Horoscopes can be our go-to when it comes to dating. A lot of religions and cultures still use horoscopes to detect whether a marriage is justified. They can give us great insights about ourselves, who we’re compatible with, and what the other person’s qualities are like.

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What is a Horoscope?
A horoscope is an ancient practice using astrology that stems back to Babylon’s time, around 2,400 years ago! After it was discovered in Babylon, it later spread to the Mediterranean, and so forth. The word itself comes from the Latin dictionary from the words Horo, “hour”, and Scope, “to view/see”.
An astrologer works with a chart to configure everything that happens to a person at a specific moment in time. It reviews certain positions of planets and the zodiacs to make calculations, taking into account the date, place, and time of birth.
It’s believed that when an astrologer calculates your horoscope, it’s tailored to you and consists of certain energies. The horoscope is unique, as it highlights planets, houses, signs, aspects, and more – all unique and related to you.
Horoscopes don’t fully predict our future, but they do show what potentials we could typically unlock. There are a total of 12 horoscopes, all having different characteristics:

1. Aries: 21st March- 19th April
This fiery sign is never boring. They have a unique curiosity about the world, which is reflected in their optimism and need for adventure. They can be a bit of a daredevil, though, and have a fear of being forgotten and ignored by the world – which often leads to impulsiveness.
Aries are extremely loyal and tend to create strong and long-lasting friendships. They’ll never betray a friend or let them down, and their energy and positivity constantly draw more people to them.
In relationships, Aries are lasting, strong partners who will stand by you through thick and thin. To figure out whether you’re compatible, check out 18 Things You Should Know About Dating an Aries Man and these top matches for an Aries woman.

2. Taurus: 20th April – 20th May
The earthiest sign of the zodiac, Taurus – like the bull representing them – are intelligent, down to earth, hardworking, and dependable – but could also be extremely stubborn. Taurus values stability and having a sense of security in their life, and dislikes anything that stands in the way of that.
They’re not afraid of working hard to get where they need to be. A Taurus is very motivated and sticks to the task at hand. They enjoy making money and spending on the finer things in life and work hard in their careers.
The best zodiac matches for the Taurus will know that they’re loyal, value their relationships and family, and are devoted to their partner for life. If you’re thinking about dating a Taurus man, or are already dating one, there are 8 things you should know about him!

3. Gemini: 21st May- 20th June
The Gemini sign of two personalities often represents flightiness and indecisiveness. They’re intelligent, quick-witted, and extremely perceptive. They notice things in their surroundings that others tend to miss.
Their outgoing personality makes them social, and passionate about their friends and those close to them. Some of the most famous Gemini women will tell you that they adapt easily to every situation presented to them.
The twin sign is able to mirror the emotion of others, giving them empathy and a greater understanding of how others are feeling.
In relationships, the best partner for a Gemini woman will be able to balance their personality, support them no matter what, and help the Gemini make decisions, as they could be a bit indecisive.
Thinking of dating a Gemini man? Here are 8 Things You Should Know.

4. Cancer: 21st June- 22nd July
This water sign, represented by the crab, represents those with intense emotional understanding. They attract people with their loyal nature and committed friendships. They protect their families and pride themselves on creating a home that becomes a haven for the people they love.
They tend to avoid conflict, can often be passive-aggressive, and will very rarely be open with what’s bothering them. Surrounded by a hard external shell, Cancers take a while to open up. But, when they do, you’ll be rewarded with a compassionate, benevolent, and genuine person that cares for everyone around.
Learn more by reading about the 14 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Cancer Man.

5. Leo: 23rd July- 22nd August
The lion’s star sign represents the fiery and fierce Leos, who are true kings and queens. They’re born leaders with strong personalities that command attention when they walk into the room.
Leos are extremely opinionated. They’re self-confident, dominant, and can be overdramatic at times. Like the lion, they’re fierce protectors and will fight for the people they love, and for what they believe in.
Their ruling planet is the sun – which definitely fits their need to be the center of everyone’s universe. While this can sometimes be a negative trait, Leos naturally become the center of attention by their commanding and attractive personality.
Dating a Leo man can be tricky if you’re not up to the challenge, so be sure to check out the 10 Things You Should Know About Dating a Leo Man.

6. Virgo: 23rd August- 22nd September
Intelligent, hard-working, and organized are just a few of the traits of a Virgo. They have significant attention to detail and tend to notice the small things that others overlook.
Virgos are very straightforward, and don’t respond well to passive-aggressiveness – so you’ll be hard-pressed if you think Virgos will understand what you’re thinking by subtle hints. They are logical, practical, and have a perfectionist attitude.
They set high standards for themselves and others. Organization is very important to the Virgo, and they won’t appreciate anyone who tries to change their environment.
While they may come off as critical or cynical, their ruling planet Mercury actually gives them a softer side. When they’re in a relationship, they’re loving and caring and will do anything for their partner. Click here to learn more about what a Virgo man is like in a relationship.
If you’re a Virgo woman or thinking about dating one, check out these top star sign matches for the Virgo woman.

7. Libra: 23rd September- 22nd October
Represented by the scale, this air sign values truth, honesty, and fairness. Libras have a positive outlook on life and always look on the bright side when things start to get rough.
Libras are non-confrontational. They dislike conflict and will do everything in their power to make peace with others by trying to see every side of the story.
They are natural socialites and attract others with their compassionate nature. However, they’re so concerned with others’ feelings, that they can often neglect themselves and have a hard time making decisions.
If you’re a Libra woman, find your matches by checking out the Top 5 Most Compatible Star Sign Matches. Have your eye on a Libra man? Here are the 12 Things You Should Know.

8. Scorpio: 23rd October- 21st November
You don’t want to mess with the deadly scorpion – their stings are sure to hurt! Scorpios are strong-willed, independent, and intelligent. They always welcome a challenge and are drawn to the thrill of overcoming obstacles. Take a look at these 23 Famous, Sexy Scorpio Males to see more about the mighty scorpion!
Scorpios can be a bit reserved, as they tend to be extremely private about their lives, so it can be hard to get them to open up. They are reserved, and rarely share their emotions. They often need alone time, so it’s important to give Scorpios the space they need.
That being said, it can be hard to tell if the Scorpio man has feelings for you. Here are 8 signs to look out for.
They can come off as quite intense at times, as they stand by what they believe in and won’t let anyone sway them; their intensity shows when they’re in a relationship.
10 Things You Should Know About Dating a Scorpio Man will give you more insight into what it’s like dating the scorpion! If you’re a Scorpio woman, check out your Top 6 Best Star Sign Matches.

9. Sagittarius: 22nd November- 21st December
Represented by the archer, Sagittarians seek out excitement and adventure. They are spontaneous and value their freedom. They’re constantly surrounded by people and friends that are drawn to their fun and energetic vibes.
Sagittarians are vibrant in nature and are extremely passionate. They value their freedom and detest rules, schedules, and routines. They are true free-spirits, who like doing what they want – and no one can stop them.
They love animals, the outdoors, and all things nature. They have no filter, and always say what’s on their mind. Their need to always be doing something fun can come across as impatient, restless, and occasionally, tactless.
The best star sign matches for the archer can be found by checking out: Best Matches for a Sagittarius Woman and 23 Things You Should Know About Dating a Sagittarius Man.

10. Capricorn: 22nd December- 19th January
Capricorns, another earth sign, are extremely down-to-earth. They are hard workers, ambitious, and strong-willed. Capricorns make great partners in life and amazing friends, although they prefer keeping to themselves. You’ll often find a Capricorn with a small group of extremely loyal friends.
Capricorns are extremely persistent. They will never give up, and their stubbornness will keep pushing them forward. They tend to suppress any emotion that gets in the way of being successful in the task at hand.
While they don’t want to be the center of attention, Capricorns demand respect. They want to be recognized for their accomplishments and despise when others take credit for their work.
In relationships, Capricorns are loyal and devoted to their partner – but there are 18 things you should know before dating a Capricorn man. If you’re a Capricorn woman, click here to find your 7 Most Compatible Star Sign Matches.

11. Aquarius: 20th January- 19th February
Being an air sign, people born under the Aquarius sign are usually unique, fiercely independent, and social beings. The water-bearer zodiac is said to represent the Aquarius’s need to bring truth and tranquility to the world and those around them.
They’re very up-front and honest – and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. They’re excellent communicators, but can be extremely assertive. Their analytical and eccentric nature can often make it seem like they’re living in their own heads.
Here are 12 Things You Should Know About Dating An Aquarius Man to see if you are compatible!
If you’re an Aquarius woman, we know how hard it could be to find your best match – so we’ve compiled a list of your top star sign matches!

12. Pisces: 20th February – 20th March
Like the fish of their water sign, Pisces can easily adapt to their surroundings. They’re extremely friendly and outgoing, so you’ll often find them making friends no matter where they are.
Their selfless nature makes them always willing to help others without expecting anything in return, which can often lead to them being taken advantage of. They’re extremely emphatic and can healthily express their emotions.
Under the ruling planet Neptune, they tend to be more intuitive than other signs and are extremely benevolent, with compassion for all people and animals. They’re known to be faithful and loyal friends that are never quick to judge others by their cover.
Check out our guide to the best star sign matches for a Pisces woman, and find out more about dating a Pisces man!
The Bottom Line
Horoscopes can give us great insight into the people we’re dating, and how we are likely to act in a relationship. While they don’t exactly define who you are as a couple, knowing which Zodiac you and your partner are in advance can help figure out whether you are compatible – and could even be an incredible power couple.
To make matters easier, we’ve compiled a list of which zodiac signs make the best boyfriends, from best to worst – so check it out and see if your man makes it to the top!