If he asks this repeatedly, it could mean he is not at all sure of how you feel about him.
Perhaps he is the kind of guy who doesn’t like to show his feelings if he is worried about rejection.
If you want him to stop asking you that so often, be sure to let him know you do love him with your actions.
It would not hurt to tell him that sometimes too. Everyone needs to know they are loved. Your man is not an exception to this important rule.
Table of Contents
What if it is early in your relationship?

It depends on how you feel about him. If you love him, then tell him so.
If you are not ready for that kind of commitment so early in your relationship, you must be honest and say so. You might even need to break things off.
Honesty is the best response if your guy asks you this. Especially if he asks you all the time. Lying about your feelings is not good for either of you.
Whether you love him or not, you must tell him for the sake of both of you.
Does this mean he loves you?
Not necessarily. It could be a test question to see how you feel about him. He might not love you in return but is trying to spare your feelings.
Maybe he is considering how best to break off your relationship.
On the other hand, it could mean he DOES love you but is afraid to say it. Perhaps he has had bad relationships in the past.
Because of that, he is hesitant to express his true feelings for another person. Look in his eyes when he asks you this. They should tell you how he really feels.
Does this only happen in heterosexual relationships?

No, it can happen in same-sex relationships as well. Perhaps a man will say this to another man often. Or a woman might say it to another woman.
The premise is the same though. He or she could be trying to determine how you feel about them.
No matter the genders involved or your circumstances, it is best to respond in an honest manner.
Again, your response should depend upon how you truly feel about that person. If you love them too, tell them that.
People need reassurance from their partners, sometimes a lot of it. Keep this in mind.
Can this question only be asked in a romantic way?
No. Sometimes friends will ask each other this. You might hear best friends ask one another if the other person loves them.
This is especially prevalent amongst young people.
Close family members could ask this question sometimes too. Haven’t you ever heard a parent ask their child if he or she loves them? Sure you have!
This can go the other way around as well when the child asks this of the parent. It may happen more frequently if one parent is absent from the family.
The child might be insecure.
What to say when a guy asks why you love him

There is a myriad of responses that are appropriate. Not all of them use the same words either. Any of these responses will reassure him of how you feel about him.
- You are my best friend
- You’re my soulmate
- You make me smile
- You love me for who I am
- You are my other half
- I am proud to be the mother of your children
- I love your sense of humor
- You are so thoughtful
- You never lie to me
- You were meant for me, and I was meant for you
- You are beautiful to me
- You are my everything
- I always miss you when we are apart
Will a husband ask this of his wife?
Yes. It does not need to be a new relationship for the man to want to know how you feel. A spouse or a life partner needs to hear that you love them too.
This is particularly true if you have been married for several decades. He might want to know you are not tired of him.
The wife can experience the same thing and occasionally ask if her partner loves her. Women need love and reassurance just as much as men do.
She might ask if you still think she is beautiful, especially if she caught you looking at another woman. Again, be truthful in your response to her.
Will a woman ask a guy if he loves them?

Sure they will. This is not a gender-specific question. A woman may want to know the other person’s true feelings just as often as a man would.
She too could be acting out of caution. Maybe she doesn’t want to reveal her true feelings unless she knows how he feels.
As we discussed earlier, a woman might well ask her female partner if she loves them.
Every person needs to know this regardless of the nature of their relationships or their genders. We all need love, right?
What about asking a girl how much she loves you?
This looks at our main topic from the guy’s point of view. You can start by telling her how much she means to you.
You can say things like you really connect with her or how much you enjoy her company.
If you are a guy asking this of another guy, you can approach it in the same manner. Tell your beau how good he makes you feel and that you love doing things together.
It is okay to ask him if he loves you. Perhaps he was waiting for this moment to arrive.
Is it immature to constantly ask how much the other person loves you?

It can seem like that but is not necessarily so. For some couples, this is their way of expressing their feelings to each other.
One of them starts off by asking that question. His or her response is a pleasurable one and can lead to a warm embrace or even a passionate romantic encounter.
The flip side of that coin is, that if your relationship is rather new, this question can have other connotations. We touched upon them earlier in our article.
At this stage, it is important to weigh your response. How do you feel about them?
With young people, it could be a sign of emotional immaturity. Maybe they are not yet ready for a deep relationship.
They ask if you love them to determine what course of action to take next.
How often does your significant other need to hear you love them?
Some people believe you can never say this too often. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to arrive for anybody.
If your partner does not wake up, wouldn’t you have wanted your final words to be, “I love you?”
Even folks who live happily together into their 100s need to hear this periodically.
It is never wrong for the guy or girl to ask this question of their partner. It just shows they need to hear this more than some other people need to.
Some people can get by hearing it once in a while. Others must hear those words often to be comforted. Saying “I love you” is always a good thing!