A great girlfriend is a rare gem. She’s the one every man dreams of, the one with that “special something”, and one straight out of a Hollywood movie.
Unlike in movies, a great girlfriend in real life isn’t a mysterious, hard to get, perfect woman – she’s just an ordinary woman, who simply does the right things, and embodies a lot of traits that are attractive to everyone.
Want to ensure you’re a great girlfriend, and make sure that your boyfriend won’t look elsewhere, and make all his male friends jealous? Read on to learn the 15 best traits of a great girlfriend that can sweep any man off his feet.
Table of Contents
1. She’s loyal to her man.

A great girlfriend knows that loyalty is the basis of any monogamous relationship, and without it there’s no relationship. Loyalty is that strong allegiance to someone, and means being faithful in everything, no matter what.
This doesn’t just mean not sleeping around with other guys when you’re in a committed relationship. It means being honest about shared finances, avoiding situations in which you might find yourself flirting with other men, and putting your boyfriend first.
Loyalty is about commitment and sticking up for your guy, no matter what. A loyal girlfriend is her man’s biggest fan.
2. She respects others in her boyfriend’s life.

This can mean his friends, family or any other people in his life. She isn’t pretentious or snobbish, she knows that she’s just one part of her boyfriend’s life, and she respects the rest of it.
A great girlfriend knows the right boundaries and blends perfectly with his family – she can joke with his mom but not cross a line that shouldn’t be crossed. She knows when to push and when to give space.
3. She’s got her own life, and she owns it.

The best girlfriend isn’t one who makes herself available at any time or never leaves her boyfriend’s side. Rather, a great girlfriend has a life of her own and has enough going on in her life other than obsessing over her relationship.
She loves her boyfriend, and loves herself just as much. She knows how to look after number one, won’t abandon her hobbies, friends or professional dreams in order to cater to a man and to always be available to him.
She doesn’t make him the center of her life or put him on a pedestal. She knows exactly what she wants, and she enjoys her independence. She earns her own living, she can buy her own things, and isn’t expecting anyone to take care of her. It’s a hugely attractive quality for any man because she always leaves him wondering, so she’s always in charge – and the chase is highly irresistible.
4. She’s honest with him no matter what.

A great girlfriend isn’t someone who will play games with a guy or try to shape herself into someone she thinks he will want. She’s honest, and unapologetically herself.
Honesty is the best policy, and she isn’t afraid to speak up when there’s an issue in the relationship. He can’t read her mind or pick up on subtle hints, so she’s happy to spell it out for him and make his life easier. It leads to a better understanding, and no surprises.
She speaks her mind regularly, and she’s open about her feelings and what she needs in the relationship. She isn’t afraid to demand respect and ask for more if she isn’t getting it.
5. She gives him space.

Men want an emotional connection as much as women do, but they also crave space and independence. The woman who can give her boyfriend the space he needs is instantly 10 times more attractive than any other.
A great girlfriend isn’t nagging her boyfriend for attention, she isn’t demanding to know what he’s thinking when he goes quiet once in a while, and she isn’t questioning him or testing his love and affection.
She’s present when she needs to be, but knows when to give him space and when to encourage him to hang with friends and not get too hooked on the relationship. She appreciates his hobbies (even the really silly ones) and isn’t threatened by him spending time with other people.
When he needs spend some time alone, she finds something to do and doesn’t blame him for not paying attention to her. She knows how to build trust in the relationship, and isn’t going to ruin that by nagging or being needy.
She knows full well that by trying to control him she will only push him away. No man wants to be controlled in a healthy relationship.
6. She makes compromises.

Being able to make compromises is a non-negotiable part of any strong relationship, and a great girlfriend doesn’t make a huge fuss when she needs to meet him halfway. She is ready to give up something just to establish peace and understanding in the relationship.
7. She looks after herself.

Men are visual beings and appreciate it when their woman makes an effort for them. A great girlfriend takes good care of herself – and does it because she likes it and wants to.
She wants to look good for him, but also wants to look good for herself. She invests in her wellbeing, beauty and wellness knowing that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body – and she won’t just let herself go after a few months into the relationship just because she feels really comfortable around him.
8. She isn’t trying to change him

The best girlfriend a guy can have is the one who accepts him for who he is. She doesn’t try to change him, isn’t criticizing him every five minutes for something he did wrong, and isn’t reminding him of past mistakes.
Instead, she instils confidence in him and isn’t demanding that he changes who he is in order for her to love him. She only ever encourages his growth and supports his ambitions. Any guy loves being with a woman like that.
9. She isn’t jealous.

A great girlfriend doesn’t let the green-eyed monster take hold of her. She knows that jealousy doesn’t suit her, and is confident in herself and the relationship.
She has no time to stress over where he goes and who he talks to – she trusts her guy and knows he’s only hers. So what if other women enjoy talking to him? Let them!
10. She’s confident.

She radiates confidence, and has no time to compare herself to other women or for self-pity. She’s got control over her life and her decisions, and isn’t afraid to go after what she wants.
She’s her true authentic self, accepting of her body, skin color, and style without apology. She is unique in her own special way – and her boyfriend can feel that.
11. She’s one of the boys.

A great girlfriend is comfortable being surrounded by male company and is confident enough to hold her own. He doesn’t need to choose between her and his friends.
She can laugh things off and isn’t offended by guy talk. Her boyfriend knows that he can bring her around when he’s having a guys night, because she fits right in. She isn’t like other girls, and he knows it!
12. She’s forgiving.

She never holds a grudge against him, and knows that no relationship (or man) is perfect. She’s encourages her man to talk about his feelings, and gives him the support he needs in order to open up to her.
She doesn’t hold his little mistakes against him, and it truly makes her stand out from other women.
13. She listens.

Listening is essential to any strong relationship, and is arguably one of the most important traits of a great girlfriend. Her ability to be present, to truly hear his point of view, and to understand where he is coming from is unique.
A great girlfriend knows when to truly listen and give her man space to express himself, even if it takes him a little longer. She also doesn’t jump to conclusions or put words in his mouth. She trusts that he will tell her what he wants and thinks, and she doesn’t need to always drive every conversation.
14. She knows how to have fun.

A great girlfriend knows how to have fun and she inspires others around her too. People feel good in her company and she radiates warmth, wit, and sense of humor.
She knows when to be spontaneous and adventurous. Her boyfriend knows he won’t have a dull day with her. It’s truly refreshing to watch her navigate life with such ease.
She focuses her energy on positive people, thoughts, and activities. People are naturally drawn to her because of her positive energy and her boyfriend knows that he’s got a keeper!
15. She shares his values.

At the end of the day, what differentiates a good girlfriend from a great one isn’t great looks or whether she likes watching football with her man. Rather, it’s whether she shares the same world views as him.
Differences in personalities are perfectly normal, and can be very healthy in a relationship. What’s really essential for a long-lasting relationship is being on the same page when it comes to fundamental values and beliefs.
The Bottom Line
While the tips above are super helpful, it’s important to remember that there really is no guidebook or pre-designed template of the perfect girlfriend. Men are different, and all like different traits about women.
If you’re a girl who wants to figure out the best traits of a great girlfriend, just remember that the list above is only meant as a guideline. Be yourself, and you’ll find a guy who will fall in love and think you are amazing no matter how many of the above traits you tick off.