Cancer men are soft, loving, considerate, nurturing, loyal, and passionate to those they deeply care for. These character traits are often uncommon among men, which makes the Cancer man very unique. These men may be gentle, but always remember, those under this sign have a hard shell to protect their areas of vulnerability. So beware, they can also lash out as a way of protecting themselves when they feel attacked.
Being easily hurt at times, you may find Cancer men to be sensitive. This is because they have the memory of an elephant (never forgetting) when spurned or insulted. But if you treat him right, you will be rewarded with kindness, affection, adoration, and loyalty.
These guys’ instincts about a person are usually spot on, but the blinders may be on when it comes to those closest to them.
The Cancer man goes above and beyond for their own. However, it takes some work to get them out of their comfort zones.
Cancer men tend to be nostalgic, and often reminisce about great experiences from the past – either looking to learn from or emulate them. These men attempt to either keep from repeating history and the negative emotions they experienced or they try to replicate the good emotions they once had.
As men who are in touch with their emotions, Cancers tend to be sensitive, romantic, and chivalrous. Cancer men are the men you dream about as you tightly hug your pillow at night. They tend to be passionate lovers who greet you with roses, cook a romantic candlelight dinner, and have you for dessert. If you ever have an intimate encounter with a man of this sign, you’ll never forget it.
Here are 11 signs a Cancer man has feelings for you.
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1. He’ll do things to attract your attention
As you catch the eye of a Cancer man, and he develops feelings for you, he has a million and one thoughts going through his mind. All of them center around getting closer to you. When you are in a group of people, you’ll find he is cleverly doing or saying things to catch and hold your attention. His intention is to create an opportunity to see if the feelings are mutual.
If cancer men have feelings for you, they will create a situation to get your attention. It may include a few things:
- He will go out of his way to be in your vicinity and spark a conversation – walking the long way around. He is the kind of man that will gently nudge you on the shoulder as he walks by to get your attention have a chance to talk and get know you better.
- The Cancer man will come up to you and talk about general topics, such as the temperature in the building, the weather outside, or the traffic. When he has feelings for you, he attempts to see if you are willing to engage in conversation.
- The Cancer man doesn’t generally go with cheesy pickup lines. As men who are really in touch with their emotions and feelings, they seek a deep connection with you. However, this may be more subtly done than men of other signs, as Cancers often deal with a fear of rejection.
2. He will make lots of eye contact
These Cancer guys love eye contact, especially when you are speaking with them. It’s their delicate way of letting you know they are into you. It is also their way of feeling you out to see if you are trying to gaze into their eyes as well, gauging your potential feelings for them.
Prolonged eye contact is the Cancer man’s way of giving you validation. It is his way of saying he values you and the opportunity to get to know you.
Additionally, when a Cancer man has feelings for you, he isn’t fazed when you are in his personal space. He feels the closer, the better, and can’t help but smile when you make eye contact. According to those who have studied the subject, when a man likes you, his pupils dilate. If you want to know his feelings, simply look into his eyes.
3. He will ask you questions about yourself – he wants to know if you’re available
Suppose you are in conversation with a Cancer man and he has feelings for you. In that case, he will ask more questions about you and share less about himself.
He doesn’t necessarily have something to hide; he wants to see if you mention a husband or boyfriend without flat-out asking. However, he will ask if the topic never comes up organically.
4. He notices the little things about you
The Cancer man will notice if you have a new hairstyle, new shoes, or change your makeup. When he is interested in you, he becomes a student of everything you.
He is interested in what makes you tick, what you like and dislike, because these men ultimately want to please you. It is part of their thoughtful personality.
Letting you know they notice even the small things is their way of showing you your significance in their eyes.
5. He always tries to make you laugh
Cancer men can be witty. To show their interest in you, they will make an effort to be goofy and make you laugh. Especially if you are sad or have had a bad day.
Part of their makeup is to bring comfort and healing to their mate or potential love interest. The vehicle they use to deliver this comfort is through laughter.
The more you laugh, the more it reveals to him that the interest is mutual. Especially if you’re laughing together. Science agrees; if you want to have her heart, make her laugh. So, if this Cancer guy is working overtime to get a laugh out of you, he may just be showing you that he has feelings for you.
6. He collects the information you tell him today to use thoughtfully tomorrow
He will remember your birthday or appointments. It is all a part of the thoughtfulness that these men bring to the table.
You don’t remember telling a Cancer guy your birthday, but here he comes with a thoughtful birthday card. It is his way of letting you know his attraction to you. You ask how he knew, and he remembers when and where you told him.
When you are stressed about an extensive interview for a promotion at work, Cancer men will text you words of encouragement beforehand and ask you later how it went. If you want a thoughtful man, try a Cancer. If he’s like this, it’s a good chance he has feelings for you.
7. He makes you a priority
He not only texts or calls you, but makes an effort to see you. He wants you to know you’re worth the effort.
You’re having a bad day at work only to look up, and there he is. He shows up with a smile, your favorite drink, and wants you to tell them how your day is going.
He could have texted, but he knows you work in a loud office and may miss the text. He could call your cell phone, but you may be on another call on the office phone. So, he decided to show up just to let you know you were on his mind, and he is bearing a gift because he cares about how your day is going and has feelings for you.
You may live an hour away, but when you make plans, he is usually the one who is willing to make the trip. Truth be told, he has feelings for you and wants his presence to be a bright spot in your day. He wants you to see, you’re worth the effort.
8. He compliments you often
No one will shower you with compliments more than a Cancer man. He will tell you how beautiful you are, he will share what he likes about your style, how much he appreciates you, and the way he feels when you two are together.
If you want a boost in confidence and self-esteem, find a complementary Cancer guy.
Cancer men are not needy or insecure, but they sincerely want you to see the value they see in you. They want you to feel their words. They want their significant others to have confidence, feel loved, attractive, and sexy from their authentic complementary gestures. If he is like that with you, there is no denying he has feelings for you.
9. He asks you out
Cancer men tend to be straightforward, especially when subtitles haven’t done the trick. So just know when this guy asks you out, he is sincere.
These Cancers like to impress. Don’t expect to be asked out it in a plain and non-memorable way. He will plan it out so that you will know he put thought, effort, and time into it. It may be a rose with a card, a clever handwritten poem, or he’ll buy tickets to a movie, concert, or show he heard you mention you wanted to see.
10. He plans future dates or events that include you
As you and this Cancer guy are talking, you notice he always seems to ask what you’re doing tomorrow, next weekend, or even for a date that is weeks out into the future.
This man is trying to see when to keep his schedule free and see how he can plan time around your schedule for the two of you. It lessens the likelihood you will say no because he now knows you’re available, and it gives him time to plan something you both will enjoy.
The Cancer man is a forward-thinking man. However, if he doesn’t attempt to make plans with you in the future, he just may not be that into you.
11. You’ll never have to guess if he’s interested
Cancers believe that actions speak louder than words. The Cancer man could be a tad shy, but overall, he feels his actions scream loudly. He wants to leave no doubt in your mind as to his feelings.
Cancer men will go above and beyond through actions (and words) to leave no doubt in your mind how he feels about you. It starts small at first, like a bit of flicker. Still, over time, this overly imaginative romantic man will become a blaze of fire.
These men make painstaking efforts to show their feelings. They become this way because their subtlety can often cause them to fall into the friend zone. So, to move from that zone to a more serious and intimate relationship with you, they turn up the intensity of their pursuit.
In the end, you will never have to guess how a Cancer man feels about you. In fact, once you look back, you’ll realize how he was there for you when no one else was and how he was patient, kind, thoughtful, and complimentary. You will remember how this guy defended you and did everything he could to ensure you were ok. You’ll ponder on how he made you smile, laugh, and always wanted you two to spend time together.
He wasn’t just sincere and trying to be a friend; it was his way of showing you he has feelings for you.