All the zodiac signs are attracted to other zodiac signs for many different reasons.
Even if two zodiac signs aren’t compatible long-term, these two signs can be highly attracted to each other for whatever reason.
You may have heard of a Cancer man being attracted to a Pisces woman, but why does a Cancer man like a Pisces woman?
One reason why a Cancer man might like a Pisces woman is that Pisces women are very emotional and romantic lovers.
Pisces women are also very loving, compassionate, and gentle, which are additional reasons why a Cancer man might be attracted to a Pisces woman.
Furthermore, a Cancer man is likely to be in awe at how much they have in common with a Pisces woman, and most of them enjoy an almost immediate emotional connection.
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Should a Cancer man marry a Pisces woman?

A Cancer man and a Pisces man are a match made in heaven, and these two should definitely marry if they’re lucky enough to find each other and fall in love.
A Cancer man is very loving and nurturing and will provide the Pisces woman with the love and attention that she requires in order to be completely fulfilled.
When these two have sex, it is a lot more than mere physicality, as they are able to bond and connect on a psychic level that not many other zodiac signs have the ability to do.
Are there any zodiac signs that a Cancer man should never marry?
Every zodiac sign has other zodiac signs that they should never marry because it would likely end in disaster, and the Cancer man is no different.
Cancer men should probably refrain from getting involved with Capricorn and Gemini women, because they have very little in common with each other and their personalities usually clash.
However, even though a Cancer man may experience difficulty getting along with some zodiac signs, with enough love and willingness to compromise, any couple can have a happy marriage despite their zodiac signs.
Which zodiac signs should Pisces women stay away from?

Aquarius and Gemini are two zodiac signs that Pisces women should likely refrain from dating, if possible.
Aquarius men feel that Pisces women are overly sensitive and too needy, which is annoying and a turn-off for the Aquarius man.
The Gemini man and the Pisces woman are concerned about each other’s feelings to the point that they will refrain from freely expressing themselves to one another, and honest communication is necessary in order for any relationship to work.
Why is Pisces considered a “fish?”
The zodiac sign Pisces is symbolized by two fish that appear to be swimming in opposite directions.
These two fish symbolize that those born under the Pisces zodiac sign are open-minded, impressionable, and very receptive to new ideas and a new way of doing things.
Pisces women and men also feel like they’re sometimes pulled in opposite directions simultaneously, making it difficult to make a sound decision about many important things in life.
Why is Cancer “the crab?”

The name Cancer became associated with a crab because the word “cancer” means “crab” in Latin.
Cancers being referred to as crabs is appropriate, because not only are Cancers sometimes moody and can be considered “crabby,” but when they’re hurt, they retreat inside their “shells” and hide until they’re feeling better.
Are there instances in which couples of the most incompatible signs can easily attain happiness?
Astrology isn’t an exact science – it actually isn’t considered a science at all and is more like an art – and although astrology is relatively accurate, there are always exceptions.
There have, in fact, been couples of zodiac signs that were predicted to be each other’s worst enemies that have been able to easily fall in love and get along beautifully.
Although there are exceptions, when zodiac signs are predicted to be completely incompatible, these couples usually are in many cases.
What types of things does a Cancer man like to do for fun?

Cancer men are often very active and athletic, and they take pride in keeping themselves in shape.
They like for their partners to do the same, and some things that Cancer men like to do are go for long walks in picturesque parks, go bicycling, hiking, and more.
Cancer men also like being very romantic, so you can expect candlelit dinners, flowers, and plenty of kisses and affection.
What do Pisces women like doing for fun?
Pisces women like doing things that enable them to use their creativity, like singing, so they would love going out for drinks and karaoke.
Pisces women are also very romantic, so they will love the Cancer man’s candlelit dinners, flowers, and smooches.
However, Pisces isn’t very athletic and they like spending time alone, so they might not necessarily like going hiking and bicycling with their Cancer partner.
Are Cancer men good cooks?

Many Cancer men are fantastic cooks, and they enjoy cooking elaborate, filling, and delicious meals as opposed to going out.
They enjoy having others taste and critique their food, and they’re always seeking new and exciting recipes to try out.
Some Cancer men even enjoy growing their own food to cook with, such as tomatoes, onions, and basil to make hearty soups, chilis, and stews.
Do Pisces women enjoy cooking?
Again, Pisces women enjoy doing anything that enables them to be creative and cooking often involves a great deal of creativity.
Pisces women also enjoy being cooked for by their Cancer men, which is yet another reason why these two can make such a lovely couple.
Enjoying a candlelit dinner with her Cancer man who has just prepared an elaborate meal from scratch is like a dream for a Pisces woman.
Do Cancer men and Pisces women make good parents?

A Cancer man and a Pisces woman make excellent parents together.
With the Cancer man’s nurturing side and the Pisces woman’s ability to put herself in the shoes of her children, they will raise happy and well-loved children.
The Pisces woman will enjoy teaching their children to be creative, while the Cancer man will help the children with their homework and provide them with plenty of hugs and nurturing.
What would an ideal first date be for a Cancer man and a Pisces woman?
Regardless of where a Cancer man and a Pisces woman might go on their first date, the Pisces woman is likely to cause the Cancer man to fall for her right away.
The Pisces woman is so sweet and easy to please that it doesn’t matter where their first date might be, the Pisces woman is able to enjoy herself and all the doting the Cancer man is likely to perform on her.
A nice picnic at a park, dinner and a comedy show, or even a cycling trip with a shared meal will be perfect for these two.
Are Cancer men hard workers?

Cancer men have a great work ethic, and they believe in working long hours in order to take care of their families as well as to achieve any goals that they may have.
Cancer men can sometimes work for numerous hours a day and return home exhausted before repeating the same thing the next day.
However, when Cancer men are ready for a vacation, they ensure they have adequate time to unwind and really relax, even if it means being off work for two, three, or even four weeks at a time.
Are Pisces women lazy?
Pisces women are sometimes considered lazy because they enjoy lying around and watching TV or listening to music alone, as they need their solo time in order to feel balanced.
However, Pisces women do believe in working hard when it’s necessary, but Pisces women will rarely work the long hours that Cancer men do unless there is a dire reason to do so.
Pisces women won’t work just any job, as the job that they work must be worth doing or the Pisces woman would rather be doing something else with her time.
As you can see, there are many reasons why a Cancer man would like a Pisces woman, as Pisces women are emotional, loving, and creative.
Cancer men also have so many qualities in common with Pisces women that it can seem as if the two are made for each other.
A Pisces woman complements the Cancer man, which is exactly what a shy, sensitive, and nurturing Cancer man needs to feel happy and fulfilled.