Scorpio has always had a bit of a reputation.
Often described as passionate, sensual, loyal, complex, and intense, this man can certainly sweep you off your feet.
On the other hand, he can also be jealous, brooding, angsty, competitive, and controlling. One thing is certain – he’s a catch!
Born between October 23 and November 21, Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by the planet Mars.
Famous Scorpio men include Leonardo DiCaprio, Adam Driver, Penn Badgley, and Drake.
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All about the Scorpio man

One thing is certain – this man can be a total paradox, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.
Not every woman is brave enough to date a Scorpio and he knows that. He’s picky, he wants the real deal.
Stuck in his ways, but emotionally fluid, there are lots of sides to a Scorpio.
Co-ruled by Pluto, the planet of change, it’s no surprise that Scorpio has the nature of a chameleon.
He can transform himself, adapt well to any environment, and only reveals his intense energy to those closest to him.
He’s an all-or-nothing kind of guy, so if you think you can just casually date him before you drop him for someone else, think again.
Once he lets his walls down and trusts you, he will be all over you and expect the same kind of loyalty and commitment in return.
Are you crushing on a Scorpio? Can’t stop thinking about this man? Here are 10 things you should know before dating a Scorpio man.
1. There’s a lot beneath the surface

This star sign is famous for having a lot happening beneath the surface. You might actually start thinking that he’s hiding a big secret.
He certainly acts that way! There are many layers to a Scorpio, so if you want to get to know him, you will have to be patient and stick around.
The good thing is that he is so open-minded that no topic is too taboo for him to discuss. His emotional depth is unmatched by any other star sign.
Falling for and getting to know a Scorpio man is an experience in itself. Every date will be a special, adventurous time together.
2. He is big on commitment

Scorpio doesn’t let people in easily. This is mainly because he’s afraid of people’s judgment.
Therefore, he needs to know he can trust someone before he fully opens up and commits.
Expect that he will subject you to several tests in order to assess your trustworthiness.
However, once he commits, he is the most loyal partner you could possibly have. He will want to do everything together and your happiness will be his number one priority.
The downside is that if you betray his trust, or simply wish to break up, it will be quite traumatic for him.
A heartbroken Scorpio is a completely different man. The sweet and caring boyfriend will quickly be replaced by a vicious, and at times, vindictive enemy.
3. He is all about indulgence

Scorpio is a very indulgent star sign when it comes to the fine things in life – drinking, food, travel, sex, any kind of pleasure you could think of.
He wants to experience the best in life and will gladly share it with his loved ones.
He loves wholeheartedly, always has great ideas, and one thing is certain – a relationship with this man will be transformative, no matter if it is brief or long-lasting.
4. He is a brooding man

How do you spot a Scorpio at a party? He’s got that brooding look on his face. Sexy and charismatic, but definitely brooding.
You know he’s got a lot of darkness and angst inside him, and after a while, it could get a little frustrating.
You’ll probably catch him psychoanalyzing your words, and he will certainly make sarcastic comments and drop hints.
He usually avoids confrontation in a passive-aggressive way, but the way he gives feedback is still quite direct.
5. He hates superficiality

This man can smell anything superficial from a mile away, so remember to be authentic and not try too hard.
He wants someone he can respect as an equal, not someone who acts fake. If you honestly want to get to know him, show him that through actions.
He has many layers to his personality, so you’re in for a treat.
Despite the bad reputation for their emotional intensity, once he opens up, this man is full of love and passion. He will be hard to resist.
6. He is a hard worker

Scorpio is known to be one of the most hardworking star signs. He is always up for a challenge and rarely gives up.
This man is ambitious, opinionated, intelligent, and charismatic – qualities that help him climb up the career ladder quicker than most other star signs.
Whatever this man sets his mind to, he will accomplish. The best partner for him won’t stand in the way of his career.
7. He wants to be entertained

Before you date a Scorpio man, you need to know that above all he wants to be entertained – in any way possible – by his partner.
He hates being bored, doesn’t like repetition, and will quickly get bored of a partner who can’t come up with creative and fun ideas of things to do.
8. He loves being right

A Scorpio knows that he’s intelligent and wants to make sure he’s always right. If his good judgment gets tested, he can easily lose his patience.
If he makes a mistake, don’t rub it in his face.
9. He’s fearless

Adventure and risk are part of this man’s nature and there’s nothing you can do about it. He just isn’t afraid of anything.
He’ll boldly try anything and that’s part of his allure. You know that he lives in the moment and appreciates life’s surprises.
10. He’s a decision-maker

Unlike other star signs, Scorpio has no problem with making decisions. In fact, he loves it! Especially when he can take charge of a situation.
One thing he dislikes a lot is passive people who don’t share their opinion. If you want to keep him interested, take more initiative and show him that you care.
Best matches for Scorpio

The ultimate match for a Scorpio man is the Cancer woman. As a fellow water sign, their compatibility is off the charts.
They are both huge on intimacy and trust so will build a strong relationship.
Another great match for the Scorpio is Pisces. Both deep in thought and emotion and sharing a powerful intuition, these two will agree on most things – it’s as if they can read each other’s minds.
Another compatible sign for the Scorpio is Virgo. Known to be one of the most dedicated star signs, Scorpio will open up to her and build a tight bond.
Sex with a Scorpio man

Prepare for a life-changing experience. Sex is extremely important for this star sign. He could suggest anything, so keep an open mind if you want to impress him.
Sex with a Scorpio is a whole night experience, not just a quickie after dinner.
Scorpio man and jealousy

The truth is, this man is a mixture of passion, dominance, and jealousy.
He expects loyalty and trust from his partner, and he certainly doesn’t want to even think about you with another man.
If making him jealous is part of your plan to test his feelings, forget about it, as it will have the opposite effect. He will get angry and doubt whether you even know him.
Make sure that you keep his jealousy in check, or it can run rampant.
Scorpio man on a date

When you go on a date with a Scorpio man, he will treat you like royalty. This goes farther than just lending you his sweater if you get cold.
He will speak less and focus on listening to every word you’ve got to say. He will pick the most romantic locations to take you to.
An added bonus is that he loves being in charge and spoiling his date, so you might as well sit back, relax, and let him.
Scorpio man in love

This man loves a woman who is always in tune with herself. That means you stand for what you believe in, no matter what.
He wants to respect the woman he’s with, even if he sometimes disagrees with her.
If you want to make a Scorpio fall in love with you, here are some tried and tested ways to do that:
- Be you: Don’t try to be someone you think he might like. Just be unapologetically you and that will be enough to get his attention.
- Be patient: He won’t open up to you straight away, but that’s okay. He can be guarded and scarred from past relationships, so have patience.
- Show him he can trust you: Enough said. Scorpio is huge on trust; that’s certainly his love language.
- Don’t nag him: Or try to control him, because that’s the quickest way to piss him off and show him that you don’t really get who he is.
- Surprise him: Embrace your adventurous streak and don’t be afraid to experiment!
Scorpio man and family

Just because you are dating a Scorpio man doesn’t mean that it will be for life, but it’s worth knowing what he’s like as a family man and a father.
You’ve hit the jackpot with this one! He’s a great father who serves as a real role model for his children.
He’s protective and caring, but above all, he wants to teach them independence and really show them how to excel in life.
His ambition naturally passes down to his offspring. He’s also a big softie with his children and will do anything for them.