They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus – and the two sexes couldn’t be any more different if they tried. While opposites usually attract, there are a few things that women tend to do that actually drive men crazy.
A man might not say it, but he’s thinking it. Read on to learn about the 11 things men absolutely hate about women.
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1. Friend-zoning

Women often friend-zone a guy and never look at him again as anything more than a friend. Even if that guy is great and completely smitten with a girl, she just doesn’t give him the light of day.
Women somehow tend to ignore the one person who’s ready to do anything for them and respects them the most, and who might just be perfect for them.
Being friend-zoned is every guy’s worst nightmare. Even if he isn’t into you romantically, putting him in the friend-zone and making a point about it says one thing to him: you don’t find him attractive – and therefore your girlfriends probably perceive him that way too. That seriously hurts his ego.
2. “All Men Are the Same!”

This phrase probably tops the list of one guys never like to hear. It’s the most sexist, generalizing, and rude expression you could tell a man. It says nothing about him or the male gender – but says everything about you.
It makes you sound immature, judgmental and oversimplifying. Men might look simple to you, but they’re quite complex.
Try to avoid stereotypes and judging men by their cover. Allow yourself to look beyond your usual expectations, and accept that not all men are the same.
3. Discussing Every Detail of the Relationship With Their Girlfriends

Most men prefer to be private about their relationships and follow the rule, ‘don’t kiss and tell’. Women, on the other hand, tend to share (and even overshare) a lot with their friends, which can be extremely frustrating.
No man wants to think that all your girlfriends know what he’s like in bed, how much money he makes, and what his worst fears are. These are private topics that should remain private. If he trusts you with a secret, don’t go sharing it to the world.
Men know that women talk about everything, but it’s important to protect what’s sacred and intimate between the two of you. The less you speak about your relationship, the happier you will be.
4. Wearing Too Much Makeup

When a guy tells you that he likes your make-up free face, believe him. There’s nothing worse to a guy than you spending hours getting ready and putting on a ton of makeup that feels like a shield to him.
He doesn’t want to kiss your heavily glossed lips or have to be careful not to ruin your face with his touch. He wants to be close to you. When you wear too much makeup, you’re presenting yourself as insecure.
He likes you for who you are, not who you are after 2 hours-worth of make-up tricks. Yes, he appreciates you looking great, but he doesn’t want to feel that all you care about is looking perfect – because that doesn’t feel real or practical.
The first time he sees you without make-up might be a scary thought for you, but there’s nothing more natural.
5. Playing the Jealous Card

Some women love to throw a jealous tantrum, even when there’s literally no reason for it. Chances are he’s not dating other women or using every chance to flirt with women behind your back.
You can’t control a man, and you certainly can’t keep him around by being jealous, nagging and needy; It’s a sure-fire way to lose him.
Men love confident women who know their worth and have no time to engage in dramatic jealous episodes. Try and control your green-eyed monster as much as you can. Remember that it’s really off-putting, and will only push him away.
Jealousy is about control and feeling insecure. We’ve all got insecurities, but it isn’t another person’s job to tackle them for you. It’s your own job to build up your self-esteem.
6. Whining or Using Baby Voices

Sometimes it might be cute to use a baby voice and act cute and childish. The keyword here is sometimes. Overall, men don’t like it when women use baby voices.
He wants to know that he’s dating a grown-up woman, not a child. Don’t use a baby voice to try and get your way, or whine about things and try to manipulate him. He won’t respect you, and won’t tolerate it for long.
If you constantly need to be taken care of all the time, be protected, or be flattered, he will not want to be in that kind of relationship. You need to be able be real and authentic with him.
7. Being a Drama Queen

Every man can tolerate and accept the occasional dramatic episode from his girlfriend, but no man wants to be stuck with a professional drama queen.
Do bad things always happen to you?
Do your girlfriends say mean things behind your back?
Does your manager hate you and always try getting you fired?
Does drama always find you, wherever you go?
Do you freak out when he doesn’t respond to your texts straight away?
Is the whole world constantly against you?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you sound like a true drama queen! Drama queens are always whining, pestering, or complaining about something. Nobody understands them, someone always betrays them, and life is just unfair.
A man who’s dating a drama queen knows that things are never easy with her, nothing he does or says is right, and is always demanding things from him – which makes for an incredibly toxic relationship!
8. Wanting Too Much from Him

Some women act cool and sweet – until they get a man. Then it all rapidly changes – and suddenly, all she expects is for him to change, because she says so!
Men always resist change, especially when they don’t see a good reason for it. She isn’t encouraging him to be better or to grow into the great man he knows he can be, she just whines and complains about all the things he does wrong.
If they just started dating, she wants him to prove his commitment by changing his relationship status on Facebook.
If they’ve been together for a year, she starts hinting about marriage.
If her best friend is given an expensive gift from her husband, she demands the same.
There are always more and more things she wants from him. He needs to work hard and invest in her and the relationship so much in order for her to truly be happy – but she will never be happy.
9. Not Giving Him Any Space

One of the worst types of girlfriends is a clingy one who believes that her man has no other needs or life – it’s all about her. She loses herself in the relationship an obsesses over him, and as a result, he gets no space for himself.
She doesn’t realize why he might want to just sit in quiet for a few hours and be on his phone or read a book, instead of spending time with her. All her life is about him, so she expects the same level of commitment in return.
She thinks that if she lets him out of her sight, it’s a huge mistake. It shows huge trust issues, that really nothing to do with him.
10. Not Being Straightforward

For some reason, a huge number of women expect their men to be some sort of mind readers. And if they aren’t, they get upset. When they’re upset, they don’t show it, and instead insist that “nothing’s wrong”.
Men hate women who won’t say what they mean. It’s all mind games, hints, passive-aggressiveness, and confusing body language. She wants him to automatically know or guess what she needs, and if he doesn’t, it means he just doesn’t get her or love her enough.
This is a huge mistake many women make in their relationships. It’s extremely frustrating and exhausting for a man to try and figure out what she expects from him, and as a result both of them end up angry and upset with one another.
11. Taking Too Long to Get Ready

Of course, men appreciate when women look fabulous – but their idea of your best self might not match yours. While he loves your make-up free face and you simply looking natural, you might feel like you need to look glamorous.
Taking ages to get ready every single time and being consistently late or making him late for other plans infuriates him to no end -especially when you’ve had plenty of time to get ready.
Make it a conscious effort not to keep him waiting just because you take forever to do your hair or choose the right outfit. Plan your outfit in advance if you must.