Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to be missed by that special someone? The feeling of them missing you, yearning for you to come home, text them back, and even return their call, is the most pampered feeling, especially in a long-term relationship.
Being in a long-term relationship is no piece of cake. You’ve both settled into your own routines, and there’s hardly anything that you don’t know about the other. It’s hard to feel super sexy or even special when the two of you know each other inside and out.
Making a man miss you when you live together is no walk in the park. How do you make him pine for you as he once did when you’re sitting next to him in pajamas with your hair in a bun?
Read on for a guide to the best ways to make the man of your dreams miss you when you live together – even when you’re always around.

Table of Contents
1. Go Back to the Basics
When you’re trying to figure out how to make your boyfriend miss you and fall madly in love with you all over again, consider what drew him to you in the first place. Figure out what made your relationship so great from the start.
It’s also a good idea to consider what it was about you that made your boyfriend so happy.
- Was it your sense of humor?
- Was is that adorable way you took care of him?
- Was it your sense of adventure?
- Was it the fact that you’re a dance enthusiast?
In his opinion, what made you stand out from the crowd? Every man thinks that his partner is one-of-a-kind, so consider what makes you so special to him and be sure to emphasize it.
2. Don’t Text Him First
When it comes to men, the first rule of attraction is to never let them have you all to themselves. The minute they feel like you’re smitten with them, they’ll start to pullaway.
Even when you’re missing him like crazy, don’t text him first. Let him be curious about what you’re up to, and tip the scales in your favor.
3. Communicate Effectively
Now that you’ve moved in with your partner, make sure that face-to-face communication is your primary mode of communication. Because you guys are always around one another, it’s best if you find peace and effective communication methods aside from your phone.
This means that you have all your intimate conversations face to face, rather than virtually.
4. Don’t Text Him All the Time
When he texts you, curious about where you are and what you’ve been up to, the ball is in your court. While nobody is encouraging you to play games this far into the relationship, be strategic about making him want you more even when you’re living together.
A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 3 hours before you text him back – unless, of course, it’s urgent. This is also one of the 11 Foolproof Ways to Make a Man Chase You Through Text, and we suggest using that to your advantage!
5. Spend More Time With Your Friends
Moving in together doesn’t mean that you have to spend every waking moment together. In fact, it’s better that you spend more time apart than together so that you can have ample time to miss each other.
That being said, the best way to spend some time apart is to hang out with your friends instead. Just because you’re committed to someone doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun night out with your friends.
6. Learn How to Cook
When you move in with your partner, there are certain roles the two of you will have to presume regardless of your past lifestyle, and you can choose what they might be.
Maybe that means he’ll be doing the grocery shopping, and you can cook for him – which is important, because you don’t want him to be ordering takeout every day.
When you start cooking well, and he comes home to the smell of freshly baked buns or some hot pasta with sauce, he won’t be able to help himself but to pair you with his favorite thing on the planet: food.
7. Tease and Flirt With Him When Apart
Office and work life can be tricky. The drone of being on the telephone, the whirring of the AC, and the lull of printers can hinder anyone’s joy – which is why it’s so important to take him by surprise by texting him something naughty, out of the blue.
Maybe tease him with the steamy night the two of you’ll have later, send him a picture of you barely clad, or invite him for a Quickie in a Public Place.
There’s no better way to get him home, even before his time in the office ends.
8. Buy Sexy Lingerie

You may have thought that moving in together meant hot, steamy sex whenever and wherever you want – but that seldom is the case. Most couples who move in together settle into their lazy ways and forget that their partner is right next to them!
To keep it steamy, buy the type of lingerie he’s been asking you to wear and take him by surprise.
9. Take Some Alone Time
While it’s important to take care of your partner and love and cuddle them to death, it’s just as important to take some time for yourself.
Make it a rule to practice some self-care at least once a month. Get your nails and hair done, or maybe treat yourself to a fancy lunch; you deserve it.
10. Don’t Be Home All the Time
It is adorable to be there to welcome your partner as he comes home, but, it’s equally important to not be home all the time, just to take him by surprise – and make him miss you more.
You could spend a bit more time at the office and come back home a little later than usual so that the empty house makes him miss you more than ever before.
11. Go On Vacation Without Him
It all boils down to the fact that if there’s no space for individuality in the relationship, you’ll both suffocate.
Go out and have adventures on your own instead of sitting on the couch longing for him while trying to not send him a long text. Upload a few photos to Instagram to show him what he missed out on!
12. Flirt With Him Like You Used To

Men are creatures of habit, and hardly ever say “no” when it comes to romance and sex.Settling into your “boring, old relationship” can sometimes mean that men start looking for other avenues (read: other women) to fulfill their need for some sexy time.
To bring the spark back into your relationship, flirt a bit more like you used to. Maybe squeeze his butt or leave a flirty note in the lunch you packed from.
You can even whisper something really raunchy in his ear as he’s heading out the door. He’ll miss you before he even stepped out!
13. Make Him Feel Like a Hero
There’s a new trend in relationships called “the hero instinct”, which explains why men and women fall in love the way they do – and also explains why men are intimidated by intelligent women.
Men want to be your hero. Their biology is profoundly rooted in their desire to care for and protect the woman they love since the dawn of time.
So, give him things to “help” you with!
14. Have Your Own Separate Interests
The fickle thing about hanging out together all the time is that while it can be fulfilling, there’s a thin line between being content and overburdened. Be sure not to cross it, by being just a little bit inaccessible.
For example, if you love working out, hit the gym and make friends there. If he loves to play golf, let him enjoy himself with his friends. The time spent apart will be welcome, and he’ll miss you until you’re back together again!
15. Be Unforgettable
Men are like dogs – and we don’t mean that as an insult. A big part of what makes them attracted to someone is by their sense of smell – and if you smell good, he’ll associate the word “sexy” with you.
Find ways to get in his head and heart and make your mark. Be so out of his league that even when you’re together that he can’t stop thinking about you. You might even want to try 22 Ways to Be More Mysterious in Your Relationship!
16. Focus More on the Little Things
Who doesn’t love being cherished? This is surprisingly even stronger for men in a relationship. Try to take care of the little things in life by being present, and show that you cherish your partner with those little things.
If he randomly mentions his favorite chocolate ice cream from his childhood, buy a boatload of it as a surprise for him.
These little things will make him so taken with you, and he’ll miss you the second you’re not around.
17. Ask For His Help

Every man wants to feel indispensable in a relationship, and wants to be the first person you call when you’re in desperate need of assistance.
So, if your phone isn’t working correctly or if you need a tire changed, call your partner instead of anyone else.
Requesting your man’s assistance may seem useless, but it helps to stimulate something deep within him. Feeling indispensable to a woman is sometimes what distinguishes “like” from “love” for a man, and is actually one of the things that make a woman more attractive to men.
18. Don’t Let Yourself Go
While no one expects you to look like a Victoria’s Secret model all the time, most women indeed let themselves go when they’re happily in a relationship. Think about it: now that you’re in a loving, healthy relationship, you can easily pig out and gain some weight, right?
Wrong. Seeing you at your unflattering worst self isn’t a picnic for your husband or partner, and he needs to not feel revolted at the sight of you. So, even if you’re married or live together, keep take care of yourself – and don’t let yourself go just because you can.
19. Be Unapologetically Yourself
Growing a mustache or cutting your toenails in bed isn’t what we mean by you being “unapologetically yourself.” However, it is true that settling in means letting your partner see the parts of yourself that you might feel insecure about.
If you think you have a little blubber on your thighs, tend to eat ice cream when you’re sad, or you love watching weird reality TV shows, it’s okay to let him in and see it.
Believe us: being yourself will make him miss you more than the cookie-cutter trophy wife you might have pretended to be for so long.
20. Start Living for Yourself

When a relationship kicks into high gear, it’s common for the couple to lose sight of their individual selves. You might lose track of your interests and activities, and maybe even your friends, family, and personal and professional ambitions.
It’s a simple blunder, but it can actually wreak havoc on a relationship. Many people are unaware that one of a person’s most desirable attributes is freedom. If you want your man to miss you, then you need to reclaim your life.
Don’t make decisions you won’t be able to undo later. Don’t hurry into something you’re not interested in. Allow him to get to know you over time by taking your time, and start living more for yourself rather than solely focusing on the relationship.
The Bottom Line
Love can hurt sometimes. But, as humans, it’s the strongest language known to us too. Follow these incredible tips to make that man fall in love with you all over again.