There are always new slang terms popping up, especially among teenagers and young adults.
When it comes to slang terms to describe a girl or woman, there are so many that even some young people aren’t aware of them all.
If you’ve ever heard of a girl being referred to as a trap girl, you may have no idea what it means.
A trap girl is a girl from the streets who is a pro at hustling, whether it entails selling drugs or helping her man find new people to sell drugs to.
Trap girls are street smart and sassy, and they are well-respected by those in the community – the community is aware that trap girls don’t play games and won’t hesitate to use their guns if they feel it’s warranted.
Here is an overview that further explains what trap girls are all about as well as some interesting, related information.
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Do trap girls use the drugs that they sell to others?
Many trap girls do use the drugs that they sell to others, but not all of them.
Some trap girls are aware of the negative impact of using drugs and they sell them only as a means to make ends meet, but they don’t use them.
However, every trap girl is different, so it’s hard to determine what every trap girl’s drug-use habits are unless you know them all personally.
Can trap girls be bitchy?
Sure, trap girls can be bitchy, just like any girl can be.
Trap girls are blunt and refuse to take any shit from anyone, so while they may often appear to be rude or bitchy, they can actually be nice.
On the other hand, if a trap girl dislikes someone, then that person will certainly know it because she will never bite her tongue.
How do trap girls begin their lifestyle?
Trap girls begin their lifestyles in many different ways. Some follow in an older and respected person’s footsteps, while some simply begin their lifestyle on their own as a way of earning an income.
In some impoverished neighborhoods, it isn’t uncommon to come across many trap girls who sort of just “fall into” the lifestyle.
Are trap girls violent?
Trap girls aren’t necessarily violent, but they do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.
In other words, trap girls aren’t afraid to “put a cap in someone’s ass” if necessary.
While most trap girls would prefer for things to go smoothly all the time so they never have to resort to violence, most are realistic and know that it’s going to be necessary to resort to violence at times.
Do trap girls ever leave the lifestyle?
There are many trap girls who decide to leave their lifestyles and live normal lives, while others decide to continue the lifestyle as long as they don’t end up in jail.
Again, every trap girl is different, and some will go to jail and by the time they get out, they decide to go to school and obtain respectable, legitimate employment.
Of course, there are women who are so used to the lifestyle and the abundance of tax-free cash that they’re adamant about continuing to be the women they’ve always been.
Are trap girls proud to be who they are?
Trap girls are highly confident people who live in impoverished communities and are usually very proud to be who they are.
They don’t necessarily enjoy hurting people when they must, but many trap girls love the lifestyle because they love the money that they receive as well as the respect that others give them – even people who don’t like these trap girls.
Are trap girls ever afraid that they’ll get caught?
Many trap girls are aware that people end up in jail for living the same lifestyle, but many of these girls are so overly confident that they feel they won’t be caught.
In reality, it’s difficult to be a well-known, big-time trap girl and never get arrested, but more low-key girls who are simply living the lifestyle in order to support themselves could fly the radar and never be arrested.
Do trap girls typically have children?
Trap girls typically love sex, so they often have a great deal of it, increasing their chances of becoming pregnant.
Many trap girls are also mothers, and they’re usually damn good mothers too, doing whatever is necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their children.
Some trap girls do what they must in order to keep their children away from the potential violence and chaos that their lifestyles can bring.
Do trap girls enjoy living in the hood?
Most trap girls absolutely love living in the hood and they are proud to tell others where they’re from.
If you were to interview or meet a trap girl, you might be surprised that she’s not ashamed of how she was raised or of her current lifestyle.
In fact, you might even hear a trap girl bragging about being from and residing in the hood.
Do trap girls sell hardcore drugs or just marijuana?
While most trap girls may start out dealing with only cannabis, many eventually move on to the more hardcore drugs because of the potential for making more money.
With the legalization of cannabis occurring in more and more states, marijuana, while still sold on the streets, isn’t quite as lucrative as it used to be.
Most trap girls sell it all – cocaine, heroin, meth, you name it.
How do trap girls become so good at what they do?
Trap girls excel at selling drugs quickly and efficiently, and they do so because they know that the better they are at what they do, the more money they can make.
Being good at what they do is necessary for trap girls because it can minimize their chances of being caught and arrested by the police.
Most trap girls take great pride in their “jobs,” and they go above and beyond to ensure that all their customers are happy and taken care of.
Do trap girls really kill people that fail to pay for drugs?
Trap girls are street girls from the hood, and they’re no strangers to violence and killing.
Again, while most trap girls would rather not injure a person or take their life, trap girls know that sometimes killing is a necessary part of the job.
Trap girls don’t go anywhere without at least one gun and possibly even other weapons as well.
Trap girls are also trained at using their guns, so if they need to use them, they do it well.
Are trap girls bad people?
Trap girls aren’t necessarily bad people, but they’re more likely good people who have made bad decisions.
However, most trap girls don’t consider what they do to be wrong, as they feel it’s the only way to survive in the hood.
Many trap girls are great people with great personalities who would give a person the shirt off their backs, but they still love their lifestyles.
Are there any trap girls who hate their lifestyle?
There probably are some trap girls out there who hate their lifestyle for a variety of reasons.
Being a trap girl can be quite dangerous and, despite being strapped nearly 100% of the time, this can be stressful for many girls and make them want to change their lifestyles.
Trap girls who hate their lifestyle are usually the ones that change their lives as soon as they’re able to.
Do trap girls love trap music?
Many trap girls do love listening to trap music. Many listen to it only while working, while others listen to it all the time.
Trap music can be hypnotic for some people, especially those under the influence of drugs and alcohol, which makes them enjoy the music even more.
What exactly is trap music?
Trap music is a sub-genre of hip-hop music that is almost exclusively played in places where people use drugs. The name “trap” originated in Atlanta, where certain crackhouses exist and where this music was created.
Trap music has a distinctive beat that people high off drugs love listening to, as it seems to put them in what can be referred to as a trance.
Trap music includes many lyrics referring to drug use, selling drugs, and violence, and the music is composed using synthesized drums and other unique combinations of instruments.
As you can see, trap girls are pretty interesting and sometimes hardcore women.
While most trap girls aren’t bad people, they do many bad things because they feel that it’s what they must do in order to survive in the hood.
Some trap girls become trapped in this type of lifestyle for the rest of their lives, often introducing it to their children and even their grandchildren to the lifestyle once they reach a certain age.