute.
Of course, this might not come that naturally to you, depending on your personality and how outgoing you are. Just remember that the more you flatter him in front of others, the more he will only have eyes for you.
It’s not rocket science. If he were telling everyone around how great you were, you’d feel amazing too, right? Well, it’s no difference for guys!
3. Being who you are, unapologetically

It’s fair to say that you don’t want to change your personality in order to attract or keep a guy. The right guy will like you just the way you are, and yes that’s true in life, not just in romantic movies, despite how it may feel sometimes.
So, forget about faking it, or pretending in front of him. Be who you are, that’s what makes you different, and guys will want to be around you.
In this day and age, when a quick scroll through Instagram will literally return hundreds of results of girls looking identical, guys find it refreshing to hang out with someone who isn’t trying to conceal their true self or make themselves appear different only to please a guy.
Look like yourself, sound like yourself, be like yourself and the guy that sticks around wouldn’t be asking you to change further down the road. Isn’t that a great place to be in?
4. Being passionate – about anything!

Whatever it is you love to do in life – share it and be proud of it! Perhaps you love singing in the shower, or watching sports or reality TV, maybe crocheting or volunteering for a charity? Being passionate about your hobbies is something a guy will find irresistibly cute.
Again, instead of ditching what you love to make room for a guy in your life, or adjusting your hobbies, you should share them with him, and be proud of them, as they make you who you are. Don’t apologize for your tastes or the little guilty pleasures in your life.
5. Wearing his clothes in front of him

Now you might meet a guy who’s extremely protective of his space and belongings (that’s just a red flag if you ask me!), but most sound guys out there find it super cute when a girl borrows their clothes – whether it’s a jacket on a chilly night out, a jumper to cozy up in front of Netflix, or strutting about in his button-down shirt, there is just that extra something about a girl wearing a guy’s clothes in front of him.
And yes – top marks for wearing his button-down shirt! Proven to work by science!
6. You like adventure…and maybe a little risk

Adventure is more than jumping off a plane or kayaking down a wild river. Adventure comes in many forms and women who embrace it are usually that much cuter in the eyes of guys around them.
Embracing a little risk, making time and effort for spontaneity, pushing a guy to try something different are all hugely attractive traits in a female!
Perhaps you weren’t raised to think or act that way – it’s okay! But remember – the risk isn’t just saved for men.
7. Cooking for him…

Alright, ladies, I know the age-old joke about making your guy a sandwich clashes with everything our ancestors have been fighting for, and perhaps doesn’t sound very feminist in the 21st century but hear me out…
The route to a man’s heart is through his stomach! Therefore, cooking for him is simply irresistible, and often it takes very little – as little as just making him a sandwich!
Men are simple beings – if a woman wants to make them food, they will rarely say no.
8. Loving your body

Sorry to break it to you, ladies, but all that crap that TV and magazines have fed to you since a young age is simply not true! Perhaps you’ve got a few pounds extra, or your tummy is soft, and whatever you do you just can’t seem to get a decent tan.
Guess what? Guys love confident women, it’s as simple as that. Embrace your body with all its beauty and uniqueness. Don’t focus on your flaws, don’t compare yourself to models, don’t spend your free time counting calories and doing sit-ups.
Life’s too short to try and mold yourself into the perfect woman. Just be you and remember – women come in all shapes and forms and guys still find them irresistible.
9. Having a life (and friends) of your own

There is something inexplicably cute about a woman who just has her s*** together. Remember to make space for your life, hobbies and friends, especially when in a relationship.
Being a good friend and looking after those you love is what makes you human, and being a good human is always attractive.
10. Making eye contact with him

Being in the same room as him doesn’t mean you need to be glued together. In fact, guys share that they find it really cute when she is talking to other people and just occasionally makes eye contact with him, across the room.
11. Scratching his back

What is it about guys wanting to get their backs scratched by girls? Whatever it is – it’s cute and incredibly soothing to them, so do it often if you want to melt his heart.
12. Just loving food

Back to counting calories and rejecting food – that’s just a big turn off and no guy out there will tell you otherwise, and if they did – they are lying! That doesn’t mean you need to be crazy about burgers and beer in order to be deemed cute!
Just loving food, enjoying a meal, and planning what you two are going to eat is super adorable. Sharing food always brings people closer.
13. When you can read his mind

Well…not literally but spotting signs and little details about your guy is incredibly cute. Like passing him a beer at the end of a long day, or surprising him with concert tickets to his favorite band.
Little acts of service show care and there’s nothing nicer than feeling cared for, and truly seen – so practise it often!
14. Your laughter

Life can be tough, and a little hard at times – so laugh it off! Smiling and laughing often is such an underestimated quality about women!
Guys find girls with a sense of humor a lot easier to be around – there’s just nothing more draining than a girl who takes herself (or life) too seriously. So don’t be that girl!
15. Dance like no one’s watching

You don’t have to be the best dancer, in order to lose yourself to music! Men find this super adorable – it just shows you know how to have fun, you don’t care what people think and you are excited to be around!
16. Asking for his help

Some women may say it’s another anti-feminist move, but guys do find it really cute when you ask for their help! Whether it’s opening a jar, or a bottle of wine, or carrying your luggage down the road.
Yes, you probably can do all these things perfectly well on your own, but just letting a guy feel manly and useful will make him find you much more adorable.
17. Wearing onesies and comfy clothes

Guys find it well cute when a girl is wrapped up in some comfy clothes – there’s just something so adorable about it. Not only are onesies and hoodies comfy for you, but they also make you look relaxed and cozy around your guy.
18. Letting him speak

Might sound like a little thing, but when girls start talking, guys can struggle to get a word in! Make a conscious effort to listen to him, let him tell you about his day, and truly listen. It’s really adorable and you shouldn’t underestimate the difference it will make to him.
19. Embracing your inner child

There are so many little things you do that you don’t even know are super cute in the eyes of a guy. Like building sandcastles on the beach, or swinging on a swing, not caring what anyone thinks.
Don’t forget to let your inner child run free once in a while, it’s good for you and cute to see!
20. Wearing matching clothes

It’s always cute to see those couples that sometimes match what they wear, whether it’s for a dress-up party or just in their day-to-day life. Guys just find it adorable that you might want to dress up like him for a day, or match colors! So why not give it a try!
21. You are okay with a little messiness

Not saying you need to tolerate chaos and untidiness, but maybe occasionally letting it slip is okay! Guys are not that detail-oriented so what might look messy to you, probably looks completely fine to a guy.
If there’s one thing guys hate it’s nagging, so practice the opposite and make some space for a bit of a messy, lazy kind of day, it can’t all be perfect all the time, right?
22. Your (weird) party trick

We all have one, even if we don’t know it! Being proud of your quirky party trick and doing it once in a while will make any guy in your presence feel relaxed and attracted to you. It’s just adorable!
23. Laughing at his jokes

It’s up there with generally laughing, smiling, and being in a good mood. But if you also laugh at his jokes, especially the really lame ones, then you are that much cuter in his eyes!
Guys want to impress you and win you over, they just often don’t know how. Give them a little confidence boost by laughing at their jokes!
24. Being honest or self-deprecating

Whether it’s how you speak to him face-to-face or simply putting the truth about yourself on your dating profile, guys simply can’t resist a woman who’s honest and unapologetic about it.
It’s just nice to be around people who know what they want and share their thoughts openly. It makes you instantly stand out from the crowd!
25. When she comes to you for advice

When you are in a relationship with a guy and you seek his advice it can only bring you closer to him. Men love sharing their thoughts and giving guidance, also men are fixers! So, if you go to him with a problem, chances are he will be offering you a solution.
Just make sure he knows when you need real advice and when you just need to moan and be cuddled. Men often can’t tell the difference!
Hopefully, the above 25 examples of what guys find particularly cute about you will give you some ideas – not to change who you are, but to enhance how you are! And to embrace who you are, without worrying as to whether guys will like you, but believing that there are many traits about you that are just irresistibly cute.