Some rather narrow-minded people will tell you that all a woman brings to the table in a relationship is sex.
We disagree. She brings much more than that, as we will thoroughly explain in this article.
Please note: this article in no way means any disrespect to any men. We love our men too.
Table of Contents
Who is this article for?
This article is for men and women who want to educate themselves a bit about women’s roles in relationships.
It is for the woman who is seeking a long-term partner, whether that be with a member of the opposite sex or the same sex.
We hope to enlighten all of our readers. Please read this article all the way to its end.
Unwavering support

When a woman is in a relationship with someone, she brings unwavering support to that person.
The relationship can be with a spouse, a family member, or a friend. When they need moral support, she will be there with open arms.
Compassion and empathy
Your lady friend will offer you compassion. even if it is for the smallest or silliest of issues going on in your life.
She will empathize with you and offer an ear to talk to. Then this lady will be compassionate in how she helps you to deal with it.
Someone to talk to

This goes hand in hand with support and compassion. You now have someone to talk to about the most complex problems of your life.
Many women are good listeners and will wait until you have finished saying your piece to offer her advice.
She brings a woman’s perspective to the conversation
Whether you are a man or another woman, there are times you need the perspective of a woman to help resolve your difficulties.
At such times, a man’s perspective will not suffice. There are scenarios in life that simply call for the advice of a female.

Both men and women can benefit from the companionship of a woman.
There may be activities that only women like to do or movies or television show themes that men do not enjoy at all.
In that case, a woman companion can be that somebody to share those things with.
She can become your best friend
This is not to imply that a man cannot be a great best friend. It only means that a woman can be a unique kind of best friend.
Whether she is your soulmate, your sister, or just a platonic friend, she might turn out to be the best one you have if you give her that chance.
Many women enjoy feminine-oriented household chores

What does this mean? While some men like to cook and do chores like sewing or laundry, most do not.
Many women do. If you choose such a woman as your life mate, she can take care of these things for you. She likely does a great job at taking care of you too, right?
Kids need a mother in their lives
While fathers play an important role in a kid’s life too, there are some characteristics of a mother that they need badly.
A mother will defend her children even in a perilous situation.
Try to touch a child and their mother’s wrath will come down on you like you have never seen before.
Who else stays up with you all night when you are sick or brings you to every friend’s birthday party?
Financial responsibility

Have you ever noticed that when a partner wants to spend a pile of money on things they don’t really need, it is the woman who puts a halt to this?
She comes along and says, “Honey, you do not need that stuff.” Then off they go, their budget is safe for now.
Physical softness
Sometimes a man or another female can yearn for that softness that is associated with a woman. Her soft skin and hair, the caring touch of her hand on yours.
No matter how hard a man may try, he normally does not have that physical softness of a woman.
Having a lady you can trust by your side can be priceless

When you choose your special lady to be at your side, you have picked a person you can trust. She never even thinks about betraying that trust or confidence.
You can tell her your innermost secrets and make her promise not to tell anyone else. Those secrets are safe with her.
A sense of determination
Some people call it stubbornness. We prefer to think of it as determination. Have you tried to tell a woman that she cannot do something?
By hook or by crook, that woman will get it done. She will consistently try until she succeeds at her goal.
Nurturing everyone in her life

This goes along with the attributes of a mother we touched upon earlier. It is her instinct to be nurturing.
It can even be someone she works with who is a few years younger than she is. This woman’s mothering instinct will take over all the time.
At first, you might resent this, but then you realize it is her way of nurturing others that is behind it.
Her decorating capabilities
While there are some men who are equally good at decorating their home, most of them require a woman’s touch.
Many women just have that knack for knowing what color paint to put on the walls or what furniture will go best with the décor. Why not take advantage of her talents?
A woman’s sense of fashion!

Numerous women are every bit as good at decorating themselves as they are their homes. From knowing what outfit to create from her wardrobe to what accessories look best, each woman has a sense of fashion.
Then there is her adeptness at applying her cosmetics. Some women overdo it with the makeup, but most know just the right amount to put on.
She will encourage you to nurture your faith
Religious activities tend to be more important to women than to men.
She may well encourage you to seek spiritual enrichment in whatever faith your family has practiced.
She can hold her own in a conversation about the higher being you happen to worship. Her spirituality is apparent in her daily life as well.
Honesty is incredibly important to her

Mind you, we are not saying that men always lie, and women never do. Each person has his or her own problems.
However, there are times when a guy will tell a little white lie without hesitation.
Because of a woman’s view of honesty, if she finds out, it will be curtains for your relationship. Therefore, your woman will bring a sense of honesty to the table.
She is great at communicating
Women generally have an easier time communicating and expressing themselves than men do.
Some might be better at verbal communication while others excel at the written form.
She also may have a more tactful way of saying the same thing that a man has a difficult time with.
As you can see from today’s political landscape, women make fantastic diplomats. It is their knack for communicating that facilitates this.
Our current president relies heavily on the women around him to assist in communication-related activities. And they do so quite well, we might add.